S-Save me Ned, it was a dothraki boar in the open field

S-Save me Ned, it was a dothraki boar in the open field.

why was boar hunting still so dangerous in the got universe?


>get boar tusk drilled into you
>die of an infection

The answer is lack of antiseptics.

probably no transfusions either

*dun dun DUN*

formerly huk

Bloodraven(aka littlefinger) Warged it to kill robert and destabilise the realm

Boars are dangerous in real life too you daft cunt.

what are you even trying to imply here? if you think they were capable of genetically modifying boars without the tusks to prevent potential injuries then im not sure what you took from this show, you say 'still' as if this universe they had a really safe and comfortable standard of living



My high school math teacher was injured by a board and spent 3 weeks in a hospital

Wild boars are like 250kg and they're pretty fast

The risk of infection, which is a major part of the plot in the early seasons.

>Drogo dies from a relatively small wound that gets infected
>King Bobby B's boar mishap
>Jaime's right arm gets badly infected and additional parts of it need to get chopped off so he doesn't die

Drogo would've lived if he didn't rip off his bandage and stick fucking mud in the wound

They're also built like fucking tanks. I can't imagine why someone would be stupid enough to try to kill one with a spear and no armor.

he was drunk

>Arya gets stabbed in the gut multiple times and thrown into shit water.
>Recovers completely in one day.

Bravo D&D

He was strong back then.

youd think the royal hunting party would be more prepared to something like this happening.
the king was a raging drunk and even without cersei spiking his vino hed prolly fucked up eventually anyhow.
just seems like shitty organisation skills by his entourage.

board related death at the workplace is a risk a teacher has to accept.

iirc in the book he drunkenly orders everyone to stand back while he takes the boar on by himself. in the show it's hilarious because the king's out in the middle of the woods with zero horses and just three guys, only one of whom is an actual fighter

A single boar will fuck your world up, bud. They roam in teams and destroy everything in their path.

Bear in mind that Robert was wasted as fuck when he went boar hunting

Renly was there too, wasn't he? I wonder if he saw an opportunity to take the throne.

>A fat man (a pig) is killed by a boar
was it kino?

*blocks your path*
