What are some Sup Forums approved foods that will improve my stool health? My poo is like type 5 and 6 in the diagram. I would like type 4, sausage and snake like. What foods will help me reach this stool Goldilocks zone again? I don't like beans
What are some Sup Forums approved foods that will improve my stool health? My poo is like type 5 and 6 in the diagram...
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Just drink some fiber with water before you go to sleep dumb strayan
>a literal shitpost
tfw hemmorid
Prisoner shitposting has reached a new level.
im gonna post a serious post, i only get 3 and 4... just dont eat vegetables
Stop drinking alcohol.
bran muffin
They are just so on it. Spry thinkers.
Are you on welbutrin?
what the fuck is that
Here's one of mine from a few weeks ago.
Mine are 6/7. I'm ascending into kek's glorious max shit posting stage. Excited to see what's next.
My shit was like 6 and 7 for two years.
Then it stopped.
I wonder what that's about.
where are you going with this
#1 is rabbits or deer who the fuck shits like that.
Causes weird shits, dumbass.
Eat loads of fruit and veg
I'm strictly a type 4 guy. It's firm and comes out clean in one piece, so I hardly have to wipe. Sometimes they are long, and sometimes they are too long and clog the pot. I am happy with my stools.
eat more fiber and vegetables and get some dried beans too.
>i dont like beans
tough. eat them. half a cup gives you 100% of dietary fiber
you;re eating a lot of fastfood probably. eat healthy
Non shiptposting, no alcohol as well. And yogurt and shit. Drinking a lot kills your good gut germs. Takes a week or two but they get better.
there is no saving this board
My poo is a very dark, almost black, brown and has a greasy sheen. Other than that, it looks like Type 4 but there's so much of it that it is more like a coiled spring. I also shit up to three times a morning. What do you guys think?
>but why would you not wipe after every-
>check flag
It's political. Indians can't even poo in loo to such an extent they have to have PSAs and shit. Public hygiene is a thing in countries other than your privileged ass area, shitlord.
Is it bad to have type 1?
No lie.
Type 1 Master Race reporting in
I do wipe, but there's usually not much there, so one wipe is good enough.
Not to mention the dark, --- blood.
How my mom died.
Usually alternate between 3 and 4. Sometimes I'll have really painful 2 that will tear my anus up something fierce.
That's dehydrated.
Eat some home cooked meat with a high fiber vegetable medley side like with lentils and shit. You can get them in bags that steam in the microwave. Alternate between chicken, steak, and pork. Season that shit and grill it up.
Not possible, I eat 3 cloves of raw crushed garlic every morning.
I drink all the time though.
A glass of orange Metamucil morning and night, cobber.
Eat more fiber. A bran muffin in the morning for breakfast. Also drink more water. You should pee once an hour, and it should be clear in color.
>tfw you wipe your ass and there's nothing on the paper
Eat more protein and fiber.
Its obvious you've only been eating carbs and fat.
>You should pee once an hour
wrong. that's too much. i mean if you;re chugging water that might be the case
>tfw born just in time to buy shit from girls over the internet
what a time to be alive
No, that's how you know you are properly hydrated.
Do you have salt too? can't absorb water without salt.
dude you're only supposed to be peeing like 4-8 times a day. and having clear pee isnt always good. the best is barely yellow. like barely yellow. clear can be bad. look it up.
No, if it's yellow then you're not drinking enough. Which will happen naturally for instance if you're more physically active or it's warmer or you're stressed out. You might sweat more, so your urine will be darker. But that just means you need to drink more water.
Just don't forget to replenish your electrolytes. A good rule of thumb is one glass of juice or sports drink to 4 glasses of water.
Serious question here...
Everyday at around 8:10 - 8:30 am
I sit down for a 40 minute shit and go thru each of these types in one shit.
What the fuck does THAT mean
Mine varies between Type 1 and Type 4. Oddly Type 1 is easy as fuck to pass and there is hardly any wiping. Type 4 fucking sucks sometimes its so hard to pass it gives me hemorrhoids.
Type 1 is the true master race of poop
Rice, Eggs, Grain fed, free range meat, Vegetables.
I have immaculate shits
read this since you're clearly in the dark about it
I swing between 3 and 4 unless I eat something with soybean oil in it (hidden mayonnaise is the most common culprit), soy throws me straight to colon-cleansing 7 with uncontrollable gas and drawing more fluid out of me than I remember drinking. I can build up a bit of a tolerance but it's always bad. When I had been out of proper civilization for two years and came back, I ate one meal with hidden mayo and missed my plane hours later because I was noisily trapped in an airport restroom stall with everyone who passed through laughing at my plight.
Eat healthy whole food. No processed shit or fast food, ever. Eat more clean protein, like simple baked chicken or fish. Make sure to eat veggies every day--don't cook them to death--and salads a couple of times a week (with GREENS, not tons of meat and creamy dressing and cheese and croutons). Soluble fiber is great for keeping you regular, not too hard or soft--we do a pumpkin/apple/coconut milk smoothie a couple times a week, works a treat. Add cinnamon, it's tasty.
WTF why are the women in my life not raking in the dough anonymously selling their shit to weirdos.
I mean, talk about an easy way to make a living. kek
Oatmeal add apples for more fiber
A grown man should get 30-35g of fiber a day
1 cup of oatmeal has about 8g 1 apple has about 5g
Fruit, leafy vegetables, and nuts for the rest of your fiber
Whatever calories you have left over use it on meat and dairy