Is liking winter/cold weather a white person thing?
I can't stand summer and the mosquitoes. I want 20-60°F weather. Fuck even 0°F is preferential.
Is liking winter/cold weather a white person thing?
I can't stand summer and the mosquitoes. I want 20-60°F weather. Fuck even 0°F is preferential.
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I think so. I'm so ready for fall and winter. Niggers aren't.
Uh yeah? Whites were made to endure that shit.
The thing is, I see more whites bitch about winter than negroes. I don't get it.
They are the weak ones. Winter cold is our friend.
actually from travelling people from the cold are always very intelligent, and people from warmer climates are lazy, not a white thing, just evolution, i mean go to argentina they have artic temp and their white as fuck
they are mixed, but just dont know it. One drop and you are forever tainted. I love the cold, as all true whites do.
I love all weather
Is good. I like. Very nice. Rapefugees freeze.
as a Skraeling, that lady is wearing too much clothes. A hat makes one too warm in swealtering weather like the 20-60 range
I prefer the cold. Heat drains me. Cold makes me feel more alive.
swedish winters can be comfy
I absolutely fucking hate when its winter cold, i dont mind if its still warm enough just to wear a normal jacket but when you need a winter jacket its too much
Nah its an opinion of someone who works indoors and has never spent a 70 hr week or better out in sub zero conditions
Yeah. I miss 0F in the summer. I miss 100F days in the winter.
I prefer the heat but nothing beats the comfy of the fall and winter seasons
Why did you forget about her Sup Forums?
>Is liking winter/cold weather a white person thing?
Probably. Our bodies evolved for the cold weather, I definitely prefer it.
It's a White man thing, which makes it the best kind of thing.
freezing my ass off feels more refreshing than sweating like a stinking dog. I think it makes me work faster too.
not whyte btw
Move to Alaska then
Doesn't like to wear shorts and t shirt
Obviously doesn't play any sports that don't involve computers/consoles
Doesn't like to go at the beach
Doesn't like to see topless/bikini/almost naked women
Doesn't know the bend of sunlight to the skin and overall body health
Doesn't know that long winters mixed with long nights (at extreme latitudes) lead to depression and drink problems
Confirmed anime waifu/basementdweler/fagget
>Summer makes my hair blonder but my skin darker
>Winter makes my hair darker but my skin whiter.
You just can't win.
Tfw mixed and love the cold and hate the heat
We found a solution to the alcoholism and depression long ago. Puritanism.
Yes. This sauna-like weather needs to fucking end. Bring on the crisp autumn air.
They're adapting!
Most Americans don't know how to dress for cold weather. Sneakers and skinny jeans aren't going to keep you warm, no matter how big your beard is.
Continental european climate is the best.
>summers hot but not too hot
>winters cold but you aren't freezing your balls off all the time
Winter is great, you rarely see any sand niggers roaming around, they're probably hibernating or something because crime rate drops by half.
Is it multiresistant yet? Try darkness!
I love the autumn lake-effect cloud formations that we get in the Great Lakes.
I love the southern culture but this heat is unbearable
I live in washington and it's still too hot here. If I could I'd move to alaska
Darkness is no good! They will just blend in, it's their natural environment!
I'm white but i hate winter it makes my blood sugar run high (type 1 diabetes) so yeah... fuck winter.
i hate the weather in texas always humid and hot as fuck most of the year
Look at this cuck
Being homeless during the winter was one of the best times of my life.
How can you be in one of the most northern states and still complain?
Also how's Washington? I like rainy, cloudy, chilly days with access to Oceans and forests.. Washington/Oregon sound like the place to be
I hate humidity with a passion honestly.
I like all seasons, I can appreciate any time of the year, any type of Weather. If you obsess over liking one season then you most likely have autism.
Tfw also love cloudy days with no Sun.
Fuck The sun.
whites have to deal with snow and ice to get to work, niggers don't work so they don't care.
It's decent honestly, we've just had some warm summers. I live at the south end of the sound, but I'd prefer being west of the olympics just for the extra rainfall.
This half-rainy half-sunny weather can fuck right off though, it gets muggy as hell and the sun reflects off everything.
Cold rainy days are real comfy though, especially when you're in the middle of a bunch of pine trees.
Probably some soulless freak. If you mix races your ancestor's soul has nowhere to return to.
Seattlefag here.
Most people don't know this but our summers are actually really hot and really dry. October-April is perfect though, nice 40-50 degree temps.
Our forests are awesome. I do most of my fishing and crabbing in Oregon but its good here too.
The only problem is a lot of liberal retards and hipster culture.
I love michigan winters. If it gets cold just put another fucking shirt on its not a big deal.
I hate summer. Fucking hot as shit and I sweat all day. Decent summer day around here I end up having to change shirts like 3 times. Theres mosquitoes and other bugs, you have to mow the lawn, etc...
Winter is by far the best season. I like spring here in michigan too, perfect partly sunny 60 degree days
are you bragging about being a vagabond?
Because she is deviant art fanfic cringe
>have PMLE/sun allergy
>practically unable to go outside in summer when the sun is out
>hate the heat/humidity
People never understand.
My body temp skyrockets in the cold so i can never wrap up too much (same as my white parent). 0 degrees is comfiest, especially when going for a run desu onii-senpai. I only really feel properly awake and alive in the cold.
I absolutely hate summer but I live in the Deep South next to a swamp so it's always humid as balls and mosquitoe city. Winter down here is the best it never drops below 20 and niggers tend to fuck off for the season.
>listening to dori on the radio
>constantly going on about how shitty seattle is
>homeless literally everywhere
I wish I could be further than 30 miles from that hellhole
Idk, my Dad is spanish as far back as the records go, but he got with my mother who is Guatemalan, yet somehow my mother has whiter skin than my father.
>go outside to sled
>raped by mohammed
I fucking hate summer, I hate it more than anything. Here we can reach more than 40 Celsius in July and August.
Bad that here in Winter we are just 15 - 20 Celsius.
I like winter, but i would love it more if we had more sunlight during the winter months. i seem to feel drained from not getting enough sun exposure. i get about 8 hours of daylight here in ontario at peak winter season, and the rest of the day is darkness. sometimes i will go into work before the sun has risen and go home after sunset. heck winter wouldn't be so bad if there was 10 hours of daylight in the winter. all im asking for.
Yeah the homeless problem is absurd. At UW the administrative cucks allow them to pitch tents on campus and sleep in the libraries.
They're always drug addled and always disgusting.
I prefer 65-70
Arizona western types do well in hot and cold. As for me, I have too much Southern confederate bullshit muh heritage to ever leave the warm parts of this country. Wish FL would quick cucking up this region though..
That sounds really comfy. I find myself daydreaming about being in a pine forest like that on a cold rainy day walking a dog seeing my breath as I hike in some comfy gear... Cause here its been 90+ everyday for the past few months humid as fuck and I sweat as soon as I leave my office
>blushing blue
fucking copper blood whore
Did you play a winter sport when you were young?
>Seeing all my fellow white men growing their beards, as if instinctually preparing for the cold
>I've had mine since last winter
Where the fuck were y'all when it was hard? If you can't handle a beard on the worst of days, you don't deserve one on the best.
I've taken a few long drives around ranier and they've always been relaxing. There's lots of good hiking trails and they're all real comfy in the fall/winter/spring.
For the most part in the summer, you really only need home A/C for a few days in july/august, the rest of it does pretty well with strong fans and shade.
>complaining about dry heat
>has never felt humid queensland heat
1. Fall
2. Winter
3. Spring
9000. Summer
Summer is the season for degenerates
No it has to do where you were raised. I'm latino (not -white) and only like the colder weather. Hot and humid is hell on earth.
Cold-loving master race here.
Meh. Lived in south Louisiana all my life, used to be a normie who despised the godforsaken heat, then had to go about 3 years without AC in my car. Something clicked in my hypothalamus and now I fucking LOVE the heat. Nothing like grass under your bare feet in the heart of summer. Fuck mosquitos tho.
Liking winter is a retarded hipster thing.
What the fuck is your problem?
You do realize there's more than 2 weathers?
Autumn > spring > winter >>> summer
Snow is safety
If you were to retire somewhere in Washington or Oregon whereabouts would you pick?
That's why we said 'whites', Huang.
how retarded are you my friend?
Damn, living down south for so long I forgot the coziness and beauty of untouched snow
I get 47C in the summer to 0C in winters
B/c it's summer.
forks probably
I am not your friend, retarded kangaroo.
>make a cup of coffee
>get comfy at my window desk on a snowy day at my university
>work galois theory proofs and shitpost on Sup Forums
this is how life was meant to be lived
I've always hated the cold, i've lived my whole life in the south so I love the heat.
>humid as fuck summers
>winters that rend the flesh from your bones with a light breeze
I dunno, I think I lean a bit towards summer, if only because Death himself rides the wind during winter. Love snow but fuck. Give me windless winters and you have yourself a deal though.
where in Michigan are you from? 517?
Yes. I'm only 1/4 nigger and i turn blue below 10 C°.
approaching maximum comfy
This is comfy.
>tfw it hasn't snowed here for years
The big one is coming soon, and I'll be ready to hoon around in the snow with my tarbo shitbox.
Black guy here, I far prefer the cold. Then again I do have white blood, very very little though.
I wish I had a comfy car like that
Gotta move to the coast. Humidity blows away and it's never too cold.
I love summer, except for the mosquitoes. They can fuck off and die.
Funny thing is I hate winter but I can stand the cold more than most people.
WTF no that is not a Michigan winter
Cold for you is not the same as cold for us.
>Temp drops below 5 C
>sheeeeiiit nigga dis COLD sure be nice
>temp actually gets cold
>nigger freezes and dies