Letterboxd thread
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Letterboxd thread
>In 1996, Steven Spielberg anonymously purchased Clark Gable's Oscar to protect it from further commercial exploitation, gave it back to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, commenting that he could think of "no better sanctuary for Gable's only Oscar than the Motion Picture Academy".
What a fuckin shill
oink oink
oink oink
oink oink
oink, oink, oink oink
why tho?
Hands down the best time I've had at the movies all year. It is a fucking blast!
Hands down the best time I've had at the movies all year. It is a fucking blast!
Holy Shit. Holy Shit. Holy Shit. Fincher, you magnificent bastard! This was my first Fincher film I've seen at the theater and boy was in one hell of an experience.
Basically The Goonies with a demonic killer clown.
In his lifetime, Johannas Sebastian Bach wrote over 1000 compositions. Mozart numbered 600, and was only alive for 33 years! Van Gogh painted 900 paintings. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, and 154 sonnets. John Ford directed 145 films. These men are geniuses who were not afraid of making mistakes. By the end of their careers they were the very best artists on the planet, specifically because the created art without restriction. This attitude is reflected today in the acting of Jim Carey, another genius and probably the best living actor, who is not afraid to make a fool of himself, and has thus discovered what truly makes people laugh and love.
This attitude has been mostly thrown out the window as of late because of some very specific individuals deluding young filmmakers into believing that an artist must be neurotic, self hating, and artistically paralyzed by his own judgements. As a result we have seen a drastic decrease in the number of films being produced, and a decrease in the quality of those films. We have seen an increase in films that seek to be "realistic" as an attempt to compensate for their mediocrity. Realism does not make a film good; effective storytelling makes a film good.
The following is a list of those filmmakers and films that directly helped bring out the low standard of filmmaking that we are experiencing today. If these films and filmmakers are not identified as the neurotic hacks that they are, film will go the way of classical music and be lost to us forever. These are, essentially, the worst films ever made in terms of impact on its viewership.
1.Bicycle Thieves
2. 2001 A Space Odyssey
3. Breathless
4.The 400 Blows
5.A Clockwork Orange
6.Annie Hall
7. 8 1/2
8. Umberto D.
9. Solaris
10. Pulp Fiction
>you will never live with jessica harper and have to put up with her rancid farts
this north korean nuke cant come sooner
what's the point of letterboxd? most of the reviews are 1-2 sentences long and usually are reddit-tier quips or puns about the movie in question.
to log movies
>no /lbg/ in OP
god damned rookies!
a few threads ago didn't have it and the thread ended up being more active but it's not fucking working now
so... imdb, but with smaller library? and no tv shows? wow so kino
>TV shows
you have to go back
gentleman *nods*
I agree with everything except I do enjoy Annie Hall and Pulp Fiction, simply for the fact that they are entertaining to me.
What's wrong with A Clockwork Orange?
yesterday I saw The Kings Speech blurayâ„¢ in the $5 bin at the store & laughed bc u will never catch David Fincher's The Social Network, the film that truly deserved the Oscar for best picture, in the $5 bin
tfw got big kino plans for the weekend
i love you...
>tfw realize that in both films, Nazis are the villains, but in only one of them all men are villains too
wahoo!!!!! the original doggy watched SCIENCE CRAZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>mon oncle