>carrying à blade is literally part of the core attire
>religion of peace
Can we add this religion on the same list as Islam?
Is it time?
Other urls found in this thread:
>carrying a weapon
>mutually exclusive
Leaf logic.
And carrying a gun is core attire for southern american "christians", let's add them
Sikhs are bros. They voted for Brexit.
>They hate Muslims.
>They make an effort to assimilate.
Not really.
Aren't those knives specifically for stabbing Muslims?
>open carry
Redpilled af
From what I understand, yeah.
>not liking based Sikhs
>list of Sikh suicide bombers
>list of Muslim suicide bombers
He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
>baggy shorts
wtf i hate sikhs now
Peaceful people don't carry weapons, retard.
I sure as fuck don't. You're just défensive cuz "Muh sukund ummundmuuunt."
They aren't doing it cuz their religion tells them. There's a difference.
This meme needs to die.
Citation Needed.
According to you.
This, Sikhs are bro tier
>Group exists from a defense of nation from Muslim hordes, since Hindus/Buddhists were unhelpful cucks
Of course Sup Forums has to talk shit about this. Sikhs are generally okay, that is one minority that doesn't routinely cause problems.
They're doing it in spite what their religion tells them, yes. They're just naturally violent
>peaceful people aren't allowed to care about self-defense xD
you baited too hard
fucking hell
Get it the fuck together, Sven.
Nice strawman.
Normal people dont carry weapons.
Their religion thinks they need weapons. It's barbaric.
You defend them because you are at their level of thinking.
Si vis pacem, para bellum, bitch leaf
Look at this hot meme tier argument:
>Normal people
How many unassimilated shitskins does it take to break the West's back? We are about to find out. Thanks, Jews.
What? Sikh literally base their entire cultural identity around killing muslims.
>"Si vis pacem, para bellum, bitch leaf"
>It's latin, must be true :^)
How do you say, "Fuck off, Pajeet", in latin?
Not everyone hates "Normies" and lives in their parents' basement.
That's like burning your house down to get rid off an infestation.
We said the same EXACT thing when the filthy irish came
And we survived cuckleberry
You gotta calm down and stop drinking
>Not everyone hates "Normies"
That's not what I meant. You're just trying to shame people into thinking like you by implying it's "normal" or that they are "barbaric". Not everyone is a little sissy cuck like you.
No. I use fucking poison to get rid of an infestation. I don't ask politely for them to leave, and I sure as hell don't invite them in. That's literally the most retarded analogy I think I've ever heard.
Everyone should be more like the Sikh, they are fucking awesome
Fuck off shitskin
Sikhs never professed to be peaceful. Theirs is a warrior faith.
Yes. Sikhs are nigger tier.
Ignore nigger-kikes shilling for Sikhs by saying they're "bros". Happens every fucking time. They're scum and should be gassed.
Fuck you canadicunt. Sikhs are bros and are #1 remover of kebab in India. Go blow some leaves or something
>core attire
thats only for the ultra hardcore sikhs
Considering how they are literally shitting up this country I agree with the addition.
You forgot the bomb vest. For some reason Middle Easterners love to blow themselves up. I'm guessing its their fucked up religion. They are brainwashed to believe they will get to heaven if they blow themselfs up. Religion of peace = bullshit. It's a religion of brainwashed idiots with C4 strapped to their chest.
>neck beards
>baggy shorts
wtf. sikhs are faggots
Hardly. It was the Irish who brought race mixing to the USA
He's right, if you kill your enemies they win.
The Bible says you can kill a man in self defense.
You fucking mongoloid leaf, Sikhs are pretty based, they aren't the ones blowing shit up.
>it's a dagger
Are Sikh's manlets?
Sikhs are pajeets you dumb leaf. I'm surprised you don't know considering how they infest your streets
>1 incident
Christianity = Buddhism > Catholicism > Sikhism > Atheism = Agnosticism > Judaism >>>>>>> >> >>>> > > Islam
Not allowed by law to carry a sword in the states.
>In other places they have Full Sword.
>not barely just above islam
Don't try to lump Sikhs into the "terrorist" basket in an effort to distract us from THE RELIGION OF PEACE's destruction.
I've known a few in my life and they're honorable people who actually, like people in this thread have already mentioned, try to assimilate into a the culture they've migrated to.
who are you to disagree?
>Swallowing the big fat bluepill
Sikhs get a free pass since they have been brotier for centuries
Also the best at removing Kebab
Why not? The 2nd amendment doesn't state anything about the right to bare FIREarms, and a sword is definitely an arm and one which very really was imagined by our forefathers. In fact at the time it was still a staple of weaponry.
This is bullshit.
all false religions will crumble before kek
you're right judaism should be further down
If you want peace you have to be willing to defend that peace, lest some other opportunistic cunt decides he wants to come and take a piece of your pie. Peace and timidity are not the same.
Also like to add, i got a sikh friend on mmy steam and he tells me that his religion was formed with the sole purpose of stopping the spread of islam.
Their whole culture revolves around being prepared to fight Islam
>normal people
Ontarians are not normal people
alright but how many more people have mudslimes killed? i read somewhere that the ticker was meant to blow when the plane had landed and was empty but i digress
You may be right but they all look the same to me. Who can blame me? How am I supposed to tell them apart? They all wear the same shit and look exactly the same.
Why cant they just look normal? They move here but still look like they live in the Middle East! If they are going to move here than at least lose the beard and turban.
And for god sakes put on some deodorant.
Here's how it goes:
True European religions >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agnosticism > atheism > christianity >Islam > Every other religion >Judaism
Also, daily reminder Christianity and Islam are religions pushed by the kikes to control specific nations.
bunch of leafs in this thread; any living in brampton know what subhumans sikhs are
dont be a trick, dispose of the sikh!!
This guy walks into your Clan Meeting and smacks your sister (gf) on the ass.
What do you do?
wait what the fuck? you aren't allowed to have any weapons on you other than guns? (that will soon be gone)
wtf, I hate the US now
sikh are absolutely based. Not even the same as muslims.
no it's the
not the OFFICIAL
Cuck spotted
Sikhs carry knives in a religious context but their religion clearly states they are to be used as defensive weapons and to protect the weak
We should be promoting a culture where carrying firearms and knives is acceptable - with a backbone of discipline and religious reverence for those tools
Well seeing as you have to be part of my guild to get into the Clan Meeting, I'd ask what such a powerful sorcerer wanted with me.
legend says they can hold the huge turbans because they hold neck wrestling contests to strengthen their neck muscles
they carry the blade for defense because Muslims kept beheading their gurus
it's literally to protect from Muslims
Sikhs are based
IIRC the knife is there to protect them from Muslims.
Some say that the turbans arent really that big and underneath youll only find giant heads.
With brains like that, superpower by 2020 doesn't sound like such a joke anymore, huh?
sikhism literally was created to fight the Islam Invasion in North India, if it weren't for us all of india would be a muslim hellhole now
Truly bro-tier
>Understanding the Kirpan for non-Sikhs
>It was Guru Gobind Singh, the final living Sikh prophet who formally instituted the mandatory requirement for all baptized Sikhs to wear the Kirpan at all times. He instituted the current Sikh baptism ceremony in 1699 which is referred to as the `baptism of the sword' (khanda di pahul). During the ceremony sugar crystals and water are stirred in a steel bowl with a Kirpan before the initiate drinks the mixture. During the baptism ceremony the initiate is instructed in the duties and obligations of becoming a Khalsa (one belonging to the Divine). The Khalsa is expected to live by the high moral standards of the Sikh Gurus at all times which includes such things as abstaining from smoking, drinking and other intoxicants, performing daily prayers and always maintaining the distinctive physical symbols of Sikhism on their person.
Sikhs are beloved additions to every community.
Sikhs dont believe in peace, Sikhs believe in justice
That's wrong you idiot.
You realize you are from fucking Canada right? Two fucking nights ago i had to chase a fucking bear out of my front yard. If you don't have a weapon here and actually you know, leave the fucking city you are bear food. Kill yourself you worthless faggot.
>Justice demands retribution!
all this anti-weapon shit.
if I could time travel I'd bring your ancestors here to give them the honor of ending you
says the kike
To elaborate, the only federal restriction I'm aware of is a ban on switchblades. Elsewise, laws pertaining to swords and knives vary wildly state by state.
In Indiana, for example, only fucking throwing stars are banned, while concealed cane swords are legal and it is by law perfectly acceptable to go everywhere but a school with a sword on your belt.
Doesn't stop retarded shubs from calling the cops anyway, though.
How do we import loads of Sikhs into our countries to deal with the Muslim infestation?
Literally a religion made to kill Muslims. Nothing wrong with that
Sikhs don't force their women to wear bee keeper suits, they eat pork, they don't proselytize their religion on other people, they will invite you over for beers. Sikhs are nothing like mudslims
yes, For and ONLY for slashing away at muslim inbreds when they attack in a wolf pack.
Sikhs wont come to your country in such large numbers as muslims from iraq, syria , pakistan, afghanistan, yemen, somalis, sudan or algeria.
Sikhs in india are literate , well off. Many of them are filthy rich. So they DONT need you.
And yes maximum sikhs are vegetarian.
YOU need to deal with your muslim infestation.
Sikhs dont have an Obama who will say " get a minimum of 50,000 syrians and settle them in USA"
Sikhs dont have a hillary clinton who gets millions of dollars from muslims into the clinton foundation.
u played cowboys and indians
u played cowboys and german nazis
u played cowboys and commies
u got them all
NOW play cowboys and muslims and FAST