Daily reminder

In Canada, on average, Quebec
>Has the highest IQ
>Has the tallest men
>Has the biggest dick
>Is the nation with the highest aryan genes
>Is the most creative
>Is the most talented in all fields
>Has the best soldiers
>Is naturally bilingual, thus superior to monolingual Anglo scum
>Has the best aesthetics on both women and men
>Has a carefree attitude, no stress, longer lives
>Has strong nationalism, compared to the rest of Canada which has zero

Some bonuses:
>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario, tied with Alberta (even though its economy is about to crash)
>Has some of the laws considered the most racists by (((them)))
>Quebec was Canada before any other province, thus making it the country's founding nation
>Quebec has the strongest culture and started every single stereotype about Canadians
>Quebec is Canada's masterrace

>inb4 butthurt Albertans
Sucks to suck, oil ain't payin much now, eh? Faggots.
>Inb4 angry Brits defending their old colonies
This isn't your fight: Canada is rightful Quebec's clay, gtfo
>inb4 Quebecboo
Fuck off faggots, you're not welcome here

Other urls found in this thread:


your a dorable
literal frogposter back to reddt
open a book

also thanks for making why flags ruined pol ground zero with this thread

very insightful

fucking canadians

You forgot cutest accent

OP doesn't get laid

Quebec is really based honestly

>Butthurt Canadian was so upset we cucked hin he exiled himself to the US.

>frog posting
>thinks readers will believe the virtues of intelligence and beauty apply to him

I have nothing against Canada, you guys are alright.

However, OP, you yourself are a fuckwit.

Also leads on:
>Highest net debt per citizen
>Needs most gibsmedats

Quebecers are the niggers of Canada.

>'s major cities are being taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood, just like everywhere else in the west
>has an aging population and a much lower proportion of Canada's population than 20 years ago (from 35% down to 20%)
>'s own White francophone youth speak English to each other, even when no anglophones are in their group, in a bizarre display of cultural collapse which I've never seen anywhere else

You're basically the next Gaelic. Good luck.

Pretty based but you wouldn't last a week out of Canada, those burgers would swipe your asses like tinder.

>graduate and start work in BC
>job i did for years taken away by union cuz of seniority
>go on ei
>move to Quebec for vacation and curiosity
>fall in love with the culture
>now learning french

Rest of Canada is just another version of the United States. Québec is the most authentic Canada gets. Also, the girls are better and dress like women. Like, they actually dress féminine.

I know I have to leave eventually, but I dont wanna go until at least next year.

Quebec is high on the Equalization because our Provincial government handles a lot of what the Federal government does in other provinces, so we get the money that would be spent for those services instead.

That and we have a huge population of seasonal workers which eats up a lot of benefits, but that you can't really get rid off since the seasonal work is still important work that needs to be done.

>Highest net debt per citizen

Only reason this isn't Ontario is being Ontario is constantly inflating its population with massive immigration. But it won't take long, since Quebec actually manages to get a deficit 0 budget often while Ontario now has to beg its citizens to give up their tax returns so it can shrink its massive deficit.

The decline in the French proportion of the Canadian population is due entirely to immigration. Immigration to Canada has always been a way to reduce the French proportion of the country.

>That graph doesn't show Quebec has also contributed the most to it and all other spheres not taken in consideration in the equalization payments
>But muh Alberta oil paying for your culture
Not my problem they're cucks.
>Quebec's major cit(ies).
You mean Montreal.
>Quebec French's youth talking to each others in English
I've witnessed this once, it was a prank some highschool kids pulled to trigger other Quebecois.
Stop saying random shit with anecdotal evidence.

>Has accents on e's

Nice try Pierre

>>'s major cities are being taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood, just like everywhere else in the west

That's blatantly wrong. There hasn't even been a single mosque built in Quebec. All the "mosques" we have here (and there's maybe a dozen) operate out of rented commercial space of multipurpose buildings. We also have the strongest anti-Islamification laws of all the provinces. And the lowest immigration of all the big provinces by a lot.

>>has an aging population and a much lower proportion of Canada's population than 20 years ago (from 35% down to 20%)

That's also because we have the lowest immigration. Birth rates in Quebec match or somethings beat those of Canada. But Canada is going hog-wild on the migrants while Quebec is more conservative and also has worst migrant retention.


Niggers of Canada everyone.

And anecdotally, people are still having kids. Just that there are lots of boomers so the numbers look off

We don't need gibs, but we'll glady take them away from some Indian immigrant in Toronto. We're doing you a favor.
>Likes to pretend Canadians are mighty seal hunters wearing beaver hats
>He doesn't know it's mostly snow niggers that hunt seals
>He doesn't know the manly beaver hat wearing lumberjack stereotype started in Quebec and only applies to us.

>Stop saying random shit with anecdotal evidence.
It's ubiquitous. I observe it all the time and it's most definitely not a prank. For Americans who don't understand this, imagine a random group of white blonde-haired blue-eyed youth casually walking down the street, speaking in crappy Spanish to each other.

I am actually a poo-in-loo Sikh. :)

Also, I changed my phone so that it has French as its main language, which helps with immersion.

>thinks beaver hats have tails

Time to go to bed Pierre, I'm sure your second day of School will be eventful.


I honestly wish that one day we'll have a CanPol thread where the Anglos understand how Federal transfer payments work.

Let's take the Champlain Bridge as an example to explain it.

The bridge is owned by the Federal government. They built it some 50 years ago, but hired non-Quebec engineers and construction firms to do it, and did a shit job of it (like they didn't build any drainage for water on it) and it's already being replaced. The Quebec government asked to get ownership of the bridge so they could build and manage it properly, but instead the Fed wants to keep it. Because they keep it, they pay for it. So now you'll see hundreds of millions, if not billions (depending on how incompetently the project is handled) go into Federal transfers to Quebec for years just for this project.

You can do the same thing with any other Federally owned infrastructure (of which Quebec has the most), military bases, etc...

>It's not anecdotal evidence
>Proceed to use anecdotal to prove it's not
Dude. You're trying too hard to look stupid. Tune it down, you might get Canadians to think you're one of them.

they want us to fight amongst ourselves, OP is just a shill wasting out time

>Nigger/spic sides with gibs

Colour me surprised

Lmao Quebec exacting tribute from her subjects.

Keep working Anglo Chinkapooloo! The gibs won't pay themselves.

The weak should slave away for the string.

Yet you're still part of Canada. Frogs can't do anything right.

The eternal Anglo is not my kin.

You rigged the vote in 1995 to keep us with you. You must really liked getting cucked by the BQC.

It's harder to collect tribute from you and fuck your women as a sovereign state vs. in the same country

You begged them to stay.

one quebec added to my kill list

Can quebec sustain itself if they separate?

>citation needed

No, see

Why doesn't Canada just let Québec become it's own French speaking country. It'd be interesting to see if they would end up getting cucked here. Also what's the deal with francophones, speaking French is quite faggy.

>Can quebec sustain itself if they separate?

Yes, amply. Quebecs problem isn't money, it's a relatively rich state with a 100 billion $ annual budget. Its problem is that it spends too much.

If it separates, there would need to be drastic cuts to its social programs, specifically health care (which takes up a whopping 51% of the total budget) and education (25%).

Yes. Quebec has a gdp similar to Alberta and enough ressources to compete with most countries.
The problem we're having right now is heavy corruption based on a bi-party system that elects the single same party every election for the past 15 years. They run on the same excat campain every election: our economy is terrible, let's not leave Canada.
It's a vicious cycle, while they dump as much immigrants as they can on our asses.
Leaving Canada would negate their whole platform, thus bringing back Quebec to a solid economy.

The rest of Canada doesnt deserve us...
We are too good for them to accept us anyway with their inferiority complex...



Maybe I think English is a gay language


2022 with Lisée.


>Yes, Quebec can sustain itself
>By drastically cutting vital core services, some of which literally sustain human life, i.e. healthcare

English defeats any other language in terms of written language for scientific research and mathematics. Keep on cucking on francophone. French speakers feel entitled to superiority for speaking a dead language.

Video Related:

>>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario, tied with Alberta (even though its economy is about to crash)
>Quebec population - 8.215 mil
>Alberta population - 4.146 mil
Eat shit frenchie

I believe they have the right to. I think it's the people of quebec that have voted twice against separating

>2022 with Lisée.

That shit's not gonna happen. The PQ is dead. PKP was it's last chance and they fucked it up.

As long as the PQ and CAQ remain two different entities and we don't have fixed election dates to force a coalition, we'll keep being ruled by "20% French support, 77% non french support" Liberal party.

Damn, this cartoon sure made me think

>Alberta has oil
>Quebec doesn't

Why are Frenchies so based?

If "buses of people from Ontario who are here to vote on referendum day" and "shitskins who just received citizenship" count as the people of Quebec, that is

>>By drastically cutting vital core services,


It doesn't need to be drastic. And you don't need to cut into the vital core services. Just the bullshit abusive ones. Our healthcare system is filled with abuse case, and we drastically over pay our doctors. But what else can you expect with a fucking doctor as prime minister.

We could also stop paying education for people who take 3~4 degrees in a row, "eternal students" who will never actually use those degrees to work and repay it.

No, but it represents a future for French. Basically your language will die off since it does not hold a strong hold in Science, Mathematics, and Economics. Keep on Cucking on.

You guys are such a master race that you require my province's tax money to keep you afloat.

Tell me more anecdotes to laugh at.

CAQ is where it's at right now, Lisee was too much of an anti-Catholic fedoralord anyway

The funny thing is in France, they laugh at the Quebec accent for not being "French".

ReadNo need to cut there.
I know. Caq needs to fuck off and Quebec solitaire needs to go back to Russia.
Centuries of heavy catholicism.

>Quebec uses 2.86 of federal funds for every 1 dollar it contributes
Fucking leeching frogs get OUT

This may surprise you, but people actually teach those things in French here, and do their work in those same fields in French.

We make fun of the French for having extremely effeminate accents. What's your point?

>>Quebec doesn't

Quebec has lots, but oil is in direct competition to its Hydro power which is its main non-tax source of revenue. And HydroQ is sitting on tons of excess power and stored-up water.

The only way oil could make Quebec money is if HydroQ does the extraction, refining and selling themselves.

Also a lot of the oil and gas happens to be located under the most fertile farmland in Canada, which is also densely populated.

This myth was dismantled by 3 different anons in this thread in 15 minutes. Nice try, eternal anglo. Keep the TV turned on, more brainwashing at 11.

>Caq needs to fuck off
No, PQ needs to fuck off. They're the shadow of a husk of their former selves. CAQ has some fucking amazing people in their ranks.

>and Quebec solitaire needs to go back to Russia.

That I agree. I'll always remember blasting Obama and praising Trump while sitting right next to Francoise David at a Frite Alors in Montreal. Cunt got red in the face and left in a huff.

No shit Sherlock, the real question is are they actively being funded to write scientific, mathematical, economic, research papers in French? Probably not. Look man I don't hate French I actually kinda like it. I just hate how french speakers think they are so superior to everyone. It's off putting to say the least. Before the massive amount of mexican immigration, French was actually the most popular second language to learn in America. I just hate the attitude associated with you faggots.

>anons posting anecdotes

wew lad

I agree with that, francophones act like stuck up faggots. It's a cool language it's just I don't like their gay ass attitudes towards anyone else trying to learn the language.

Based. Honestly, QS takes aways so many votes from other relevant parties, it's annoying.
The only thing that would make me vote for the CAQ is if François left and Lisée took his place. François is such a faggot.

If Quebec is so great why haven't they produced any good animation like France has?

There was no anecdotes. Simple explations of money flow through Canada. We could go in depth, but that wouldn't change your attitude. I could bring up sources, but they're in French, thus superior to what your Anglo brain can handle.
Here in Quebec we're eager to teach it, we don't have a negative attitude toward people trying to learn.


You forgot #1 cuks.

Also, kill youreselves.

So people from Québec are nice about it, while Frenchies act like total douchebags?

>François is such a faggot.

Meh. He's a populist and an opportunist. He's much, much better than fucking Dumont was. I wouldn't say he's good, but he's acceptable, and much better than Couillon, Charest or Marois, all of which get the PM position.

Anyway I'll keep voting CAQ as long as en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Jolin-Barrette this guy is in my district. He's too fucking good not to vote for.

>Quebec never been a net contributor
>We contribute n' shieet

Franco """""intellectuals"""""

quality pepe.

have this in trade.

I don't know about France, but here we love spreading our culture and sharing it. Maybe you had a few bad experiences.
Better than everyone you listed, but they were garbage-tier. I don't like his opportunist style, it's an always shifting politician going for the "i'll do what Quebecois tell me to do". As I respect that approach on democracy, that kind of attitude leads to women voting and more immigrants. A real leader should say what's what. What's his end goal and then bring people to his cause to acheive it.

>Going for the equalization payment memes
>Can't bother to look beyond the only thing he has against us
>Doesn't know it doesn't take in consideration every other ressource
>not even aware there's money flow that isn't taken in that calculation
>Is spitting "wage-gap"-tier charts
Wew lad

Quebec literally leaches off the entire country. You just keep bitching "WERE GOING TO LEAVE SO GIVE USS MORE OF LE DOLLARS", the rest is the country is like; ok please do, then your like "WHAT ABOUT LE CULTURE, AND LE BILINGUAL HISTORY" and were like meh, then you bitch some more hold a referendum rig the results and expect people to give you more money so they can fund their drug addiction and publicly funded universities.

>Quebec yearly Budget: $100 billion
>Equalization: $8.5 billion

>Total Federal Budget: $290 billion

I wish I understood why people cared about equalization so much. At least talk about total federal transfer payments. Not just fucking equalization which is barely more than a candy.

>The referendum was rigged by us so we could leech off some more
Kek, I actually laughed.

>I can't disprove what you said so let me compare it to feminism

You realize Quebec gets a disproportionate amount of everything right? EI, Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer everything.

>In January 2014, there were 29,370 Albertans and 51,810 B.C. residents collecting EI benefits, for a combined total of 81,180 EI recipients. Quebec, with its smaller population, had 142,000 people collecting EI. It’s one big reason that residents of Alberta and B.C. paid $28.5 billion more in EI taxes than they collected in benefits between 1981 and 2009. In the same period, Quebec residents collected $6.8 billion more than they actually paid into the program.

If you were redpilled you'd realize threatening to leave every 5 years and then accepting more gibsmedats is the ideal scenario for oui-oui's.

You're from Canada. Literally you have a prancing faggot as your leader. You have contributed little to nothing to the global stage in the history of your existence aside from maple syrup. When is the last time anyone had to take you seriously? When was the last time someone was talking about anything happening in your country seriously? The Halifax explosion? The October Crisis? Face it, you're forever hanging off the nuts of someone far more powerful and prestigious than you. First England, now the US, and should the US ever start taking a dive you'll line up to suck the cock and balls of whoever will be your big brother figure that everyone is afraid of.

Face it as a country and a people you've contributed about as much to history as Greenland. People know where you are only by virtue of the fact you take up so much land mass for so little importance, that and you're next to the states, which is your only claim to fame.

So yes, a fucking leaf. A pathetic, useless leaf, from a pathetic, useless country.

Quebec is based if you get far from montreal because there will be no shitskins running free

You got $20 billion in total from the Feds. Slightly less than Ontario which has more people and a bigger economy.

This is how quebec """"balanced"""" their budget.

>Implying I am trying to disprove it
Your charts are right, just as wage gap charts are. Numbers are numbers,you can pretty much twist their meaning, just like the wage gap charts.
Are that dumb?

>Receives more in Equalization payments every single year than they pay in
>Your chart is twisting the meaning of numbers!

This is getting sad Pierre.

ReadI am not typing all of it again.

>it starts in 1957

Oh, you shifty Anglos

Best soldiers? Im pretty sure the English beat your ass, and your all on welfare living off money from Alberta. You frogs would be nothing without Canada, you be a bankrupt another worthless french colony without the anglos.

>A formal system of equalization payments was first introduced in 1957.


Are you the same guy who's posted this like 5 times or do all Anglos just think exactly the same?

Still mad France abandoned you to get cucked by the eternal Anglo

>Lower Canada and Upper Canada were joined because Upper Canada was in debt
>Quebec financed the construction of the railway and all other infrastructure out west

Pay up, Willy

The Anglo beat the French. We had a small revolution and it was a small militia vs the British Empire.
We make up all of Canada's elite soldiers.

Damn, never heard the leech meme. You really made me think. I am now a #cuckfortrudeau like the rest of you.

wow this was pretty insightful, OP
you ought to separate from Canada and fully become your own sovereign nation -- at least then you would no longer have to have that shitty leaf flag

We'd have 4 flowers.

Basically this, France traded all of Quebec for Guadeloupe and regarded it as a failed colony.

Voltaire said Quebec was just
>"a few acres of snow"
>"quelques arpents de neige"

They didn't care at all about Quebec, so the eternal Anglo gets them to this day.

>superior in every way shape and form
>residents bitch me out for smoking weed by saying I'm supporting "biker gangs"

You're full of shit you know

it's easily 75% better than the red leaf

You should steal Martinique's unofficial flag