Why is the Calais wall being built in France? Why not build a wall here?
If France falls to the Muslim hordes, that wall will just turn into a defensive feature for them.
Ian Lee
>Great Wall of Calais
Nathan Long
It's to protect the lorries so migrants can't sneak on and enter Britain.
Owen Gutierrez
once they're on your land it's already too late
Eli Jackson
If France falls we blow up the channel tunnel and isolate ourselves from the muslim hordes
Ryder Phillips
>If France falls we blow up the channel tunnel We should brick that thing up, it's a defensive nightmare.
Nathaniel King
Brits, explain yourselves
Luis Cook
>a >fucking >leaf explain yourself
Luke Jenkins
Try and ignore him.
Nathan Powell
Wyatt Stewart
Because fuck you limey ass nigger fuck ass muhammed nigger ass
Evan Jenkins
>bunch of "refugees" "rescued" off the libyan coast >transported all the way to fucking sicily instead of, you know, dumping them back in libya They're a fucking ferry service at this point.
Angel Thomas
Well that's not very nice.
Isaac Brown
Lads, can we get a kickstarter going to buy a large boat. We'll mount gun turrets on it and hunt those flimsy rafts around the world, gunning them down while drinking rum, laughing heartily and singing shanties.
Joshua Torres
I'd fund it. I'd absolutely fund it.
What are we gonna call the boat?
Camden Davis
>Trump is racist guys >Build a wall with tax money >It's not racist if WE pay it kek. At least that means they will try to reach UK by sea now so hopefuly more of them drown
Jason Morris
You already have countless pakis in your country, you don't need a wall, you need a nationalist gov.
Charles Sanchez
I saw someone had the idea of having a fleet of drones. You fly out to sea, find their shitty dinghies and either shoot them with a mounted gun or strap explosives to the drone and detonate it next to the boat.
Daniel Parker
You could have had a the mighty polar bear, or the majestic orca, or the terrible tundra gnat. You chose the fucking leaf.
Jason Bailey
shut up and take off you clothes
superior canadian dick coming through
Elijah Richardson
I find it amazing how much energy I have if I stop wanking every hour and a half.
I have an immense sex drive lads but no cares for women so I have ti use the ol' palm swipe.
Still, I'll do no-fap for a while, if only to feel less foggy in the head and so my neck doesn't feel so stiff and shit.
Brayden Moore
>wasting money on wall instead bombing them with napalm The fuck?
Isaiah Wood
france is way too cucked to let them napalm french territory
Lincoln Walker
>Great Wall Artificial cliffs plox.
Oliver Gonzalez
>What are we gonna call the boat? The Anglo's Revenge.
Samuel Phillips
been called racist in greggs for the last fucking time
Justin Gutierrez
Leave the sausage rolls alone.
Cameron Wilson
just spray the place with pork fat
Daniel Parker
... What do non-National vessels call themselves?
Just "S.S. _______ "
Evan Murphy
I know its a long shot but anyone from Midlands and wanna go get a pasty for me? i will pay in memes
Jack Edwards
S.S. Lords Work
Ethan Ramirez
Everyone is building walls and right wingers are rising all over the globe
Morning, lads. How are you combating the racist UK air today?
Chinese dick isn't superior to anything.
William Rivera
Morning lads, really important question. Amberleaf or Golden Virginia?
Jaxson Diaz
Enoch's Fist
Charles Stewart
Let's see him try that trick on a wall with barbed wire at the top.
Christian Wood
By not living there.
>tfw superior multicultural Australia
[spoiler]Just shoot me, lads.[/spoiler]
Henry Russell
Melbourne by any chance mate?
Brayden Diaz
greggs sells pork products therefore it's racist
Joseph Wilson
This wall is fucking stupid.
Why not just buy them all boat tickets and say "you gotta go back"? It doesn't matter where "back" is because you'd just dump them in a country that receives massive western foreign aid.
Evan Anderson
eu says no
Jackson Sanchez
Fortunately not. I was in Melbourne airport a fortnight ago, though. Spent an hour playing "Spot the white man." before I almost missed my flight because the announcer didn't speak English.
I'm in Tasmania at the moment, one of those tiny little towns that's 99% white. Visiting family before I decide what the hell I'm going to go to uni for.
Speaking of, what kind of educated chaps do you lads in the UK need?
Noah Torres
Alternatively we could invite them all into the channel tunnel and then blow it up.
Cameron Garcia
This also solves the problem of having to interact with France.
>A teenager has been arrested after a Swastika was spray painted on Robinson’s Brewery.
>Police say that they have informed the Yeshurun Hebrew Congregation, in Gatley , as a picture with someone holding similar material at the synagogue has been posted on social media.
>A police spokesman said: “If offences such as criminal damage are racially aggravated then anyone found guilty faces an increased maximum sentence.
>“We take incidents like this very seriously and respond quickly.
>“Especially after recent events such as the Brexit it is not a good time to try and inflame the community.”
Easton Harris
If we were to remove the channel tunnel then technically nothing would be holding the island in place in regards to connecting to Europe so the country could probably float North over the years allowing for more water between England and France and a colder climate which the Middle Eastern types hate.
Hunter Cook
you could put big sails up and use wind to push you over to the rest of the anglosphere
Nathaniel Parker
They get used to it. Go to Dearborn, Michigan and listen to the loud fucks pray.
It's so fucking muggy, I wish I booked today off rather than yesterday
Jose Lee
No, you fuck off. Cunt.
Nathan Wilson
Go stir last night's haggis.
Grayson White
I don't eat that shite.
Michael Gomez
Fucking excited about this Great Wall of Calais
I'm going to go and visit it when it's erected
Connor Cruz
Who /PMQT/ here?
Isaac Sullivan
> wake up to glorious Scittish morning > Birds singing, pidgeons hooting, the dew hangs on the trees and grass of my home > 8:04 it's time for some porridge "OH GOD THE SNP ARE IN POWER" > stick the kettle on and start to make my morning brew "SHES GOING TO HUMILIATE US AGAIN TODAY" > I voted to stay in the union I voted to leave the EU why the fuck is my country so cucked Every single debate or parliamentary question time, every single one when a SNP mp stands up all they say is the same embarrassing shit over and over. > Scotland > the people of Scotland > muh 65% > Scottish duty > in Scotland we Fuck you SNP, ruining my morning you fucks!
Joshua Hall
Leafs complaining about leafs.
Justin Rogers
you're my favorite traitorous scot
Adam Flores
19 c
Zachary Gutierrez
>PMQs back >Playstation event tonight worth a watch >Parcelforce are bringing me a bunch of crap I imported today too
Wednesday is alright this week.
Jayden Adams
I'm a Scot who supports the Union as well, mate. Fuck the SNP.
Lads, do you ever wonder if what you believe is actually the right thing? I find myself in a constant battle between what I believe and whether or not it's right, whether or not it's a belief that is actually of a greater good and not borne out of a selfish desire or an ill desire. Maybe I just think too much.
Morning lads. You might be getting fucked now but you'll always be British.
Lucas Cook
>those sick fucks who voted SNP
Gavin Lopez
Remember that time the majority of scots voted against Scotland being a country?
Henry Morgan
I`ve always thought I was right, if you don`t you won`t even be able to convince yourself. Then again I just think everyone should be nice.