If God is all powerful then he cannot be all good.
If God is all powerful then he cannot be all good
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Good cannot exist without evil.
>what is a tautology?
There is no scientific evidence indicating that God exists.
>applying purely human concepts to a transcendent, metaphysical Creator deity.
But this is wrong, you retard. God is under no obligation to right every man-made wrong on Earth. We are to blame for them, not God. The very fact that he chooses to forgive our numerous sins and lets us enter the kingdom of Heaven to live a life eternal is telling.
Supes should've backhanded him for that edgy emo shit
Maybe, but they did not adress that.
I have no idea if there's unironic theists on Sup Forums of all fucking places or if it's all satire.
Fuck you, eternal life sucks.
Stagnation forever with no actual end to look forward to is just another concept of hell.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, won't get fooled again.
what if god was one of us
Unironically this
I hate the idea of heaven, unless you have personal control of everything and thus can create your own adventures and lives and shit, the idea that I'd be in one place for eternity would drive me insane.
It's why I prefer the idea of reincarnation and loosing your memory of your previous life.
But that's how it is, as written in the only right holy book the Qur'an
(insert ISIS Pepe holding up Index finger)
Yes he could.
Clearly you're confused about what all powerful means.
you could probably just put yourself to sleep permanently or something.
Unless heaven is a place beyond human understanding, you moron. Every fucking day
>God is bad cuz a nigger killed my sister, where was god then
God must then also be bad because he gives you the freedom make your own decisions
heaven is a boring concept because you project your faggy boring human life into it. It transcends our existence. It isn't a kingdom of earthly pleasure because you transcends passed earthly desires
>Hurrhurr he actually answered my post, how fucking stupid, religion sucks I hate my stepdad Garrett for making me go to church!
praise Allah
What the fuck are you going on about?
The Gospels have that concept, too.
>In my Father's house, there are many mansions.
Six hundred years earlier.
>I can resolve the problem of evil, debated endlessly for centuries by the brightest minds in human history, using a quip from my pastor
You make me sad, user.
Just a slob like one of us.
Heaven would be eternal bliss due to your closeness to God. Hell is knowledge of the fact that God exists, but that you are eternally separated from Him.
I'm a Buddhist.
>God is under no obligation
That's exactly the point of the problem of evil. If God has the power to prevent evil, but CHOOSES not to, then he can't be omnibenevolent.
It's actually a three-part paradox. Classic Sup Forums pick two:
>All good
>All knowing
>All powerful
>Pick 2 and only 2
The movie dropped the "all knowing" leg of the paradox for thematic reasons, but you'll appreciate the problem better with it in place.
If you know about an evil and have the power to stop it, but choose not to, then you cannot be all good.
If you know about an evil and want to stop it, but cannot, then you cannot be all powerful.
If you want to stop evil and have the power to do so, but don't know where and when evil occurs, then you cannot be all knowing.
These are three qualities commonly attributed to God, but reason dictates that God can, at most, possess just two of three. The theological apology for this paradox is
>You just don't understand!
The laziest apology in history and one satisfying exactly nobody. It's never convinced a skeptic and the believer is annoyed because, secretly, he isn't convinced either.
Just a stranger on the bus.
We really can't comprehend what it would be like.
I'm going on about redditors shitting on religion because they take concepts that are supposed to go beyond human understanding and then put human understanding into it as if that doesn't make sense. Like when people say heaven is boring, or try to humanize all powerful god and say "well he's a badguy because cancer exists" I'm not even heavily religious but one of the major takeaways of the Bible is that god is all powerful, beyond your comprehension, and so too is heaven. Heaven isn't boring because you transcend beyond petty bullshit like boredom.
>applying purely human concepts to a transcendent, metaphysical Creator deity.
Define good.
There was a short period of time within the last year where people were shitposting pretending to be Christain across all boards but it ended pretty quickly.
There are still pockets of this meme and retards that thought they were in good company still posting like that.
God isn't real so who cares.
>and the believer is annoyed because, secretly, he isn't convinced either.
I'm a believer. I'm convinced. It's the "all-knowing" part that people get hung up on, because they only look at it from a human perspective. It's very much the same perceptual dilemma that arises from trying to imagine a universe without *you* in it. You can't. Nor can you comprehend a universe, a multiverse, an omniverse, an infinitude of omniverses nested within a greater macroversal totality that still isn't the totality of the Creator who thought it into existence.
All travails, all adversity, all suffering and "evil" is transitory, and it can mean everything or it can mean nothing. It is up to you to impose meaning upon it, to give it purpose. Where therein, then, ariseth "evil"? Within the heart of man.
The Shadow knew this.
In an infinite universe there is an absolute possibility that a god exists
Yeah but you can't prove there are infinite universes and even if you did the parameters for "god" existing could be uniform no matter the quantity.
0 x infinity = 0
: ^ )
Trying to make his way home.
Now :^)
Yeah you don't sound heavily religious at all, for going off on two large, seething tangents over one meme post.
That sounds rather unspecific. How would life in heaven be? What could I do with my eternity?
Sell me on heaven senpai.
Nobody callin on the phone.
Where in the Bible does it say God is transcendent? You realize transcendence vs. imminence is one of the oldest unresolved debates in theology, right?
And metaphysics doesn't imply irrationality.
Sure you can. You're actually committing a little trick. What you mean I'd that you cannot visually imagine a thing without, ipso facto, imagining that thing from a specific point of view. The trick is you're implication that I have to identify myself with that POV, but I don't. I can "comprehend" D-Day without myself being involved and I can imagine Saturn without my being there.
And God is very specific about what He considers evil. It's a long list.
God transcends everything ass wipe,
Oh you know that because you read it somewhere?
"Men with power obey neither policy nor principle. no one is different, no one... is neutral"
>thinking an omnipotent being has to play by your silly rules
>>someday ill go to college and take intro to philosophy and think im really smart!
How can one be so sure that their god is the god.
You're still applying human concepts to transcendent creations
Explain what living in an 8 dimensional plane of existence is like it is beyond human comprehension. You are trying to take something beyond the human realm of comprehension and apply it to a 3d model.
Effectively explain to a dolphin what paying your taxes is... It is simply beyond it's understanding, there are so many many many elements in doing so that would fail even at step one for a dolphin to understand such a concept or even the attempt at communication.
This is explaining heaven to people.
Revelation 21 has a fairly detailed physical description of it starting from verse 11:
but that's not really the point. The earlier verses of that chapter talk about the lifestyle, clientele, etc.
This. God could be said to be Lovecraftian in his designs and motivations.
We'll let's take one item from that long list - murder. Let's take it to the next level, even:
>The law telleth thee that thou shalt not kill. Verily I say unto thee that thou shalt not hate, for he that so doeth hath committed murder in his heart.
There it is again - the wellspring of evil, no more eradicable than the free will inherent within it.
This is actually right on. I'm surprised a post in Sup Forums would know this.
You are absolutely wrong about the "comprehend" remark. You have know way to experience something you haven't experienced. What you are doing is actually experiencing, or comprehending, what you have already experienced been exposed to. Its like how an illusion is not real, no matter how real it may seem.
It reminds me of mathematical concepts like limits. If you take a Reimen sum for a limit, it literally goes on forever, but the farther you go, the more precise you become. However, you will never reach the end.
I like to picture God as a Kafka-esque badger.
Thanks user. I get the basics, but I do have a hard time explaining to people why they would actually want to live that way. To me it always gets reduced to "well if you're a Christian, God is more than enough to fill you" which seems like it would be unconvincing for a non-believer.
>Implying comprehend = experience
>I AM a transcendent being living in an 8-dimensional plane.
The Book of Straight Out of user's Ass, 3:16.
That works. The occurrence of murder is a great example that you can plug into the paradox engine. The fact that murder occurs means that God either doesn't want to prevent it (not omnibenevolent), cannot prevent it (not omnipotent), or lacks sufficient knowledge of those occurrences to exercise his will (not omniscient).
If He wanted to stop murder, was capable of stopping murder, and knew enough to intervene before it happened, then He would. That follows of necessity from possessing the three traits. The lack of intervention means one or more of these traits must, of necessity, be absent.
Stop making excuses for God.
If he truly exists and we are his children, then he should be responsible for his creation.
I am much more inclined to believe that God does exist and that he is evil, for such a cruel and hellish universe seems too calculated to inflict as much suffering as possible.
Humanity is ugly and cruel. We torture and murder each other over the pettiest of things, yet I'm supposed to believe that we are God's children and that He LOVES us?
We are a reflection of how twisted and sadistic God actually is. "So God created mankind in his own image" indeed.
TL;DR God is evil
>I am good, I'm a human, heaven is kind of like a chuck e cheese but all your friends are there and they never run out of your favorite pizza, and it fills you up but you can keep eating if you want without getting fat, and your mom brought your report card with all A+s, not that you had to study, but because you are so naturally gifted, and you get all of these tokens but then you find out it's free arcade Friday so you don't have to pay. AND THE STRIPPERS FROM ACROSS THE STREET ARE ALL HOT AND DONT HAVE STDs AND YOU CAN FUCK EM AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT WITHOUT GETTING TOO TIRED OR BORED!
The book of you're a fucking moron, 21:3
Correct, but if everything was all good all the time, life would suck
Red herring.
We're not talking about Heaven. We're talking about the problem of evil, referenced in BvS and debated throughout the history of philosophy. Please stop changing the subject.
How is it possible for murder to occur if their is a being who wants to prevent it, has the power to prevent it, and knows how and when to intervene to prevent it? Spoiler: it isn't possible.
This but unironically
Because within the scope of infinity, pain and death are negligible
I don't get it.
but how did the Universe came to be?
So, God = evil
God is beyond good and evil
[tips fedora]
Wrong. God doesn't say "within the scope of infinity, pain and death are negligible." What an edgy feint.
God says you shall not murder. That's God's will, that humans not murder each other. Regardless of how negotiable that is from some scope, his will like clearly that it should not happen. You can't evade the paradox that way.
Can't we stop murder, too? Isn't that sort of the point?
>Not even Superman can be everywhere at once.
>Then what good is he?
>What he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in, someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough.
Destroying this forced Superman dilemma in 30 seconds.
That's not a paradox. God is not human
Can a human stop all murder everywhere? No, because we're not omnipotent nor omniscient.
What are you even trying to say? God not being a human in no way resolves the paradox of evil.
Do you really think you're so clever that a pat answer could solve a problem guys way smarter than either of us wrestled with? This thread has so much arrogance in it. Everybody has an answer, nobody is questioning their own assumptions. The answer is obvious! Like every answer, user has 'em all. He's got it all figured out and he hasn't even finished school!
God by his very definition would transcend everything
Why not?
The notion of applying human logic to God is silly to start with. Maybe these philosophers are smarter than you but you need to understand that god goes far beyond humans finite understanding.
>So god just gets a pass then
Yes, god is not your neighbor who got that promotion you wanted, he is not your friend that has a hot wife while you fuck a disgusting slag, he is the ultimate being. He does not have to conform to your stupid rules of what constitutes good and evil because he is the alpha and omega. He does not have to follow human logic because one vital step to understanding even the concept of everything is knowing that there are things you do not know and as such some things don't follow your very boxed in view of how everything should work and how God of all things should be.
allahu akhbar
holy shit trips after quads
>debated endlessly for centuries by the brightest minds in human history
This hasn't happened.
What about natural disasters that destroy countless lives
The blame lies nowhere but the feet of God
God is not a servant of man, man is a servant of God.
There lies the problem with the whole concept of god. Worship and servitude
Sure, and a good master doesn't kill his servants
but that's not true. if you have the power to save someone with no risk to yourself but say "nah they got themselves into this not my problem" you are still morally wrong.
>Limited perspective on suffering: the post.
Is it not good that god brings you from death to the kingdom of heaven? So let's say we are arguing god is good or evil, we must at least first agree that for the purpose of this argument, god exists. And if god exists, is it not the ultimate good to allow you into the kingdom of heaven, a good that far surpasses any conceivable human wrong....
See above
what the fuck even is this argument since you are now trying to measure the worth of good and bad.
doing something good does not erase all the bad you have done.
He does not simply allow access to heaven otherwise why would there be sin? Also heaven by who's definition exactly; Would a heaven be the same as a pious mans heaven or is heaven simply one long mass where we fallate god?
>Is it not good that god brings you from death to the kingdom of heaven?
No, I'm not a Cathar.
you are judging morality by human standards. Why would god intervene when he would rather grant you salvation through death
The heaven that people go to is(in the Bible) described as a single place, but again, heaven is beyond human understanding, it is a different plane of existence and should you reach heaven you will have transcended human existence, you'll love it, because God made heaven to be a place that you will love, I don't personally know whether you get a section of heaven or how that works, only that it is a plane beyond human understanding and that you will love it.
You keep looking at god through a human lens of perspective.
"The notion of applying human logic to God is silly to start with. Maybe these philosophers are smarter than you but you need to understand that god goes far beyond humans finite understanding."
How the fuck do you know, you tard? Infact, how *would* you know? How *could* you know?
>How can you know?
There's this neat little book called the bible.
Job 36:26 is what you want though
>The notion of applying human logic to God is silly to start with
This may be true. But than all religious ideas fly out the window because that god of yours is basically random generator for humans.
Heaven by its definition is a holy/ pure place where all wants and desires of man are fulfilled but would the heaven of a sadist or pedophile be the same heaven as a devout man would it even be sanctioned
That's why the Bible is important, if there was no Bible and we accepted that god exists we would have lots of trouble understanding what it is God wants of us, hell even with the Bible people still argue over his mesage
You're missing the point tgat Sups can be killed, that it can be done without Kryptonite and that atheist Soviets/Russians were closest to BTFO "The God" as his plotarmor allows.