What? Is this real?
What? Is this real?
Yeah, but does it really matter what they do in their free time.
whats is wrong with this
wtfI hate Drumpf now?
No seriously who fucking cares? Besides Cheetas are the equiviant of bears and mountain lions in Africa. These two are doing the villagers a favor.
is dogger ok?
woah really makes you think
pretty based
>doing favors for niggers
wtf i hate trump now
That is what men look like, stop being jealous you faggot.
It's a leopard and leopards are endangered you troglodyte.
reservation hunting. Thins out the herd and provides funds to keep reservations running.
It's amazing what you can do with a quick google search, eh?
This is that ugly ass son of trump isn't it? Ugh, first the beautiful jewish baby and now this. What have you become, /pol.
>Cheetas are the equiviant of bears and mountain lions in Africa. These two are doing the villagers a favor.
i'd rather africa was teeming with beautiful wildlife, fuck the villagers. so, i wont thank those two. cheetahs are endangered dude
im not against the hunting, quite the opposite, but we shouldnt be killing exotic, endangered animals.
It looks like some guys went hunting.
Wtf, I hate whatever unknown thing it is that shills think I should hate now
awww he's hugging that sleepy leopard! what a great guy!
Sleep well, sleepy leopard!
Here's a tip. If you let the populations regrow, you can start hunting without guilt and potentially wiping out the wild species!
Win, win! All it takes is patience and self-control.
All of which these tools lack.
>loves wildlife and very concerned about endangered species
>not knowin the difference between cheetahs and leopards
They're like coyotes in Pooinloo Land. They live in super urban areas and live almost entirely on stray dogs. Leopards are no doubt the most adaptable big cat in the Old World.
they should make a reservation in africa where you can pay to hunt niggers. i'd pay a lot of money to do that
i rescind my comment then.
im serious though, Id rather see animals run free and shit
How do it taste though?
To be fair, most big predators, namely lions, that are killed in this manner are elderly males that would almost certainly never breed again. In many cases, selling the life of the animal to a couple rich boys for 150K spares the animal from a grueling death by starvation, and provides funds to buy guns and uniforms for rangers, who in turn defend the still breeding animals.
It's a crap deal, but one that generally benefits the species as a whole.
sad thing is most of Sup Forums would probably rather fug a leopard than shoot one.
You do realize they likely paid thousands for the right to hunt this legally?
Those funds are going towards helping parks increase and maintain the populations of endangered species.
Sup Forums is rampant with trapfags, not furries that would be I'd love to hunt a leopard. They're clever fucks, so you can't just bait them like a bear. You have to know his territory, and you have to hunt him at night. Certainly the hardest of the Big 5.
>it's not wrong when rich white people do it! In fact it's GOOD!
dogshit. You're no different than niggers and Chinese making ground up tiger power for their dicks.
>killing animals for fun
There's no truer mark of a degenerate. Trump and all his wretched progeny should be cast out of our society. There's simply no hope for people like this.
>Go on vacation to Costa Rica
>Driving across the countryside
>Space out and day dream about stalking a big cat through the brush with an m14
A man can dream.
>I didn't read user-kun's post: The Post
I'll spell it out for you, assuming I'm not being rused.
The animals being shot are no longer making babies. The people protecting the animals get LOTS of money for doing this. For the price of one senior animal, half a dozen can be protected until they start breeding.
ok reddit where's my upvotes? XD
Why is it that we care about endangered species?
I care for the well-being of animals but why should we value the life of an endangered animal more than the life of a common animal? If the species' extinction would have negative affects on the ecosystem as a whole I understand the argument - but it seems most endangered species could disappear and we'd be just fine.
Is it just vanity? Do humans just like to marvel at exotic creatures?
Being mad doesnt make it not true. That leopard dies, but who do you think is paying for conservation?
Greenpeace and PETA are too busy wasting money on shitty celebrities.
Here in AZ, our game and fish uses no tax money for its operating budget. All the money they use for herd surveys, conservation, relocation etc etc comes mostly from hunting licence and donations.
Upboating epic Sonic OC
You realize that hunting elderly and sick animals helps the population grow? Oh wait, you know literal fuck all about conservation.
>Why is it that we care about endangered species?
Depends on the animal. Wolves are vital to the ecosystem. They were wiped out from the Lower 48, and as such deer populations exploded. There were more deer than hunters could shoot. They ate crops, competed over grazing land, caused car accidents, and all sorts of trouble. Only with the return of the wolf did the deer menace begin to recede. Other animals like Pandas, are cultural important.
>Is it just vanity? Do humans just like to marvel at exotic creatures?
Sometimes yes, but it's not all hippie dippie bullshit.
unfortunately this is entirely correct, it would be better if we could just get the rich to donate money, but sometimes the benefits out way the costs.
>it would be better if we could just get the rich to donate money,
Not even then, really. Culling old, territorial, and aggressive males in particular helps the population grow, as those males will claim females despite but being able to produce offspring.
just because they are endangered doesn't mean they are good. polio virus is endangered but that doesn't mean it is a good thing.
>inb4 'muh muhjestic animal' meme
Not to mention it can be a mercy killing. Nobody want to be the old and ousted lion with no teeth.
>falling for the violent animals should be protected meme
Yeah let's breed these human killing machines some more. What could go wrong? Kill yourself.
What a badass!