Can we get one these threads going?

I took this test 100% honestly, and it has me agreeing most with Gary Johnson.

Though Gary Johnson supports the TPP so there is 0% chance of me voting for him.

Mostly I learned that I agree with Clinton on nothing.

How about you Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you leaf

Gary Johnson isn't really a libertarian. He will never have my vote, based strictly on how he has acted this election.

A shame, too. I really liked Austin, who came in 2nd.

If you get anything other than Trump, you need to go back.

Like I said, Ill vote for Trump regardless.

Gary Johnson has turned into the biggest bitch possible.

He probably could of made the 15% this election if he didnt turn into a SJW aspie every interview.


^This. Between throwing away that Washington Replica flintlock that was given as a gift by the 2nd place libertarian candidate, going full Bernie/Obama on Executive Amnesty, having absolutely zero issues with H1B visas, having absolutely zero issues with TTP, and becoming a little bitch over the term "illegal immigrant," I have lost all respect for that man.

Any Johnson result is a false reading considering he has drastically changed his positions to the point of literal opposites.

The fucking cuck actually supports carbon tax.

How could be be any less Libertarian?

Yeah. I always considered myself libertarian, but if Johnson is the pinnacle of libertarianism, then I am no libertarian.


I took one of these tests and it had me at 50% Clinton and 50% Jeb. These politicians scientifically engineer their platforms so the most people possible fall in their net.

the ukraine question was the very fucking last foreign policy one.

anyway I think the US should be more hawkish in asserting its position.

>not supporting hillary's foreign policy.
fucking hippie scum.

sup my fellow Jeb! head!

we will fix it together!


Also this

also here's the jeb! compass



Taking this makes me realize how little that I actually care about foreign policy issues. I've got a handful of domestic issues that I care about immensely, but don't give a shit about just about everything else. There's a way that I'd like to see everything done, sure, but I don't really care if they go the other way for the most part, aside from my sticking point issues.

>he supports TPP

What an absolutely shit reason. TPP is approved by congress, not the president.

Nobody here gives a shit about Ukraine, not even Clinton. You fags are just Russia light anyways.

I dont see the point of wasting our money trying to stop people from killing each other in places that have been killing each other for centuries.

it doesn't change the fact he SUPPORTS it, you daft cunt

Fucking dropped.

>Constitution party #2
>Agreeing with Jill Stein on literally anything

Gary Johnson came up first for me, followed by Trump. Jill Stein was dead last after Hillary, where she belongs.


Brazil wants to MAGA!


Do you not understand the importance of a president's ability to to veto laws?

Ideally the president will veto the TPP and ensure congress wont get a majority vote on it.

Forgot the image.

>I dont see the point of wasting our money trying to stop people from killing each other in places that have been killing each other for centuries

the reason why the US should (have) occupied syria is because that would bring an end to all formal hostilities. meaning that if there can be said to be a distinction between refugees and economic migrants there can be said to be none of the former. the left would be placated by this turn of event and would not call to take in refugees.

also it is in the USes interest that the EU stay a united trading bloc so that it would not have to negotiate with all the european countries separately for a trade deal.

plus the EU brings stability which is in the USes interest to create.

anyway the US occuping syria would help the EU stabilize and thus allow for trading negotiations.

Isidewith is actually from the Johnson campaign its a phyop to make people think they are voting for him

For the record, I was in favor of ousting Assad early, before this turned into such a mess. But fuck off. All of you Europeans complain about Americans meddling in other countries affairs, then try to tell us that we have a responsibility to fix it if anything goes wrong.

Also the EU is an abomination that needs to be stopped.

>meaning that if there can be said to be a distinction between refugees and economic migrants there can be said to be none of the former. the left would be placated by this turn of event and would not call to take in refugees.

Not even close, its a well known fact the majority of migrants are not even from Syria. Sure Syria was the seed, but that was only because the EU invited and encouraged them,

The only foreign policy argument Ive heard that I've liked is Trump's threat to not protect countries that dont meet their NATO obligations. Im not going to pay more taxes for Europe's half-assed military.

If you have a single libertarian value, I can assure you the test is faulty and you don't agree with Johnson.

hey I also supported obama going into syria when he was talking about that red line bullshit.

the reason why I implore to US(if not nato) to do it is because I am realistic about this things and understand the US is the only country that can do it.

yes but maybe if the EU federalizes(which I hope it would), maybe it would be in a position to assert its position via military means.



Obamaleaf spotted

>yes but maybe if the EU federalizes(which I hope it would), maybe it would be in a position to assert its position via military means

Even if it did federalize, it wouldn't. We've seen from current EU policy that Europe as a whole is far too concerned with being humanitarian than it is with protecting its own interests.

Until Europe comes first, the EU and the Schengen agreement in particular are monsters, serving only to erode national identities that have made the continent strong. It needs to go.

what I am saying is that the left would be less inclined to throw a fit if syria is occupied because the they cannot assert that their respective countries are not taking in refugees because the "refugee" category as it pertains to syria would be annulled.

this would mean that governments would be less inclined to take in migrants and far right parties would not have fuel for their movements, which I consider to be a good thing.

>serving only to erode national identities
given that cultures(and the use of languages) across the world are homogenizing into pro captalism pro consumerism, I think it would not be hard or bad thing to try to build a european national identity.

it is like there is not texan national identity even though texas was an independent state not too long ago.

did it at the start of the year when i barely liked trump, back when nobody even cared about hillary because bernie was obviously more popular and i apparently sided with hillary at like 70 percent and no trump in sight

pic related is me now xd


If not Syria, then itd be something else a year later. Its ridiculous to expect the US to intervene in a major conflict in Syria just to ensure that Europe doesnt suicide itself with refugees.

What it boils down to is that I dont trust the EU, I dont trust that they have Europes best interests in mind, much less the US's interests.

On America's dime.

I've got no problem doing it to protect our interests, but the US army is not a peacekeeping force. If we invade a country, it should be because that country has something we want or because they're a rival that needs to be stopped. What would we gain from occupying Syria now? I'm not willing to spill American blood so you Europeans have one less moral dilemma. Grow some balls.

>there is no Texan identity
You've obviously never met a Texan.

the fact that people can change so drastically due to rhetoric that is dilute of any value is a concrete argument against democracy

Fuck Johnson.

Also, I'm a Texan. Texans definitely have a distinct identity, and that coupled with the fact that Texas was only its own country for 9 years demonstrates how easily nationalism actually occurs.

no step on snek

who the hell is this Darrell Castle guy?

Authoritarians are always quick to point this out, until they realize they'd be a prole doing grunt work for the great leader.

Us leafs just keep on going further left

The ironically named constitution party is basically Christian Theocracy: The Party.

People on Sup Forums tend to end up with them ranked highly because we support traditional values, but nobody would actually like them to win.

But let me guess, you ARE going to vote for Trump evrn though he wants to renew the Patriot Act and expand the NSA

Because you believe in freedom, right?


>much less the US's interests
I think that it is more that their interest align.

however inept the EU may be at its current point it is still in its interest ti create stability and economic growth across its territory.

it is in the USes interest that europe remains a strong trading partner so they could sell their shit to them in larger and larger quantities.

this is why obama did not want the UK to leave the EU.

smaller nations are inherently more volatile, if the EU breaks up some shit may happen and some of the countries may refuse to import US products and shit. so yeah.

>Jill Stein not dead last

Kill yourself. I'm completely serious.

Point being that if the EU is already a sinking ship (it is), why spend billions upon billions and lose all public support over Syria? Syria isnt even a place most americans even knew shit about.

There has to be a point where enough is enough and Europe is going to have to fend for itself.

Im sure the US prefers a stable Europe, but its not our job to ensure that.

given that governments have to be comprised of human beings it is hard to find the right system of governance, that being said I like the european system better than the US one in that having a smaller upperhouse that is appointed is both more stable and prevents the EU government from growing too large, and not legislate on trivial matters. though I do not like that this body is also in charge of executive functions, it may not be a big deal now, but it can prove to be in the future.

nah not really that i changed, i just didnt do any research on anything and had basically an opinion implanted in me by my environment

>He likes it when unelected bureaucrats flood his country with Syrians

I hate freedom or something I guess

>its not our job to ensure that.

if it is in the USes interests, and the US has the power to assert those interests, one would be a fool not to assert said interest, and leave things up to chance.

do you know what propaganda is?
do you think this test is meant to influence weakminded people who can't decide for themselves?


I got Darrell Castle at like 84% and Trump at 80%.

Is there even any candidate who doesn't support tpp?

Still voting Trump since Gary does not at all represent the things this survey thinks he does.

Also fuck you Hillary

Holy shit, you keep saying the same thing.

How do you not understand that invading Syria is not in our interests. Short term, maybe it might be. Long term fuck no.

Have you not paid attention to the Middle-east over the last decade or so??

Trump went on record saying the TPP is a horrible deal. Thats the moment I started to actually pay attention to him.


I never claimed that, the EU has no executive power so it, as an entity cannot stop immigrants from migrating,

but given that that they are migrating(at the behest of germandy), something needs to be done about the problem.

again the optimal solution for me would be if syria was occupied, but alas we have what we have and the eu keeping the migrants in turkey(which it is for the most part doing, I hope) is a good solution in my opinion.

Reminder that this website is just a shill to pull votes from trump to gary johnson

Links for all these tests?

>Short term, maybe it might be. Long term fuck no
hehehe you got that completely backwards.

in the short term it is not in the USes interest for it would cost a shitton of money, but in the long term, it is in the USes interest for the stability would allow the US to peddle more goods to everyone.

>Trump 94%
Too bad I'm not American

The party page is pretty interesting too.

How did you score so Gary Johnson high anyway? You must have agreed to similar things like TPP.

Not what I was expecting.

I support a lot of shit when it comes to guns, but her VP and statements on nuclear reactors being atom bombs turned me off.


Who makes those tests? They are pretty retarded. Why is left wing and right wing so apart when they actually have totally same policies or almost the same? They made it look like they are very different when in fact they all support open borders, they all support free trade, they are all capitalists. They should be all in same place on map, with millimeters apart.

The environment is important you piece of shit.
I hate the greens as much as everyone else but their environment policies are the ONLY thing going for them.


In this case, even Kek's favor cannot redeem you.

What do you have against nuclear power?

old pic but r8 me

I guess I'm one of those shitlord nazi frogs.

Leaf, not surprised


Honestly not what I expected.

I'd consider myself conservative on financial issues, libertarian on social issues - more of a centrist than anything. I do think it would be a good idea to decrease our national reliance on gasoline consumption, but otherwise I would not expect to see such a high percentage affinity with Stein.


"Nuclear plants are sitting time bombs."

Libertarian here

Voting for trump because I have a little republican blood in me


To all the fucking KEKS who support Gary Johnson, maybe you should watch this video where he exposes himself.

i've been in texas ten years and still haven't come close to adopting the identity they have.

post political themes

>wants assimilation
>want traditionalism
If you are assimilated into brown you ain't going to be traditional.

Literally who ?



Literally Hitler

>Socialism is government ownership and administration
Who made this? Socialism is people's ownership, but government always governs, government also always is centralized.


Why shouldn't we fucking complain if we ask you not to meddle and then you meddle, fuck everything up and refuse to fix it?

What the fuck are you on about?

No one likes your imperial fucking games.

And don't talk out of your ass about the EU, yes the current incarnation is a monstrosity, but freedom of movement is not something bad and bundling economic interests into a free market to stand on its own next to the US is again, not something bad.