Is Sup Forums actually blue-pilled? Blacks are violent because they live in impoverished areas, and they live in those areas because they are forced to; blacks live peacefully in upscale neighborhoods, until they are told they have to move because a Starbucks is going to be built on the plot of land that their house is on and an impoverished area is the only place to go. Blacks are victims of the kikes--as we all are--and the victim of my enemy is my ally. So stop blaming the victim, Sup Forums, and do your part to join whites and blacks in unity against kikes.
Is Sup Forums actually blue-pilled?
You sound like the blue pilled one, user. Or this is bait
>Black people are the victims
Yeah no
They're in the position they're in because they allow themselves to be
I see poor white people all the time and I dont see them bitching and moaning about being oppressed because they understand they're where they're at because of their own fault
Black/White identity politics (like BLM) is used to distract people from the real divide which is the one between rich and poor.
Tryavon Martin lived in an upscale neighborhoods, he wasn't peaceful until Zimmerman showed him what happens to Uppity Niggers.
This is correct. But I still hate uncivilized niggers.
>Blacks are violent because they live in impoverished areas
Poverty doesn't cause crime. Crime causes poverty. Look up statistics of crime during the Great Depression as well as before and after. Even when a great portion of the population lost their jobs, crime did not go up significantly.
>Blacks are violent because they live in impoverished areas
Not likely.
pure ideology
Shitty neighborhoods are given to section 8 housing for poor people. By poor people I mean lazy single mothers on welfare.
Nothing is stopping poor people from getting an education and making their lives better, except for themselves.
That's not a valid comparison because poor great depression families still had good values. Even if you suddenly lose all your assets, how you were raised and what you teach your children shouldn't immediately change.
The issue with ghettos is that these values are non-existent. Family values don't matter and most black fathers aren't even there. Kids are raised by gang members and rappers and the media telling them how to be "cool." This means not getting an educated because "Real niggas" don't need an education.
I've always thought "white privilege" really means "rich privilege".
>Blacks are violent because they live in impoverished areas
Blacks never had values, even in africa it was written how they would steal each others children and sell them into slavery, African "Kings" wealth subsisted upon the slave trade with arabs, jews, and later on white europeans in the colonial era, even to this day slavery is a major economic factor in africa, the niggers worst enemy is the nigger.
Whole post a lie and blame placing, self victimisation.
Options incoming
consider this, rural communities are way more spread out.
crime has always been an inner city issue.
take some stats where you have poor whites in inner cities with decent population density and its going to fall in line with every other race.
poverty is not the biggest indicator of crime, its location.
But your points validate mine even more.
>poor great depression families still had good values
That's probably the main variable. Modern blacks and families in the depression were both in poverty but had different values. Those values keep them from engaging in crime.
>Family values don't matter and most black fathers aren't even there.
Bingo. So how are you going to keep from commiting crimes when you have no morals (or at least not strong ones)? They are more likely to kill, rape, steal and that puts them in jail. And if you have a recurring criminal record it's hard to keep a job. Plus you don't learn any skills that lead to good job leads. That keeps fathers away from children, young men from getting jobs and keeping them, staying out of jail.
All of this comes down to strong morals and values.
>implying any of these literal demon, kike shills are going to let you unify
Sounds like your entire argument is "It's not they're fault, they're just niggers" which is exactly the point.
>take some stats where you have poor whites in inner cities
Feel free to present them to back your point.
Explain how being impoverished makes you lose your common values because you're imply poor people have no sense of morality.
And you're changing your argument from your OP so I now know you don't know what you're talking about and simply want to whine about poor niggers to feel better about yourself
Just like how the Jews push "white privilege" as a red herring to distract from the fact that Jews are by far the most privileged group in the history of forever.
>we cannot blame blacks for being easy to manipulate and being downright inferior to every other ethnicity. nothing is their fault
don't you have a store to rob treydelashawn?
Asians move here and live in abject poverty, often in the same neighborhoods as blacks, and within a single generation their kids become doctors and pharmacists and engineers.
I just want your black women. Them men can jump off a cliff
Why is it affluent and high IQ areas are majority white?
Exactly. Faced harsh prejudice for many, many years too. They have come out fine because they took responsibility for themselves.
>black people allowed themselves to be slaves and segregated so they deserve it
Ummmm no.
>Blacks are violent because they live in impoverished areas
Above all, blacks are violent because it's in their genes
>blacks live peacefully in upscale neighborhoods
No they don't. Trayvon is a great example. Gated upper class neighborhood where his dad's fiance lived, and immediately after he moves in, a rash of break-ins happen, resulting in responsible residents like Zimmerman being extra vigilant. Coulda been an opportunity to turn his life around, but nope, starting fights at school, breaking in to people's houses, buying ingredients for illegal drug cocktails, and getting violent when someone puts a stop to his potential looting.
No the Christians on pol are red-pilled. The rest are basically red-pilled they are just isolating humanistic creeds present in Christianity without realizing it
>Child who thinks the faulty IQ test is a signaler for genetic dominance
pol doesn't realize how bluepilled they really are.
Daily reminder that the "manlet" meme is a blue pill to keep the majority of the male population feel "beta"
Reminder that 86% of the male population is under 6'0" (and 97% under 6'2"). The "manlet" meme is meant to make the majority of all males feel worthless and discourage them to pass their genes. "Just watch porn, give up!, you have no chance!". Despite the fact that 86% of men being "manlets", proving that evolution has shown that manlets genes have survived and reproduce more than 6'0"+ genes.
Yes, taller men have privleges/advantages that shorter men do not. As do men with full heads of hear, nicer jawlines, better noses, etc. No, this does not make you useless. No, this does not make fucking women impossible. No, this does not making fucking really, really hot women (even tall women) impossible. You are being fed the "manlet" jew to keep yourself down.
"Manlet" posting is a cuckold culture, it equates being taller, bigger, more muscular (aka, like the Big Back Cock) to be superior. It is embracing interracial cuckold culture. Wake the fuck up. The majority of people on this board (and the world) are "manlets" and you're letting a vocal minority make you feel like shit.
I use manlet for under 5'7 or so. 5'7 is already fairly short too. At below these heights, the vocal cords sound like pre-pubescent betas.
Agreed. I don't fall for the meme that manlet equates to under 6'
>blacks live peacefully in upscale neighborhoods
Cool story, tell me again how it's not blacks fault for being violent, raping, uncivilised, retards.
>1 post by this ID
sage and move on boys we know they're retarded monkeys
>1 well sourced post by this ID
Read that all on a reputable website I see.
>ummmm no
Nice argument faggot, nigs have been lazy as fuck since slavery ended, they coukd've easily been at the top of society, but they were lazy. The proof of this are the chinks, they got imported at the same time as slaves/niggers. Only thing is, they werent even worth anything: a nigger was property, a chink was a tool. Fun fact: niggers stood ABOVE chinks on the social ladder. After slavery ended the chinks worked their asses of and many generations later they're all doctors, lawyers, etc. Meanwhile a lot of the nigs are still in 'da hood' doing jack shit.
See pic related
.t krokodill addict
>Blacks are violent because they live in impoverished areas
Other way around. The areas are impoverished because blacks live there and drive out business by making the place unsafe.