Is this true?

Is this true?
I was reading some comments on Facebook and some random guy made this statement.

Caucasians were what you call Neanderthal today they were a nomadic barbaric race civilized by the African Moors and Egyptians also played a role in civilizing them they were living in the caucus mountains naked and savage to this day their stomachs can still digest raw meat think I'm bluffing RESEARCH it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>what is run-on sentence

It's 100% correct

>Is this true?

Take a fucking biology class. I really can't be assed to explain evolutionary biology to you, or how neanderthals aren't even the same fucking species as modern man.

Kek , at this point i can't even tell if it's satire or not . Niggers are the only people retarded enough to believe in this kind of crap.

ladies and gentlemen i present the mexican intellectual

But some blacks still walk on all fours today

no, i am neanderthaule and i am not barbaric

we wuz kangz n sheeit

Probably, but it doesn't matter now. Would have been something that changed before any documents were written (prehistory).

This is why we cant have nice things as mexicans.

Fuck off Puto Chairo

You leave Harambe out of this.


We evolved to walk up right much much earlier than we moved out of Africa

Seems legit

Really? Neanderthal's (cavemen) weren't even human. As in they couldn't breed with ancient humans.

The only correct response

i am going to report this acountt now, ty annon


>Really? Neanderthal's (cavemen) weren't even human. As in they couldn't breed with ancient humans.

this is how i know you are either actually mexican or a troll. Moors were middle eastern sand niggers, not niggers




Neanderthals could breed with early humans. That's why asians, whites and middle easterners have some neanderthal DNA

I'm an half black American living in Mexico for medical school.

I have doubts about that as I've heard people living today do have neanderthal DNA

Welcome to afro-centrism. To them everything decends from niggers, and white devils somehow exist from god knows (it always changes) what to white wash away their accomplishments.

Why do idiots feel the need to capitalize words they think need extra emphasis?

top bantz

Neanderthal's could and did interbreed with Homo Sapiens. The stereotype of them mostly being dumb cave men was completely untrue, and during the ice age surpassed modern Humans in many ways including burial rituals and basic tools. They vanished due to being unable to properly adapt once the ice age ended and generally being bred out of existence.

One theory on why white people have been so much more successful than other groups is because they have a proven higher percentage of Homo Neanderthalis DNA due to interbreeding so much in Europe, and that this helped them in the long run compared to other, more isolated groups of Homo Sapiens such as in Africa.

That is also why blacks have their own branch.

Wishful thinking science proves the oooot of africa shit

Actual results completely wrecks it.

Get fucked niggers. (in your huts- cause you are still in them)

Shut up honky u didnt even no english til we showed you fukin smal dick bitchass craka

Photographs didn't even exist until like 1860's.


if you think Moors were black, which i hope you arent assuming, then no wonder why you're doing medical school in mexico

>If you think I don't have the burden of proof you're right, I don't!
You could ask why whites have the same spine, suffer back problems, have the same weak front limbs that can't support shit, the same plantigrade feet, etc.
Or you could stop talking to them.


this is too good. glad black ppl taught me how to laugh so that I could enjoy this. 10/10 op

I legitimately can't tell what niggers actually believe and satirical infographics Sup Forums makes to fuck with the same niggers into saying increasingly asinine shit anymore. It's all shit

Not me, I even show you his Facebook post.


Decent bait friend.

This is correct.

Ayo harambe a good boy he dindu nuffin, he was tryna get his lyfe on track

The people that say this mistook the movie 10,000 BC as a historical documentary.

>Africans taught us to do everything
>not a single water mill or wind mill in the entire continent
huh, really heats up the brain Oven.

Thats an ms-13 tat.

Not mexican.

You tried


Who would do that tho? Go on the internet and tell a bunch of lies?

Yes, here is the proof you crackers need



>niggers 250,000 years later can't form a successful civilization
>they civilized white people


Wouldn't that make niggers more human than most whites?

what, you just have the gif saved in the very back of your documents?

just sitting there waiting for the perfect time to shine?

My biggest question about this whole KANGZ meme is what the fuck happened? Like blacks were kings and civilized the world and taught the whites everything they knew and suddenly the whites over took them and push them down to mud hut status?

Really? If they were so great and mighty what the fuck happened?


Season 2 of Narcos was great

Yup. Absolutely.
Facebook surpasses all history and recorded events to have some fast food worker tell you the truth that was hidden from you all this time.

Impressive. And weird that you have this saved on your computer.

All of you spics share the same failed mongrel bloodline.

>If they were so great and mighty what the fuck happened?
Racist climate change n sheet

Was on an old HDD that I had recently recovered and put on a second partition on this laptop, but I remembered I had it and thought this was the perfect opportunity to load it up.

Bueno chiste, Pablo.


do you have this actual image, and not the thumbnail?
I need to add it to my kangz collection

here's your (you)


>do you have this actual image
No, I couldn't find a larger one.

>implying neanderthals walked on all fours.
>implying they were even the same species as humans.
Stop bashing extinct peoples; it's not fair to compare them to niggers.

>muh white people and neantherdals
Hahaha pls. It's a retarded stormfront theory they used to jack themselves off. At most the genome difference between modern races and neantherdals are 1%.

Neantherdals never achieved any semblance of civilisation. They were, after all, cavemen.

>modern humans can't bury and make tools

>Is this true?
ye goy keep believing

Thanks Tyrone

they go back and forth on that point, whether or not they were homo sapiens, that is. archaeology only tells you so much unfortunately.

this is hardly the weirdest thing I've seen on this site, this was on Tosh.0 for crying out loud.

Google "jumping like a horse"
Try and find a brutha running on all fours.