Have you ever been charged with a felony, Sup Forums?
If so, were you convicted?
Have you ever been charged with a felony, Sup Forums?
Distribution charges cause i had over 75g of mdma and no i was never convicted because i flipped on the guy who was importing it here to bc and i was 16 at the time
sex offender
im spreading genes dindu nuffin
Charged yes
Multiple times
Convicted none
Get a good lawyer
Fucking pay for it
>sawn off shotty in Chiraq
have fun at Marion
I had a time in which i stole almost everyday... for over two years.. go into a shop without camera (i love the 90s) steal crap you want and simply leave... this shit worked for over 2 years lol Today i dont even dare to park in the wrong spot lol
The charge was dropped due to illegal search and seizure (the cops were in the house due to something totally unrelated)
I'll admit, I'm lucky the cops were crooked
pic related
No. I've got two misdemeanors but they are five and nine years in the past.
since it's already dismissed I gotta ask, did you saw it off or what?
A guy I worked with got 5? years for illegal machine guns. He did 2, parole for 3, and 65k in fines or so. He was just a collector that underestimated what a big deal it was to have a lightning link.
I just cut the barrel with a hacksaw, smoothed the edges with coarse sandpaper then cleaned & oiled it thoroughly.
We had so many break-ins on my street, I figured I'd convert my sporting shotgun into a self-defense one.
>I figured I'd convert my sporting shotgun into a self-defense one.
How many poor bastards lives have they ruined for doing this? Thank god they didn't get you for it.
>looks like you did a nice job at least :^)
My neighbors called the police on me for "breaking" into my own home. They came armed to the bone because nothing fucking happens in my city.
How do you get caught for this shit? Just having a big mouth? Posting pictures on Facebook and some anti-gun cuck turns you in? Or just being a fucking dumbass and carrying it to the range even when you know you fucked up?
>illegal search and seizure
The best part is how sloppy they are, but if they had any talent they wound't be cops.
Since he so easily posted it in the thread I think you answered your own question
Was facing 450-500 years in Federal Prison
After 5 prosecutors and a year, got an offer
3 years unsupervised probation, restitution of $100 and $50 in court costs
If I remained clean for 10 years, my record would be expunged
Hit that date 2 years ago
Got my concealed carry last December
Sure glad I am Caucasian
I had a public defender
>Was facing 450-500 years in Federal Prison
what did you do?
Arson? Forest fire?
Yep got convicted of hate speech for calling a brown guy a Samoan shit on facebook when I was drunk.
Last time I ever use my speech as a weapon.
Those pants look kinda gay.
More like United Cuckdoom amirite?
Ex girlfriend had tried to get me on rape
However at the time she said it happened I was literally on the side of the freeway getting a traffic ticket on the other side of town. I still had to go to jail for like two weeks which was bullshit but that bitch got 2 years. Best traffic ticket ever.
Nah, I don't commit felonies.
there was a thread like this earlier...
I hope you turned a new LEAF in your life.
I've only been pulled over once for a burnt out taillight
No, I paid for my tax stamps like a good little cuck.
no i am not a nigger
yes, for assaulting a police officer and nurse.
took a plea deal pled guilty to misdemeanor assault, got probation no jail time
Punched my dad in the stomach when I was 13. Sister overreacted and called the cops. Got arrested and put in a holding complex for a few hours, mom bailed me out. Eventually it was esponged from my record and haven't committed a crime since.