Got this letter for US Customs and Border Protection
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Got this letter for US Customs and Border Protection
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Well they're monitoring you now but I'd say deny it if they have nothing on you, they just intercepted trash/spam mail addressed to you, correct?
Just ignore it, if ever questioned you had no knowledge of it.
If they were going to arrest you for whatever it was, would have been a controlled delivery and would have smashed down your door.
I have like 3 of them and never have had any issue, just ignore it.
You are....going to do nothing
>Call me Mr. Dilbert
Let me guess.
You tried getting modafinil, didn't you?
(assuming it was anabolics, just get a mailbox at a fedex place and have guy resend...if it was benzo/opiate/upper, they may watch your name a few years)
it says the substance in upper right hand corner.
Why the fuck were you getting benzos online?
Tell them to give you your drugs.
>demand it say you are a muslim voting hillary.
The notice says lorazepam.
from where?
the fuck is lorazepam anyways
if you can't get a dr. to write you for ativan, you have bigger issues than a monkey at the post office.
but no, not an issue for you.
>the fuck is lorazepam anyways
it was cheap as fuck and it was legit product with the original packaging. like 40 cents per 1mg tablet.
easier than bullshitting a doctor to get some chill pills.
i prefer etizolam now since its legal
I need more details than this but it looks fake
T. DEA liaison for uspis
You are now aware it's possible for your mailbox to be a drop location.
A dealer can case a residence, record the mailing address, and send for packages to be dropped at such and such a house.
He knows about what times a person will check their mail, and on what days. With this information, he can attempt to intercept packages he has ordered on your behalf.
>what about neighbors or acting out of routine?
Obviously he wouldn't pick a house with such variables being erratic.
>there's probably easier ways to get stuff shipped without leaving a trail
Of course, but not every scheme is the easiest way. Some are counter intuitive intentionally because someone in an office will read it, do some mental math, and rule it out for being strange. These are the criminals that have the same racket going for years and then seemingly get caught doing dumb shit.
came from a South African pharmacy which is well known to LE
Recovering benzo addict here.
Most people just order analogs of other benzos that aren't classified as illegal at the time of purchase.
Ordering lorazepam is just retarded.
>A dealer can case a residence, record the mailing address, and send for packages to be dropped at such and such a house.
You've been watching too much CSI, goy. Why is it worth the risk when there are 17 million illegals to choose from with addresses who will take it for $5, and sign for it in sanctuary cities?
Only happens on TV.
Its a benzodiazepine. Also called Ativan. Used to treat anxiety disorders, sleep issues, OCD, agitation, seizures etc.Likelihood of dependence is high, withdrawal symptoms suck and its often abused.
If he's trying to get it without a doctor's prescription (and generally family doctors don't like to prescribe it), he's probably gonna have some issues.
>t. lorazepam prescribed user.
Basically this, I thought the way to play it safe and legal was to go etizolam?
It's really weird they'd confiscate lorazepam. I'd have sent the package on its way opening a dossier waiting until you actually bought real drugs. Some intern took his job too seriously
I got the exact same letter in 2011 and nothing happened at all. I was scared shitless at the time but then nothing ended up happening.
Just tell them you are abandoning the seized goods, or don't reply which is exactly the same thing.
Can you read? If they really wanted you they would have you already.
you lost money and are now on a list
are you really such a big dipshit that you had to ask?
>popping the medical Jew
I hope they send you to Guantanamo OP.
No-where. We have enough normies on that site anyways.
it is so easy to get so much etiz powder
not good if you can't control yourself though
I don't know I always got mine from family members, and it was mostly lorazepam but there was some clonazepam and diazepam as well.
I would recommend getting off that shit because it's fucking awful if you run out. You'll run out at some point and go through terrible withdrawals.
ignore it, seriously, ignore it
anyone here telling you to reply is retarded,
well i got 30 packages to that address and that was one of the only ones seized. all from South Africa, various benzos usually 90 packs
It explicitly says nothing will happen to you. Don't be a degenerate and stop buying drugs.
you're fine. if they wanted to arrest you they would bring the package to your house and try to get you to sign for it. just don't ever sign for any packages when you're expecting drugs and they cant do shit
Oh, after that I started ordering heroin from the deep web, and I mean all in all, atleast a dozen thousand dollars of it, to my name, and they never found out, which is surprising if what said was true and they opened a dossier on me. The thing they got me for was a fake ID from Malaysia but they never got the thousands of dollars of heroin.
I kind of wish they would have, I ended up getting addicted and my life is utter shit now.
love letter. your golden. Nothing will happen. Your address is burned for future use though.
Find a better dealer.
You're fine. Nothing legal will happen to you. If they wanted you, they would have done a controlled delivery (deliver it, hope you open it, then raid your house/apartment). I guess if you are trying to get a security clearance or job with the government you'd be fucked, though.
I buy generic propecia from India. Am I on a DEA list do you think? Been doing it for 10+ years at least.
I've never tried to buy any mood altering drugs.
They can't do shit until you claim ownership of said package. If it gets delivered and requires a signature, refuse it.
>we got 1/30 of the drugs
Yes we are basically useless. You'll be fine, if I tried to arrest you for buying benzos that aren't xanax and you aren't buying it by the pound they would take me out back and shoot me for wasting their time
Quick. Send me your XMR.
good to know.
I am aware the pressed alprazolam bars in huge 1000-packs are getting LE attention
>buying cheap propecia
You probably aren't even on a list. We might occasionally open your package then send it on its way.
what you usually do is write in black marker as soon as you get it (return package:sender unknown) and wait a day to open so if it is a controlled delivery, they won't arrest you.
never sign for it. if the guy is really insistent on sig in a weird way, it's a controlled delivery.
but unless you are ordering H like the idiot in this thread, they usually don't care.
>actually posting in this online
>inb4 anonymous
This site archives posts and ips for a certain amount of time
Holy fuck. Fuck poor people. You deserve to have your money wasted, simply because you didn't want to play fair and buy your meds at the same price as EVERYONE ELSE.
posts are archived eternally by off-site archivers. I speculate that IPs are archive eternally by goot.
I live in a different state now m80
>being a benzo monkey
Come think of it I've bought some viagra too, but usually it's pretty shit. Nobody has raided me yet or sent me any letters.
>that aren't xanax
why is xanax such a huge deal above other benzos to DEA? Dr. was telling me it's on DEA watchlist now, I don't get it when valium isn't.
same basic thing.
would be such a bitch to prove anything now
if they wanted to prosecute they wouldn't have sent a cute warning letter
>40 cents per 1mg tablet
Thank god for the argentinian super-light restrictions on benzos.
Although adhd medication and opiates are similar to cocaine in price and dificulty to obtain in the black market
>The sexual side effects of finasteride (decreased >libido, trouble having an erection, ejaculation >problems) may continue after you stop taking >this medication
Stop taking that shit, it kills testosterone.
There are darknet vendors who have obtained high-volume pill presses and make realistic looking fake xanax bars but with 2-3x the dose of alprazolam.
I think I had some side effects when I first started taking it, and I agree, it surely can't be good to take. That said, I'd be bald as fuck if I didn't take it.
>wanting to do prescription heroin, prescription meth, and benzos
argentina, you must be better than this. i thought you said you were white?
shit is the opposite of smart drugs but feels so good without the alcohol hangover and breath
how much do you pay?
the cheapest I've gotten online is 25 cents for 5mg diazepam in semi-bulk
Brand recognition. Fentanyl is current years hot item
these are pretty hwite drugs tho senpai
you can get something like 1000 doses of etizolam powder from China for like $80 -$200 depending on what site has it in stock
Also this nigger knows what's up
fuck me. I don't get it mailed and not playing victim, but the Jews will literally be carrying out my body after a seizure if they crack down anymore on it.
In NYS, it's already an electronic script (everything is) and max 90 a month, when was on 180. Not gonna stop with this stuff.
>why is it worth the risk?
Because people still walk into banks in broad daylight without masks trying to rob it.
For most people committing a crime at all isn't worth the risk. For some people, the connections are available to mitigate the risk. For some other people, they have some insane situation that makes certain decisions just the best they've got.
is it strong enough to xanax to where it will keep me from seizuring and it's still legal?
based on experience?
They took 2kgs of raws from me once. Thank fuck for resends
OP says 2015...
I mean it is a straight up benzo
I'm sure at a 1 to 1 dose compared to xaxax the xanax is a little stronger but etiz is longer lasting and just take a little more
and by saying it is a straight up benzo I don't mean it is illegal I mean from a chemistry standpoint is does the exact same thing legally
Again, that's CSI thinking. Have heard one story one like that in my life, and it seems like the idiots fucked up the address.
that's not an impulse crime, it's a calculated financial move. so, if the person if there you either lose money or have a murder on your hands now?
Don't try to sound tough and experienced, it's not fun or glamorous. i've known a lot of dealers of all kinds of shit and users and have never heard of that, but for one Tv Scare Segment the Jews probably made into a Tv episode.
the letter took nearly a year to arrive... lel
am i on list for ordering mail order bride?
no, they're degenerate as fuck. 0/10 for getting me to reply.
If they got a judge to set them up a controlled delivery they are going to pop you even if you don't answer the door or touch the package
Avoid this by being white, clean record and a high earning taxpayer.
i won't share vendors here but you can get legitimate blister packs of etizolam by credit card from USA vendors, price ranges from $7-13 for a blister of 10 x 1mg (1 mg etizolam = 10 mg diazepam)
Why would you risk that with benzos instead of something actually useful like steroids?
They said they aren't prosecuting you, so it could be worse
Why were you too retarded to just a prescription for benzos?
You're fine, it's what they call a "pink letter" basically just saw that your address will be watched from now on when getting mail, so basically you can't buy drugs anymore or you'll go to prison cause now they are paying attention
because benzos make you feel alot better than steroids and are mentally and physically addictive
>wasting money shrinking your balls just to get some vapid slut
fucking lucky they didn't pop you. Guys who used to deal in volume in anabolics, it's like a class 4, (they never cared bc wasn't going to get them promoted and wasn't hurting anyone), if you lose like that much gear they will resend.
Before goybook and jewggle, the entire net was like a "darknet." no one openly sold coke or H, but anabolics or benzos were out in open, no one cared.
thanks for current year.
this lol i get roids off alphabay
That letter is as much news to you as it is to me.
If you get my drift.
>seriously though, do a better job next time
Just turned 29, feel like too old for this shit now. I've never made it anyone else's issue, would much rather just use dr. and be a good goy.
don't know why they need to go further and further.
An hero, you filthy druggie degenerate faggot.
It means nothing. They took your shit and now they are watching you.
don't order any more drugs online for the next 5 or so years.
You're not. You can't help what people send to your house, it isn't illegal to receive a package. What you do with the package is potentially illegal.
>You tried getting modafinil, didn't you?
Why the fuck would someone do that when adrafinil can be obtained legally?
In a just world, you wouldn't have gotten a letter but a bullet to your brain stem.
I've been buying from China since 2005, before Raw Deal it was a lot simpler and you could get your stuff tested at SRCS, then the pre Olympics faggotry ruined everything.
This was the only stuff that got popped and I was paranoid as fuck on the resend (went to a po box in a different state, different name shipped via europe to make extra sure)
Don't take those risks anymore, I have enough gear for a lifetime lol
I don't know about modafinil but you can only take adrafinil about 4 times before you have to take a long tolerance break
the idea of being careful with "sender unknown" was guys who were were ordering bulk anabolics from europe. you can maybe create some reasonable doubt to maybe save your ass if a local DA asshole with nothing to do pressed you.
That was when Dan Ducahine wrote about steroids before patriot act when they needed a warrant to open US mail domestically.
they no longer do, so it's a moot point I guess.
land of the 'free' where u can't even order some pills with your own hard earned money to help calm you down a bit
same, I'm done with it. Used to be a cool guy in thailand who figured out how to put oral anabolics onto paper (kinda like acid), quality was great, reliable, polite guy (sent emails to wish happy holidays).
they arrested him out of nowhere. Poor fucker must still be in thai jail if not dead already.
>needed a warrant to open people's mail
This triggers my paycheck
can't fuck with the alcohol monopoly in a corporate dictatorship
Cause moda is better and potentially easier on your liver
such a shitty drug that does nothing. I got 4 refills for it. All it does is make me have to go to the bathroom