What is the point of even letting it exist?
This place has no culture or history and even its flag is a fucking meme.
Just give the country to the abos for fun and have the whites return home.
What is the point of even letting it exist?
This place has no culture or history and even its flag is a fucking meme.
Just give the country to the abos for fun and have the whites return home.
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Should have killed all those pesky abos when we had the chance
What is the point of even letting it exist?
This place has no culture or history and even its flag is a fucking meme.
Just give the country to the natives for fun and have the whites return home.
Australia is one of Earth's two legitimate governments. The other being New Zealand. Any nation that doesn't use instant run-off voting is not actually ruling with the consent of the citizens.
What is water said the fish, everyone thinks they dont have culture. Culture is just a set of social rules and traditions you have. We have that.
And history? do you think we just popped out of thin air? how can you be this retarded of course we have history. We just dont have civil wars and shit because our country functions so well.
And let the chinks have all those resources without paying? Fuck no. They want it they can pay the queen's tax like god intended.
You have to go back.
I want to argue a Republic is better but looking at you guys it doesn't really seem to be the case.
Were a fucking colony. Our culture is that of the british
>the whites
Someone has to stay to help kill the dangerous wildlife so it doesn't spread and the Abos kept just throwing sticks at shit.
>no history
If we got any recognisable history, it's our criminal history which is better than no history at all
Gtfo leaf faggot lmao leaf thinks he's welcome here
In gr7 I learned that Australia was made up by criminals
>no culture or history
>he forgot the Emu Wars
Ahh Ned Kelly, our national hero who died while wearing a trash can on his head. Fucking Australian as fuck.
>county of criminals is superior than all but 1 country on the planet
Other than Noway Norway, I don't see how you cunts live with yourselves.
Austrailia's a shit-hole, but it seems to be the only Anglo country that is being totally cucked up the ass by SJWs, muslims, and niggers. It will probably be the last bastion of white civilization as we know it.
Pls leave.
Shit hole? I don't think you've ever been to Australia.
From the thumbnail I thought she was sorta floating in mid-air, propped up on a giant brown futacock
I really only believe that because censorship seems like its almost Germany levels of fucked, and video games are cost way too much.
>being inferior to potato farmers
>calling other countries a shit-hole
Would 20M Aussies spread throughout Europe save or destroy the continent?
>no history
Please check the top left of the flag. We did not spring out of the Earth on the first Australia Day. Our people have a pretty good history as far as histories go.
We have R18 ratings now, average new game cost is $79AU so about $60US. Not sure what games are brand new there. The meme of high cost games is people going to ebgames for what ever delusional reasoning.
Australia is the perfect laboratory to compare modern white humans against older, less evolved species.
Yes, but eventually we'll let that go bit by bit and our future generations will resemble the changing demographic
What the fuck is this even ranking?
Hmm, I thought the gov was trying to get taxes on games purchased digitally as well.
Probably will. Our GST is going to apply to all imports soon or does already.
So if I buy a sweater from a store in the USA, pay $60 to have it shipped to me, my government thinks it deserves a 10% piece of the action for some reason.
Those are both outdated points. May be remembering wrong but there was a bill proposal for a tax on games and streaming but it didn't go very far. Physical imports however.. If you really wanna bash anything legit look at the price of homes. Boomers fucking us again with billions buying into the rent scam.
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and income per capita indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.
We have culture, we just need to return to our British and Celtic roots. It seems like we have no culture because we are ruled by people who think Australia is an Asian country, and degenerate bogan niggerdom is promoted in the media as trueblue aussie culture.
Probably save it.
Imagine the difference during the Brexit vote if Australia was allowed to vote. Probably be 70% leave.
The quality of Australian shitposting has earned them a right to exist on this planet
>Tfw a fat American steals the dubs like they steal the chances for the superior Japanese and Germans to take over the world.
>No Culture
Hueland doesn't actually exist, really.
It isn't a nation.
It's not a great country but we're one of the least cucked western nations left, for the moment at least. Europe is fucked, Canada is fucked, UK redeemed itself slightly with brexit but it's pretty far gone, the only livable options left are basically the US and here.
Yes, say what you will about the cities being mostly Asian, but I'd prefer Asians to mussies and I guarantee Asians wouldn't tolerate the muslims running around chopping everyone's heads off.
Fuck Australia. Absolutely terrible place. Dangerous critters everywhere. Anything common in Australia will kill you in mere minutes.
The country is in an absolutely terrible state with rampant crime, pollution and police brutality!
It's a really bad place. Don't put it upon yourself. Europe is where you should go there is plenty of jobs and welfare cheque to pickup there.
No fuck off Chink posing as white
We don't need to have either Muzzies or Chink/Gooks when we can have none and be 100% white. Fuck you and your it's either death by mudshit or death by Yellow trash. I'll rather the glorious Anglo master race turns Australia into a lush white mans paradise
An asteroid is headed your way. Even space is trying to kill you Australians lmao
Face it, we're going to be a client state of China in the next 15 years.
Just move to Europe. Europe is very safe multicultural place!
Not with based Pauline Hanson in
Stop being a defeatist cuck or some crypto Chink we're 92% white unlike Americas 60% and there's rising anti-chinese and Muslim sentiment especially with all the ISIS threats and the south China sea with them hacking our census.
You make me sick you fucking slant eyed fuck I'm glad my Grandfather shot all your disgusting species
Honestly, this. Our literature, our arts, our very nation is entirely cucked by "white guilt," in current year. Our history hides the fact that aboriginals were nothing but tribal ape trash, and pushes the "noble savage" meme. The truth is found, of course, in the hellholes that the aboriginals currently live in, which are basically cut off and almost hidden from the most relevant areas of the country.
Advantages of australia (for its western allies if there is ever a full blown war)
-strategic location just below asia that is hard to conquer due to size pf the coastline
-can produce an absurd amount of food via agriculture and livestock etc
-tonnes of ores that would be needed for weapon production
-tonnes of black coal, not so needed for power but absolutely essential to good steel refinery
-worlds largest supply of uranium. We can keep your lightbulb on indefinitely via nuclear and your fossil fuels can go to the war effort. Nukes are an added bonus
-our internet is so shit we can never get hacked by a foreign military cause the connection will drop out (Abbott was secretly a genius)
why are you strayan cunts so small?
>From the thumbnail I thought she was sorta floating in mid-air, propped up on a giant brown futacock
think you've been spending too much time on Sup Forums friendo
>according to women
Not only is this bullshit skewed by how stupid your women are, all the one inch micro penises thanks to chinks in our country sway the results
>canada isn't full of asians when it's convenient
classic microdick straya
>implying canada has anywhere near the amount we have
Try again snow nigger
Preach brother, you have discovered the truth about your people.
Are you the village rapist?
Disband the federal government and let each state fend for itself. It's the only solution. ChrI Stian right can have qld and nt, faggots and leftists can have Victoria and eastern nsw. Western nsw to join qld and nt. South as and WA can do what they want.
Just because you don't see the culture, doesn't mean it's not there:
>They want it they can pay the queen's tax like god intended.
Says the country that rebelled against tax.
Initially. Far more were free settlers.
To be fair America has kind of strayed from the principles of our republic towards "democracy".
Popular election of senators in recent times and such
>If you really wanna bash anything legit look at the price of homes. Boomers fucking us again with billions buying into the rent scam.
If we stop selling them to the Chinese it'll crash in time.
We basically already are. We sell them our houses and we sell them citizenship after they go to uni for a few years. They're buying farms and have bought ports infrastructure.
M8 I'm 7 inches around.
I'll fucking glass you in the face with some culture cunt
It's not like the tribes in all these countries pushing white guilt narrative didn't fight the settlers either, they wanted us dead. Basically we are told to feel guilty because we were better.
This, i.e. fuck off we're full.
Mate the OP is a leaf with a proxy
Fuck off with this we dont have a culture you dog cunt.
If you live in the city and are an effeminate Nu male faggot maybe, but everyone else who doesnt is more "Australian"
I visited England, Wales, Germany Austria and Italy, and we are very different from other white countries
The Germans are all autistic about cleanliness and efficiency. They were a mixture of horrified and fascinated I swatted a wasp dead in front of them, and told them about capturing huntsmans in a bowl and throwing them outside.
Explained about "She'll be right" etc, they were all fascinated.
Hated that I eat Kangaroo though, fuck em.
I work out and do Powerlifting, so I looked out of place in Italy and Germany, they all play soccer and have skinny or soft bodies.
Got alot of looks and comments, had to explain alot of Australian are muscular from AFL, Rugby etc
TLDR; Fuck up you dog cunt
OP is a city dwelling faggot. Borry would glass him
I un-ironically liked this in a musical sense.
Degenerate Ute musters and beer culture is going to be messy to wipe up. On the bright side there is a fierce sense of patriotism and celebration of competition, although misguided with sport spectating.
I came from Europe 2 years ago and I can't imagine the shithole that Australia would be without based chinks. Plus all those qt3.14 chinese girls compared to your ugly women.