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>implying shitskins aren't doing 10x worse shit 10x more often in places you'll never hear from
But sure keep getting cherry picked events made by a group with an agenda.
Look at them, they're white mane. Blacks don't do this kind of shit.
We need a good, proper war. It's been a while.
ICP fans are the lowest form of sub human garbage.
>a group with an agenda.
every group has an agenda. There is no group that doesn't have an agenda. Not sure why would would add this part.
So now you're saying Dailymail is not acceptable as a source of news?.
Where is a good reliable source then that DOESN'T have it's own agenda?.
>Blacks don't do this kind of shit.
Um, blacks invented this kind of african witch doctor tier bullshit
what the fuck planet do you fucking come from, you fucking black american retard
So why was he arrested if she was fine with it?
yeah they do.
Fpbp juggalos are the closest whites have ever gotten to niggerdom