Just a friendly reminder.
Google is spying on you
> yeah man, we know they're racists and we need to shut them down, but first lets give them some more videos that will redpill them
yeah man fuck em for giving me video suggestion i could like. i dont give a shit if google knows i shitpost on pol
And I couldn't care less.
I regularly Google;
How to cook meth
Pressure cooker bombs
Fertilizer as an explosive
Storm front
Daily stormer
Muslim invasions
Colored people are bad
Muslim Europe rape
I could go on, but you get the idea.
It amazes me that people, even people that visit this site are too stupid to be aware of the amount of awareness Google and other organisations have of your browsing habits and interests in 2016.
If you literally have a Android phone that connects to your home wi-fi they use that to build a profile about your habits and lifestyle too.
>Not having a Sup Forums Gold Account
The only way to counteract it is to shitpost and overwhelm them with useless browsing information. Get lost in the noise.
its fucking creepy, I was out buying some slip resistant black leather shoes for work and when I got home, fucking ads for slip resistant black leather shoes on skype and slickdeals. never searched up black leather shoes on google or anything, didn't even buy any shoes, just browsed, yet somehow Google knew.
They don't necessarily know which board you're on, this only proves that they know you visit Sup Forums
Pretty much whenever I get drunk I will at some point during the night google "Why are niggers so stupid?"
Oh really time to rest this
using firefox or chrome? then no shit Sherlock
That's usually what people claim until the day it hits them in the face. It's the same with security: if nothing bad happens, is it because the security is good, or is it because no one tried to attack you?
I'm myself a great example of why you should be wary. I travel a lot, and I've been arrested more times than I remember under suspicion of terrorism, weapons trafficking, networking with fringe political parties, spying, smuggling of whatever...
Now I don't hide anymore because I know I'm fucked anyway and it couldn't get worse. I even play with them. Just last year I ordered a wig and high heels my size (48EU, 13US) on aliexpress, paid with a temporary nameless credit card, simply ordered to my name and shipped to my home, from a $15 android tablet in a store using the store's free wifi. A couple months later, a retard from the anti terrorist police of the Netherlands who arrested me on the 1st of January because fuck you, tried to use it as a pressure point against me that he knew I was a transfaggot.
Oh what did I ever do? Well, I've been to school, college, got some impressive diplomas, been an upstanding citizen, never even fined for excessive speed nor forgetting to fasten my seat belt, I found a great job that pays well, I pay my taxes, I bought a home for my little family, and I download stuff via torrents and post on Sup Forums and other fringe areas of the internet where I express my nationalist views using my own internet. And I guess I travelled a little too much in "unusual" countries where people usually go to commit crimes, such as Spain, Italy, Japan, Canada or even Iceland.
Try to find what I did wrong. You may think you're safe just because you're not doing much with your life, but apparently it's as easy as getting on a plane to get into trouble, or worse as I found out, crossing an international border by car which everytime got me illegally detained between 2 and 4 weeks.
This. Just google a lot of shit about gaming, sports, or whatever normie hobby you occasionally indulge in.
It's not edgy, numb nuts. It's disinformation. If I Google everything I should not, and mix it up with normal things, they can't build as profile on me.
You have to do the opposite as well
Jesus loves me
local farmers market
With no point to chart data, the whole system becomes useless. Don't be such a tool.
>Spain, Italy, Japan, Iceland
I've been in Turkey, Russia, Malaysia, Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, and Albania in the last year. Am I on a list?
jesus christ. what did you do online?
>Try to find what I did wrong.
Okay I give up. What did you do wrong?
>not using old captcha
>not using qwant for searching needs
>Google is spying on you
I don't give a shit.
If some cunt wants to wade through my BBW mature porn searches or daft emails to my girlfriend and text messages to my daughter wishing her luck in exams and shit, making arrangements to meet my mum for dinner, meeting friends, my travel tickets.
Whatever. My life and communications are utterly mundane.
The idea that somone gets paid to search through this shit is amusing.
I've done nothing worse than what I mentioned. But there's quite a domino effect to it.
First you get arrested for no reason and are released quickly, but all countries take note that you've been suspected of something bad even though you were innocent. The second time, you get arrested because you've been suspected once. The third time, you get arrested because you've been suspected twice. Soon, everyone's got a huge file on you about all the times you've been suspected of things you haven't done. Some even have emails I sent and posts I made on anonymous imageboards: it's all that has ever been reproached to me, even though none of this constitutes a crime. And if even fucking Netherlands of all places can track down a wig and high heels, which I ordered simply to place a honeypot, that says a lot about the capabilities of many, many countries.
It only takes getting into a country that loves to spy people on the internet. It's a weekend in Germany that started it all, during which I got detained in Berlin airport, and then again back home by French border police. From that point everyone arrested me just because I had been arrested before.
Trips of truth.
Also, Oct. 1st.
>Finger family on main page.
Except when they track your I.P. and they take your kids because of "hate speech".
Good goyim, embrace your telescreen umbilical cord, privacy should not exist anymore
I don't care that google is spying on me, that's literally their business model. You accept that by using any of their services.
This, see
you know you can opt out of all that if you disable the google ad targeting and make it so youtube never saves any of your history.
They still get some but not to the extent they'd probably like.
I'm just waiting for something to replace youtube.
rfid's and your camera and mic are constantly on
We should make a Chantube.
Not trying to derail, but WTF is this shit?
Hello Sup Forums, embrace the AI
You have opened the worst and deepest possible rabbit hole.
Your life will never be the same.
Do you have any proofs? Not that I don't believe you or anything.
It's worse than you imagine. Did you know that Google Play accesses your camera phone and mic?
They are really spying on you, while you fap, shit, whatever you are doing with your phone handy, they get audiovideo, at will.
Do you doubt the NSA does this?
Put a piece of black electrical tape over your cameras. You can easily peel it back when you want to take a pic, and smooth it back down when you are not using it.
I don't want anyone using my camera besides me.
Use a band-aid, brother.
It protects the lens so you can sell the thing later without having sticky tape residue on the fucking thing.
I'm on the brain force now, so I'm havin' like a million good ideas a minute like John Travolta in Phenomenon, if you ever saw that movie.
Shit's legit.
There's always this:
Example (robots.txt):
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
This standard isn't strictly speaking legal so don't expect your web space to block all robots just because you included a couple lines of code in a text file on your root.
Wouldn't that be some interesting legal language, though?
OP is a fag
sucks man, I already know I'm fucked though. They've been collecting everything for over 10 years so what's the point in even trying to hide anything if they already have it all. Not that I even do anything criminal online, just every dirty though I've ever had is on file somewhere~ whether it be for an advertising profile or NSA/google overreach
>using google captcha
>on Sup Forums
Can amerifats be even more dumb?
Explain the logistics of supposedly 300million+ people actively being "watched" through their cameras? Who's watching? You think there's 300million+ people watching 300million+ people constantly? Lol wat?
Explain a use for any of this data or information. Explain where they'd store it. Explain any of it.
No one is watching you through your camera, dipshit. What's with this self importance people have? You're a nobody. No one in power even knows you exist, let alone wants to watch you. Even if they did, for what reasons? And what would you do about it?
It's unrealistic. There's no database large enough and not enough people to maintain one or do the things you guys think they do. 98% of this information is being used as shown in the OP. It's to advertise to your personally so as to maximize the jewry directed at you. Here goy, you like things similar to this, you'll like this too, buy it. That's all it is. Should you be someone trying to rebel against the system by doing illegal things, you have a higher chance of being caught. Isn't this a good thing depending on who is doing what?
Privacy is without doubt important. But everything you do online is recorded.
In UK there is GCHQ (government communication headquarters) in the USA there is NSA.
For Anglo countries there is "five eyes". It tracks everything.
What are they gonna do, arrest me for saying nigger?
I have noticed that capcha very closely follows the text of discussions; hangul appears after talking about Koreans, St Basil's after talking about Moscow.
You're wrong.
Xkeyscore is running overtime on Sup Forums, /r9k/, /k/, and Sup Forums.
Once your posts are flagged they alert Echelon and you are placed on a special lists where you will be assigned an agent to review your past searches and posts, he will determine if you're truly a threat or not.
Every night Sup Forums is taken down to save all the images from suspected threads to analyze.
You will be given a file depending on anything they find, it will stay with you forever and will affect security clearance jobs.
It's all an algorithm controlled by AI spiders.
hammer head.
A sorting algorithm. Normies in one box, us fags in another box marked for death at the hands of the NWO.
Best be getting yourself ready.
It's true
That's why i wondered why Sup Forums was down at 2am yesterday
FBI I just want to be your friend not get filed for shit i'm not even serious about REEEEE
another reason i'll just play with them if they keep reading and or not even post here at all
What are they going to do, send a SWAT team to kill me for sharing images on Sup Forums from my iphone?
If so, I'm glad I at least live in The United States of America.
They won't do anything unless they deem you a legitimate threat to whatever plans they have.
That's how people end up either framed for shit like child abuse images or they stalk you until you crack.
Gang stalking is real by the way.
It's subtle but it gets the message across.
Not much. Generally they refuse to give duplicates of any document, even some stating they are to be handed over to me, because even they realize they made a big mistake arresting me and don't want any trace of it to subsist. I even imagine they're given an earful about it by their superiors for wasting time on literally nobody. Regardless, the mistakes keep on happening.
I have never been fined or jailed for any of those reasons, just held during the questionning and investigation, under the brand new anti-terrorist acts that allow most countries to detain anyone for any duration under any reason, and no document or reason is ever given. Even last January in Holand, the police used a shitty reason to arrest me (seeking shelter from the rain in a private property), for which I should have been fined, and opened a nice criminal record for it, before they handed me over to the anti-terrorist police. Never got sent the fine, and I wouldn't be surprised if my criminal record was clean. I should contact the embassy about it just for the laugh.
Come to America be free, start a new identify as jose
America is the country that gave me the most trouble, and also the one where I lost my virginity. It's nice to cut the lines at airports thanks to those new biometric passports, but then I lost quite a lot of time getting my asshole probed.
I'm so sorry user do you see this problem ending anytime soon?
I got a clean record a pocket knife in public, a locked gun in the car and a shotgun at home.
If someone kills me, I made a mistake and I'll live with it.
i literally just tried this and it didnt happen. wtf op, are there just shit privacy laws in other countries?
I want off of this ride.
Yeah if I get SRS and a new identity in Brazil, sucking cocks for a living. That should keep the heat away for a while. Maybe.
Otherwise no I'm fucked and I just can't escape it anymore. I've gotten used to it, I just sit in my cell and wait. Though I've since started traveling with the kids and they gave me much less trouble, especially with my wife harassing them in the meantime. That helps.
Just checked my jewtube ... tons of normie shit and stuff related to other stuff I've watched
OP is a literal faggot
>if someone kills me, i'll live with it
American education.
Vinyl tape is opaque, and black matches my phone, so it's not visible at a glance.
The data is sorted by algorithm, the degree of intimate knowledge of you potentiates sales.
Also, business information. Do you think NSA analysts retire poor? With the access they have to literally every business move you make - before you make it - they're the ultimate insiders.
There is plenty of storage capacity. Every electronic communication globally is archived, sorted, and permanently stored for future reference.
Ffs, this is public domain information. How can you not know this?
An agent still has to confront me, abd I'll simply kill him
Plus im a ghost. My trail constantly disappears and I intentionally misdirect pursuants. You can't reliably track me over time to build a file.
>that was the joke
We all gotta go sometime. All a man can ask for is a good life and an honorable death.
I plan on doing both before I die.
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
Moot did this
This is not news
I Kek thinking about the faces I make when I beat my dick every morning before work
Some asshole is loging me having a stroke through my camera on my phone
Mate, we all know you are getting detained because you are a muslim, no need to hide it.
Its public knowledge that a handful of service providers hand over their information to law enforcement upon request. This can be done without a warrant if an investigation is going on. Just last year google did this 16,000 times. They then have access to that persons entire history with any google service, whether it was deleted or not. Microsoft does this too.
Spying probably goes much deeper than that. There will always be these people that dont see anything wrong with it and fly into a rage at anyone elses suggestion otherwise. These same people fly into a rage over any suggestion that the world is not corrupt. They may be naive, or just proud that they are in line. Whatever the case, they certainly are not very intelligent about the nature of the world. These sheep are what allow and promote this crap. Because of them it progresses. According to this attitude, anything which does not conform to the social structure AKA political correctness is criminal. Its incredible.. WTF happened to people??
Yes, we are nobodies, but it is very obvious that we are living in a time where increasingly fewer and fewer people are out of line with politics. Would you say the only reasons for a person to be out of line with politics are sick reasons? You can meet 5,000 people in one day and none of them are out of line, thats how rare it is.. We are like sheep being canaled and herded by a dog in a pasture. There is obvious reasons why people in power would not want such a disturbance.. Its time and money, it becomes a nuisance where there is little other nuisance.
A lot of stuff in this thread sounds like paranoia.
If it's true it'd be just bots and programs not real people tracking you unless you've actually done something wrong.
That's just my opinion. Paranoia is healthy and can keep you safe but after traveling I realized I'm doing nothing wrong by having opinions and if people think that I am in my country then those people are unfortunately wrong. If society thinks it's bad, it means our society is bad/broken/in bad shape. That's all.
Either way I don't think you're being monitored by actual humans, think of all the shit google must know about the natural behavior of humans that is un-pc as fuck at this stage. Working at Google would be a redpill on humanity we'd never even reach getting close to by reading here.
i've been followed by helicopters plenty of times and i have no idea why.
i figure i'll be the first to get booked to a fema camp if shtf
I find the opposite. I think more and more people are out of line with the social rules. They're just not saying it.
Everytime somebody is asked who they vote for and they say "i'm not into politics" I assume it means right wing.
>kys vy van
it's true, and security agencies can text and communicate with you as people in your contacts.
"I AM NOT A ROBOT" haha yeah right
helicopters are sent to flag the snipers.
You're not only being watched...
You're being protected...
>current year
>realizing this just now
Google is stalking everybody since Larry Page left the office.
who cares this board is satire
They direct you to stuff you might be interested in. What's so bad about it?
the paranoia in this thread is contagious
finally some confirmation.
The solution isn't to hide what you're doing. Its to flood our overlords with so much useless disinfo that they can't draw any meaningful conclusion.
Related reading (this shit made me chuckle)
Looks like I'm fucked for commiting the hate crime of posting on Sup Forums.
If you have an Android phone. There's an app you can download through F-Droid called NewPipe that is an open source wrapper app so that you can watch and download YouTube videos. None of that information is captured because of how the app works.
I just use my YouTube account for normie stuff.
If you become somewhat successful, known or powerful, you might have to defend special interest so your browsing habits are not released and used against you. Blackmail is very effective.
>you know you can opt out of all that if you disable the google ad targeting and make it so youtube never saves any of your history
>make it so youtube never saves any of your history
They still save it, you just don't see it
I shitpost a lot on here, how to overthrow the Faroes etc. Turkey hatred threads, really savage radical shit.
Travel all over the place, rarely get pulled aside if ever.
i aint clickin that shit nigga
It's just fucking cookies/local internet history you mongos. Clear history and refresh the page and the suggestions will be back to normal.
Nope, still the same shit.
I leave youtube on autoplay
Who knows how much shit they have on my history that I haven't actually seen
>Use google account
>Accept cookies from Google
>Browse with Edge or Google Chrome
>Windows or Android...
Here, youtube's recommended contents are simply randomized and just the same as TV & radio 's promotions show.
I googled niggers once, just to see what it gave me.
Not a proud moment.
i forgive you