Don't you think we need a another choice?
Don't you think we need a another choice?
Political comics past 1930's are such rehashed trash, it's insane. Even then, they were awful.
>no coughing
this is quite unrealistic
Can you send me some good pre 1930s political comics?
tbqh fambourghini they are for dirt tier plebs
Fuck Boomers
Nice shill tactic. Saged.
You can already see most of the emails
>One means nothing really.
>One means proof of treason against the homeland
Really makes you think
>Halo and a Hitler mustache
Really makes me think
Is the road to the White House back on the menu?
Fuck off. We have other choices and they're worse than Trump.
>tax rerturns
it is a formality. All it will show us is that Trump isn't as liquid as he makes himself out to be
>30,000 emails
A matter (or possible matter) of public record that is dictated by law.
Have these people never voted in a presidential election? There's quite a few other options on the ballot
why is he so afraid to show them then?
Because of what happened to Romney when he revealed his tax returns.
There was another choice.
But he was never given a chance.
better to go after the free stuff or "HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW DEMOCRATS"
"lesser of 2 evils" = i am extremely bluepilled and too lazy to do any research whatsoever and know next to nothing about politics.
>Wow! I sure do hate this democratically chosen nominee (and hillary)
should have voted for someone else then fag
He's currently being audited by the IRS, which has recently been used to punish foes of the current administration.
Why help them by having the nation comb over his private business? If there's wrongdoing, you know obamas IRS would run with it.
Also, people are morons that don't understand that wealth =/= cash on hand, and they'd probably talk endlessly about his income. Trump values his personality at over a billion dollars, which I used to think was silly. Used to.
Gary Johnson 2016!
From 1915
Because it'll make him look like an asshole. Nobody is that rich while still having a cock made of cotton candy and a rectum you could eat off of.
Unlike Hillary he has no legal obligation to reveal them. If he has broken any laws through them then he'd already get called on it.
I don't care how much of a rat the guy is; conmen and assholes make magnificent leaders. Murderers and traitors don't.
Honestly, Clinton was going to win the nomination no matter what, and Cruz and Jeb is even more hated than Trump, so a situation like this was always going to happen
However, if it was Jeb vs Hillary, and Trump ran independent and moderated on social issues, Trump would have a damn good shot at winning the White House due to Clinton/Bush fatigue
that's a big guy
there's nothing that will win liberals over. they're just blow up whatever's in there even if there's non-issues
he'll probably give them up, but not for free
I want a president who's like that creepy guy in a museum cafeteria who watches you whenever your within view. Thats why I'm voting Johnson.
Would fug the one on the right
It's bait. The campaign has no problem if Mr. Trump releases his returns. But it's a good distraction to bait an attack from the other side. These tactics get really convoluted but the overall strategy is the same: Win the media perception.
Think of how Melania's speech overshadowed Tony Schwartz's expose on The Art of The Deal for a week. The campaign makes a small sacrifice to avoid a potentially worse attack.
merchant edit when?
>being a nigger
He was making sure you didn't steal any of the chicken.
For U(S)
The men in the 1915 said the same thing
Now we're 100 years later, and that comic is as relevant now as it was then, maybe even more, bitches don't even read anymore lel maybe except the latest novel of some 50shades tripe
Soorry, It's one of them.
>Sup Forums wants to go back to 1950s when women in the 1910s were still degenerates with their degenerate fashion magazines
I remember this one from one of my history textbooks
do all 4 of these people dye their hairs or is that actually pences hair
By the 1950s we knew how to tame those magazines properly. They had been domesticated.
1950s was fairly strictly conservative, as a result of the WW2 just finishing, and people still coming to terms with wtf just happened
1915 was Weimar-Era, which caused what happened, and we can now draw parallels to today
WWII turned back alot of the "progress" from 1st wave feminism. women backpedaled hard because the equality they claimed they wanted would mean they'd be drafted too. many women regressed back to traditional roles
look up the white feather society
look up why 2nd wave feminism started
>Don't you think we need a another choice?
My vote is 100% behind Trump.
They were right though. Degeneracy is a leaning tower of legos, allowing women to smoke, wear pants, drive cars, read fashion magazines, each of these cultural changes is a lego of varying size. Same principle for niggers.
Same, kek
Political cartoons are usefull when used to introduce a concept or situation to the reader that they may be unfamiliar with.
If one doesn't then choose to look deeper into the issue presented, then they deserve the nation and society they get.
Getting your news from comics is shit (see Comedy Central).
>Tfw we might just be headed for nationalistic fascism in 20 years
>Need another choice
This is the fucking WEAKEST position possible to take; it's the "I'm ABOVE politics" guy.
Jill Stein is pretty legit.
Did a lot of research, watched a lot of interviews.
She seems to really know what shs's talking about and is straight up exposing HRC and DJT for the frauds they are.
Damn those degenerate comfy chairs to hell!
Yah him vs Rand would have been a real slugfest of freedom and democracy. Too bad he's probably the first Democrat in a long time I could have tolerated as president.