>Fruit and veg are taxed more in this country (GST) than a MickeyD's burger. To clarify before the autisms turn up - fruit and veg to the consumer is gst-free, the gst cost to the producer FAR outyweighs the cost to McDonalds etc.
Gavin Davis
They will prise that big mac out of Sup Forums's cold dead hands...
Benjamin Foster
Man, you're a cunt. Why do so many Australians want a nanny state so bad? Sin taxes are bullshit on par with hate speech and anti-trolling laws.
Nolan Campbell
>People smoke cigs. Get sick from lung cancer and die.
Not true. Smoking doesn't cause serious illness. They probably got sick from quitting.
>much liver disease
Drinking is a much larger culprit of disease and death, many things blamed on smoking (cancer, heart problems, stroke) are actually caused by drinking. Many things tied to smoking haven't decreased while the overall smoking rate has decreased, so smoking never caused those problems to begin with.
Robert Perry
>Why do so many Australians want a nanny state so bad? Enjoy waiting in a queue at your local hospital to be treated while fattymcfatfat literally hogs a bed due to "muh type2 diabetes" m8.
>Not true. Smoking doesn't cause serious illness. Umm, literally thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers will disagree with you on that one.
Luke Cox
i eat healthy now. no more fast food. i mean i was never a fat fuck but i started to turn things around when i realized my waist was almost 40 inches. stay away from fast food whatever you do. and yes pizza is fast food
Cameron Phillips
>tfw ate an entire large pizza hut pizza and got food poisoning today I've been pissing out my ass the last 8 hours god help me
Hunter Miller
it's not too late to turn your life around
Hudson Adams
Oh no I never really eat junk food I ordered it because I was high off my ass and with friends. I regularly lift it's all good bruh. I don't plan on eating shit for a long time.
Aiden Hernandez
haha hell yeah bro.
Matthew Hernandez
I'm fit as fuck and eat junk food.
Mind you its moderation, and I need a shit load of calories to begin with.
It's not a junk food problem. It's a physical activity problem. Gym classes across the country need to be reformed to not be compete fucking jokes.....
That, or mandatory military service/annual fit tests for tax exemptions.
Nathaniel Lee
>mandatory military service this isnt russia bro. but people need to quit it on the junk food. they dont realize how much sodium they are consuming. you can get like 100% of daily sodium from like 3 burgers. and anyone can easily eat 3 burgers.
Nicholas Watson
You damn well know the reason, downunder. Companies have inmense power over the Government. The question is why liquors and tobacco don't have similar power.
Gabriel Perry
That's what annoys me about the British sugar tax. People are up in arms about it, claiming it shouldn't go ahead because it'll hit the poorest hardest. I mean, comee on, if you're that poor that you can't afford an extra £0.50 for a 2l coke, then don't fucking buy it and drink water instead. This shit is a luxury, not a necessity.
Brandon Wright
And then they say "b-b-but they're uneducated they'll die" Literally evolution. Let them die if they can't learn to buy fucking water, or stop buying ultra-expensive LED TVs like monkeys, as they do here. Moreover, taxes on sugar are bound to deliver shitloads. It's not impossible to educate said people with programs funded with that money.
Camden Walker
IIRC in my state there's sales tax on processed/fast food. I also don't get how people eat fast food all the time, it's expensive as fuck, what I spend on a meal could be spent at costco feeding me for a month
Blake Cooper
Wow I never thought about how giving the state more power could ever be a bad thing. I guess I'm #boomerangthinking now
Xavier Jones
>Umm, literally thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers
Science isn't objective. There is such a thing as bad, misleading, or incompetent science. Truth is, the majority of smokers never suffer a serious illness in their lifetime that can be causatively linked to smoking. The government and just went completely overboard and correlated things incorrectly while ignoring the actual causes. As science advanced, other reports came out identifying the actual risks or genes associated with what are thought of as "smoking related" illnesses. Too bad they were ignored.
Josiah Thompson
That's probably not food poisoning
It's probably all the sugar from the tomato and cheese. And a generally shitty diet.
Easton Wood
>People smoke cigs. Get sick from lung cancer and die. CITATION NEEDED (((OP))).
Joseph Thomas
It's the first time this has happened to me my diet consists of mostly rice and chicken/pork or veggies. This feels a lot like when I had actual food poisoning. Vomiting and diarrhea like a motherfucker.
Levi Bennett
because people don't need alcohol or tobacco to survive. Food a basic necessity to survive. Even if it's shit tier food it's still food.
that would be like taxing tap water because it's less healthy than bottled (prob not true but just a comparison).
Hudson Parker
>people don't need alcohol bad tobacco to survive
Tobacco has some benefits though. What passes off as "food" these days absolutely does not.
Noah Watson
Trips of truth, Big Ag rules all
Ryan Garcia
Please smoke as much as possible so you fucking die and remove yourself from society.
Easton Cook
James Perry
I say if they choose to kill themselves slowly let them but they shouldn't get the healthcare free.
The only thing is smoking needs to be banned from public places because non smokers shouldn't have to breathe in others smoke
Jason Anderson
>it's ausfalia again
Christian Garcia
>he says while inhaling a metric ton of car pollution
You have to prove that secondhand smoke is harmful first, and it's not.
Burning cow dung literally smells better than cigarettes and as someone who spent 3 days in India I would know
Jayden Davis
A DOG FUCKING LEAF GASP would rather shit myself than blow Rover lmao.
Ayden Morgan
That's a great well thought out post OP, except for one problem; the government doesn't tax people because of health concerns, the government taxes people because the beast needs to be fed.
Camden Young
whenever I smell cigarette smoke I instantly want to punch the person smoking them it's worse then smelling niggers
Juan Hughes
if u ban food ppl will die retard
Liam Hall
>Mind you its moderation Got it one user - but, why does govt. charge the fuck out of all those other industries but not Junk food?
Arguing FOR smoking? Bet you'll vote for Trump or Hillary too right?
Jackson Nguyen
>the government doesn't tax people because of health concerns In ((theory)) some of those taxes should go towards health.
Joseph Smith
>why does govt. charge the fuck out of all those other industries but not Junk food? because you don't have to consume 20 tons of mcdonalds hamburgers every month, but you can if you want to
Cameron Fisher
You don't have to puff down a pack of smokes or sink a carton of beer after work either.
Evan Scott
The dangers of cigarettes have been overstated immensely
Dominic Phillips
but I don't the government taxes those things because they're intoxicants and such, food isn't
Parker Hughes
They sell beer in cartons in Australia? huh.. well Canadians get milk in bags so who am I to judge I guess?
Liam Moore
Choice, regardless of intoxication is still free choice >consume 20 tons of mcdonalds hamburgers every month is the same in terms of "choice" as >puff down a pack of smokes or sink a carton of beer after work either.
You are however free also to eat a shitload of fresh fruit and vegies instead, right?
Xavier Jenkins
Government shouldn't be handling your health. When you let them handle your health you let them levy taxes upon whatever they deem "dangerous". Cigarettes are taxed. Alcohol is. Soon a sugar tax. Then a dangerous sport tax. Anything that can incur a bill at the hospital will incur an extra tax. You end up a nanny state like Australia where you cannot ride down the street without a helmet because you might hurt yourself. Fucking atrocious.
That people are willing to sacrifice so many freedoms for "free healthcare" is the most damning part of it all imo. The cost, the wait times, the efficiency, these are all things that matter much less to me than the encroaching government into your personal life to control you.
>now go do your government mandated cardio or you won't qualify for the healthcare you are forced to pay into
Owen Ramirez
So you can butt your head and rail against "muh system" or you can look for realistic and viable ways of making change >t. a parent on a school p&c - the canteen sells more "red traffic light" fizzy drinks than water by an order of magnitude.
Brayden Harris
I've figured it out, this is just a thicc thread in disguise.
Logan Evans
Why don't we just tax everything you fucking faggot. Tax the air you breathe., You run or bike you are using g to much air. Tax that shit. How about a tax on each word you type. So every time you shit post it costs you atleast $10. Oh then we could tax you for over sleeping or sleeping in on the weekend because you can't be a fucking productive member of society if you are a sleep. How about ever after 6hrs of sleep costs you $20 tax. Fuck while we are at it we should tax everyone who doesn't have a job, can't pay it too fucking bad go to jail
Henry Jackson
They sell what makes money, did you expect any different? If you want good food for your children make it and do not give them money. Your children are just that, children, they are under your control and aren't about to throw out your chicken sandwich because they can buy a nice kebab from the school canteen.
Stop trying to ban shit to justify your lack of control.
Colton Smith
Strange how so many people want to tax anything they disagree with. These people will be content when every aspect of our lives is wrapped in bubble wrap
Liam James
What is transgender fats tax? They literally do.
Angel Bell
You seem to think I'm one of the parents who let their kids drink that sort of shit. I wonder where in this thread I gave you that impression.
Logan Bennett
I agree but they shouldn't have to pay into it either. To force someone to pay for something then deny them that service is absurd.
Luke Morgan
So then what is the problem? Your children are well fed and get the right amount of exercise. You're mad because the canteen sells things you disagree with? Does it annoy you when people sell a chocolate you do not like? Why are you so obsessed with removing things or taxing them simply because of what they are?
Sin taxes are wrong and to levy them across junk food isn't the answer to fix the burden they bring on the healthcare system. This is a slippery slope like mentioned in this thread already, you begin to levy taxes on things that cost the healthcare system, you begin to tax everything in sight based on what bureaucrats calculate is their cost to the healthcare system, you end up in an all controlling nanny state.
What you need is to go the other way, instead of taxing all, let the people pay for their mistakes. Let those who ate their way to diabetes pay more for their insurance. Let those who smoke pay higher premiums. Don't not levy ridiculous taxes which are harder to trace upon the masses in search of a way to claw back this estimated cost on a system which cannot last.
Eli Wright
>pay through the ass for muh organic free range no additives wholesome vegan PETA approved hipster middle class crap >junk food decently cheap and plenty of calories >OP sees fat person, gets angry, decides they should have to pay more for food >types like a complete australian like he hardly even uses the internet there should be a tax on you desu
what you should really do is deny them certain health care if it's their fault, not try to tax them into not being fat to begin with
Eli Garcia
lactose intolerance can develop later in life for some adults.
Luke Long
Brody Jenkins
>Sin taxes are wrong and to levy them across junk food isn't the answer to fix the burden they bring on the healthcare system What is then - we have a healthcare system that really won't be able to cope. What do you think is the best way to *directly* raise revenue?
>what you should really do is deny them certain health care if it's their fault, Kinda agree but... human rights and all that AND.. why not deny alkys and smokers too while we're at it?
Ethan Davis
Truth told - we raised the price of soft drinks. And the sales volume actually jumped slightly! Go figure.
Adam Jones
Why can't the government just wrap me in a cacoon and anally drip-feed me GM soy-paste while I watch halal-certified interracial cuck porn?
Matthew Gonzalez
>i hate it therefore tax it gommie
Elijah Lopez
>How? Fruit and veg are taxed more in this country (GST) than a MickeyD's burger.
they can make processed food available much quicker than good fruit and veggies full of vitamins and minerals? fruits and veggies need more care so it's more expensive.
Isaac Stewart
>Not true. Smoking doesn't cause serious illness.
wtf, stop being retarded. it's literally poisonous fumes.
Ayden Parker
>I haven't bothered to look at the thread, topic or ideas represented. You're a smart guy.
Mass production vs. actually growing non-GM food.
Ethan Allen
>Science isn't objective.
dude, science is basically the closest thing we have to objectivism.
Joseph Thompson
I said that people should pay for their own, it's the only way you will ever get proper decision making. You will never stop people smoking or being fat if you pay for their shit even with taxes. Them paying it on their own will be infinitely more effective while also reducing government encroachment into your personal life. I'm a young fit healthy male, I enjoy cycling on Thursdays and like to top it off with a big pizza and Vanilla Coke. To charge me extra for what I am not responsible for is silly.
Do not try to tax your way to a solution.
Christopher Baker
>Nanny state m8 we're already a nanny state, but this shit is just common sense. Fatties are a Leech on the economy and we're better off without them.
Cameron Turner
>not liking to fuck fatties >in 2016
Jonathan Rogers
So you'd rather a user pays healthcare system? Works great. If you've got the money.
> I'm a young fit healthy male, I enjoy cycling on Thursdays and like to top it off with a big pizza and Vanilla Coke. But here's the rub - you're probably not like ly to develop type2 diabetes riding and mostly eating well. The fat cunt who sits in his parents basement shitposting on here all day - well...
Funny thing with user pays is - a lot of us find we can't work when we need surgery. Due to you know, needing surgery.[hypothetically] Not working means not a lot of money. Not a lot of money means no surgery..
Colton Stewart
>you're already getting fucked up the arse what does it matter if I invite a few extra guys
Why the fuck don't we instead go back to not getting fucked and not become an even bigger nanny state
Dominic Evans
What about we get rid of socialized healthcare, and then anyone live their lives the way they want to and pay for it from their own pockets based on their own actions, like responsible adults?
Parker Torres
It's the price for such a system. When you have a user pays system you have people working to support themselves and paying for their choices. You have people who are unable to pay and not receiving treatment.
The opposite is this socialized healthcare system. The issue then becomes those who use more than they put in, fat people, people who drive dangerously, people who do extreme sports. These people aren't made to pay the cost they bring like you say until ridiculous taxes are levied upon the people and we degenerate into a nanny state where we have the issues I pointed out above.
You cannot have a perfect solution, your idea of simply taxing it more is not a good one. My solution isn't perfect but it is one that works to fix the issue you are raising. Poke holes in it all you want, the two scenarios I have listed here face you and you are clearly against one, either choose the other or stick with what you have and accept that something are absurd to tax without letting government encroach further into your home.
Zachary Young
He's not happy with this, he seems to want a system where people pay for their habits but only through taxes which would then be levied across all people and not just those who consume said thing till it reaches a point where it is a problem.
Dominic Long
The difference isn't in which of these cause more avoidable deaths, its in the perception. "Sin tax" is a nice phrase. Who couldn't love it? We're taxing the evil things which no one should ever do. At least, this is the default position held when a person first hears the phrase, sin tax. Many people never progress past this position, because they never evaluate what they're told, they just accept it at face value. Even more dangerously, they may retroactively justify this position using public consensus (i.e. the person questions why its bad, they believe that the community believes it is bad because of health concerns, hence the individual comes to the conclusion it is bad because of health concerns without giving it further analysis).
So, they support the sin tax. Not because it is the correct position, regardless of whether or not it is, but because of a perceived public consensus on the issue combined with the fact that it requires further thought to realize that the tax in itself won't necessarily solve the problem. This reason is why all you need to do is create a false public consensus on an issue, through manipulation of social media (or other means), and it will in turn, convince a good deal of the public to conform to this consensus.
Jason Gray
None of this affects me whatsoever
William Edwards
You have no right to legislate someone's personal habits, regardless of how much they hurt your feelings
And I don't know about you ausfags but there's no sales tax on raw ingredients in America.
Jason Bennett
>I need a shit load of calories to begin with.
This. If it wasn't for junk food I doubt I could keep north of 190lbs.
It's fucking hard to go through 3k clean calories in a day.
Jayden Evans
>without letting government encroach further into your home. Really failing to see how govt charging the producer a tax or levy (the cost of which of course would be passed onto the consumer) is "letting govt. into our loungeroom". Reality is - a sugar tax for eg. would be levied against those foods high in all the *oses (sucrose, glucose etc. - think the buns in Mickeyd's for eg.). That would then of course lead to higher prices for those foods. As I already stated - when we raised prices for sugary drinks at school, the demand actually spiked. I think in this case then the extra money would *hopefully* go a long way to make up for the fatfuck diabetes laden guy hogging a hospital bed.
>but there's no sales tax on raw ingredients in America. I did clarify >fruit and veg to the consumer is gst-free, the gst cost to the producer FAR outyweighs the cost to McDonalds etc.