Do you feel more of an identity with your country or with your race?
Do you feel more of an identity with your country or with your race?
Family > Race > Country
Country, fuck other Hispanics.
I feel identity with other people of the Nordic race.
Race and Country. Because I live in the commonwealth and I'm Celtic.
Neither... I-I only feel identity and a sense of belonging h-here with you guys...
What common ground would I have with a horde of non english speaking african muslims for example?
Mexico or Puerto Rico?
Race as it stands. Would like to identify more with my country but what I need is a nation, not a country. And we're not a nation.
i would fight for my race before my country
>tfw no identity
race in the sense i feel more kinship with other whites then with pakistani or black "brits". i actually dont really care much what happens to this country specifically, if a nationalist white nation were created i'd move there.
People of Northern European descent.
I'd fight for steve irwin
Finding identity is hard when you're mixed race (White-Filipino)
That's a rare picture of Jim varney
Race. I of course grew up in post-Canada Canada that stands for nothing and has no identity, so I feel no connection whatsoever with Canada and don't see it as any different from any other country.
This. I identify with Nordic/Germanic people only.
well I feel more of an identity with white people than maori
but feel more of an identity with maori than I do with Canadians
they don't even have a union jack on their flag ffs
Country. You can teach a culture, you can't change a race.
I cannot grasp how any functioning human can feel any sort of kinship with today's blacks based upon race.
Neither at all. Value of 0.
t. shlomo shekelwitz
Race. The White race has been around for over 50 millennia, the United States only 250 years.
Family> political and social ideology> race> country
With whom would I identify? I'm half black, half white. I guess by default I would identify as an American.
dicks out for steve irwin
What even is Germanic though, England is Germanic but nobody here thinks its remotely connected to the other Germanic people.
same here. there is little in britain i can identify with. everything is pozzed. if a white ethno-state in north america were created i'd go, i'd fight for it even.
Eh. This isn't an "either or". It's more complicated than that. I identify with Americanized Latinos and Anglo Australian more than I do with slavs or Germans or Scandinavians.
But I strongly identify with America, as do the other Burgerposters.
You're .5 American and .5 slave blood.
Wouldn't this be a reason to value race as a more fundamental part of your identity?
God > Family > Country > Race
But I guess that's being an American. I am white, but my nation stands for all people (if they're fucking legal of course or not ghetto black people).
Neither. I don't identify with this shitty planet.
I don't give a fuck about either
>but my nation stands for all people
Only since around 1965.
>Country, fuck other Hispanics.
Same here user
race traitor detected
species traitor detected
Overall, country.
I wouldn't call myself a full-on stormfag by any means but I do think we need to be more careful about border security and undocumented immigration.
I really don't get racial nationalism much at all.
I'm white but I get along fine with everyone else.
Ancestry and race aren't the same thing dingus.
>cucking this hard
Country. God bless America
tfw my family is dead and i'm single so race comes first
traitor traitor detected
"the white race" is like saying "the asian race"
you're a shitskin if you think anglos, nords, greeks, slavs, etc. should all feel brotherhood with eachother
Thank you for the Record™
Neither. You don't choose your race and why should I identify with a country just because I was born within arbitrary lines?
Race. Britons unite!
The rather silly idea that white Australians are in fact Australian and not British is, well, rather silly.
Definitely country, but the USA I would say is an exception out of nations with that.
Of course with my country. Because we aren't Asians but other Whites don't accept us.
all share the same challenges
If my country weren't getting progressively worse I would be proud of it more so than my race.
In my country there are no "races" or ethnic divisions or cathegories, we are all uruguayans. Nobody really cares since we are mostly whites, so I would say it goes like
>family >country >football team
Race because my country is a joke
you're a retard if you don't understand that there's a gradient of brotherhood, all whites feel more of a brotherhood with each other than with totally different races (slavs integrate much better in other white societies than arabs, for example) and other groups see us as a common race to be attacked therefore we are de facto a common race because we have shared interests
I'll say it again; RACE and ANCESTRY aren't the same thing.
>Uruguay is white
Race and country.
Australia was founded to be a WHITE working mans paradise.
Abolishing the white Australia policy was truly the greatest mistake in history of Australia.
Then again I live in an ethno-state so it's basically both at the same time.
Yeh and I hate my government more each day
race. i want 40% of the people in my country dead
>other groups see us as a common race to be attacked
This. Pol needs to remember this when they talk about how "based" they think Orientals might be.
That's actually a really cool question to ask, and uh, the answer should almost always be country. But if you live in China, it should be rice.
>race>political and social ideology>race
Huh? Why do you say race twice?
>borders are arbitrary
The sad thing is you're right in today's world. But you shouldn't be. A nation--a real nation, with a shared people, culture, and land--should be the primary concern. But our nations have been destroyed by.. well...
tbqph this my familamily
Ding ding ding
Race. All being an American means now is a passport and a shared economy.
I'm German/Mexican so I don't know.
Those challenges being each other.
Yes we do. ETERNAL ANGLO is just a meme/shill
race, unless you're talking about the whole Caucasian race as a whole, in which case I choose ethnicity
This. I am white married to an Asian moving to Australia heh.
do you doubt it?
>the answer should almost always be country
no those challenges being multiculturalism etc.
Country. I acknowledge that Chinks especially mainlanders are pure cancer and their Jewry knows no bounds
And yet all of those ethnic groups you listed managed to integrate just fine in America.
I know for one my great grandparents were migrants from Russia who worked their asses off and assimilated just fine after a generation or two.
As a resident of the world's first "post-national" state: race. Abso-fucking-lutely.
"You" is your genes, so it's pointless to mention choice in the matter.
This. Also
I like my country in terms of the landscape, nature, and history. But my fellow countrymen are stupid cucks in 2016.
Gonna have to say race. I'm Celtic-Germanic, fair haired, blue eyed, and I have a lot of pride in what white western civilisation has accomplished.
So, race, then.
I wrote more or less the exact same thing.
This. We don't have to ignore the differences or between us but we mesh morally and culturally much better than we do with Asians or any dark people.
Any American not saying Country needs to get the fuck out. There are other, more white countries where you can be in your bubble.
The delusions of self hating Germanics that have spread to eternally whiny and weak frenchmen and gullible Englishmen is not something even existed 50 years ago and it's not something that affects anything not sucking up to Germany.
I'm Italian and Irish. I've never been to either country so I'm basically American
I know nothing of the cultures besides reading about it
My country is my race for the most part, i'm not some new worlder mongrel
Country that's why I serve.