How do we fix modern males?
How do we fix modern males?
You first realize that the guy in pic related is probably more productive and intelligent than you. Then you stop posting on Sup Forums.
where do i get a carno statue like that?
there is no camo statue in that pic
Get a strong, authoritative father figure to smack em a few times
I've got just the guy
it's a carnotaurus
>the only people autistic enough to actually really contribute to society are doomed to be cucks
thats the problem
a balance of academic and physical education
I own dinosaur statues too, fuck you.
The only issue is his beard.
>triggered manchild
fuck you that's cool. dinosaur figures>>>>any other figures.
Mandatory martial arts training for males in schools. Water filters to get estrogen out of water supply. Mandatory 3-6month bootcamp/basic combat training after high school.
That should toughen them kids up.
>How do we fix modern males?
A trip to the vet and a quick snip.
>modern males?
Was is necessary to write "modern"?
All other males are dead and unfix-able.
That's actually true. Especially if you are anti-globalist.
Get rid of nignogs.
That carno statue is pretty cool.
I dunno, lewd anime figures are good too.
I don't see the point in anything other than dinosaur, lewd anime or operator anime figures.
I would have joined if they just had more private restrooms.
It's impossible to shit in the open stalls they have.
You can't do anything. It's low testosterone.
You can look at the guy and instantly tell he has low test. Growing a beard doesn't help, especially when the beard is that weak looking.
I am pretty much in the same boat, but not that sad because I work out. I've got low test and I have to work out just to look normal.
Low test males are so common I am fully convinced that it's caused by food, water, medication or a combination of all of them.
I blame my mother who took anti-depressants while pregnant with me.
By adding feathers
>How do we fix modern males?
Another world war.
They aren't going to man up until crisis hits.
Males generally need a reason to be responsible in order to progress in masculinity. The rise of feminism has resulted in men feeling less of a need to be responsible. And so they are defaulting to man children. Men need something to fight for, and the original thing to fight for (taking care of a woman) is now gone.
But I don't want to vote for Hillary.
World War with Islam. Even if the right takes power in Europe. You think the Muslims are going to pack up peacefully and go home?
Hell no, they will arm up and go to war.
Carnos didn't have feathers. They were covered in scales.
A numale will be betrayed a hundred times and so long as you are friendly while doing it they will forgive you, not out of kindness but out of weakness. This is not the forgiveness of compassion but of fear.
Once they know fear and destroy it, they will become clever and viscous for their hearts are still greedy and with their new found self-esteem they will abuse the feeling until it turns their soul black.
The only thing needed to turn a man good is to be shown the world can be good. These men do not believe it, they have tricked themselves into thinking they believe it and as such put on an act so convincing that they become entranced by it and force it.
This is why they appear deluded in all things, this is why they act unreal. They were made cynical too young and too cruelly, and as such they never matured.
We here have been made cynical far too late, and as such we bathe in our jadedness and find enjoyment in the displeasure of those we have learned to hate. We have hearts of gold each and every one of us though, and as ruthless as our words can be we still remain gentle.
We are split, the two components that we need to make a whole man. We're both lies.
What split us?
That's Europe's problem so long as we keep Merkel 2.0 out here.
Start by killing yoursef Magnus
Bring back the dinosaurs.
Why would you want to own a dead one? Wouldn't you want a T. rex looking badass?
Praise him publicly and upbraid him privately. In this way the blemish will heal.
Fuck you, whalenigger
I like dinosaurs
This thread comes up often.
But... are there that many punchable faces out there?
Give young men manly toys, not that gay dinosaur shit.
they're the victims here
they think they're the victims of the wrong thing though
they're really victims of jewish mind conditioning
the red pill is patient, they will find their way eventually
I don't know but I like the dinosaur.
>but I like the dinosaur.
Confirmed hard gay.
>posts maybe the most homoerotically dressed cartoon character of the 80's
>apex land dwelling predators of all time
Best be joking, nigger
There is absolutely nothing wrong with dinosaurs christcuck
Terrence Malick detected.
Stop projecting bro. You just can't handle all this totally heterosexual masculinity.
That's a good model,
They should make JoJo toys instead.
Return to farming. Farming is the GOAT lifestyle.
>You're born into a small village in Europe 1000 years ago.
>There are only a few other your age, so you meet all of your friends during childhood and grow up beside them. You explore in the woods, make games, laugh together. You never leave the lands you're born on but that's okay because all of your friends and family are assured to stay here as well.
>You marry your wife at age 16. You've both known each other since you were children. You've done nothing special to get her, no game, no pick-up artistry no gymceling (you already have a healthy form due to working outdoors all day). You guys got together purely because you've known eachother since birth and feel close and comfortable with each other. You consummate your marriage to her, looking into innocent teen eyes as you orgasm, coming into her virgin pussy unprotected. She's pregnant with your son and you start working on the farm, or by fishing, or hunting or whatever your trade was in order to start providing for your family. You do this over the next several years, and by the age of 30 you have 10 kids with her all working in the same village. Work is hard but it keeps your body in good shape. There is no commute, no cubicles, no busy work. Your just do your labor and come home at night and have sex with your wife all night.
>You die around age 55-60, much earlier than the modern year. But when you die you're not absolutely literally falling apart, hooked up with a bunch of machines, being pumped with tons of meds, shitting into a bag. You pass away peacefully but do so with the knowledge that all of your children will marry white people from the surrounding area as well, and that you've lived a fulfilling and happy life.
This is beautiful.
Possibly, I did roll and rub a guys hair for like 10 minutes straight this weekend. Am I a faggot now?
Beyond the point of no return.
Our economies have made masculinity largely irrelevant and a disposable trait that rarely contributes to success in the modern workplace.
Until manual labour/aggression is in demand, things will remain on current course.
>I did roll and rub a guys hair for like 10 minutes
Holy shit. Confirmed "extra strength, moving to Castro Street, marching in the Pride Day parade with your boyfriend" super hard gay.
what's the point in any of those things?
I blame the fact that we've spent our whole existence in a society which is built entirely on falsehoods and artificiality where everyone with a working brain is aware of this fact but has to continue it's upkeep solely for their own survival knowing full well that it doesn't really amount to anything in the end. This becomes increasingly more evident as people begin to turn away more and more from religion with no higher sort of purpose to fall back on. People then look for reasons to justify carrying on, and many turn to pleasure and the acquisition of material wealth as the end purpose of living, in large part. It could be anything, but we've all become pretty numb trying to convince ourselves that this is somehow the way people are supposed to live. We know that it isn't, but we don't know how to pursue any alternatives because this is all we've ever experienced.
People cum on lewd anime and post in on reddit like the sadistic manchildren they are
It's ridiculous and disgusting
That is... if war doesn't come and you end up taking your pitchfork to fight against knights in the meat grinder because gods know those arrows need to hit someone. And then there is the result, you either die and you pray to god that the village rapist doesn't find your wife and kids or you don't die and get maimed losing a leg or both legs and end up being a burden on your family who already lost it's main producer.
Sounds like paradise
I've also heard that in the middle ages 1/3 of the year was taken up by religious holidays, feast days etc, and that people didn't have to work on those days.
>romanian describing present day conditions of his country
we're talking about the middle ages here m8
send them to the trenches
by fucking not having a welfare state and good infrastructure and shit. the more comfy peoples lives are, the more dormant they become. when someone are not required to be productive, degeneracy always tends to increase
You probably never worked at farm
>American education
Dead ones tell a story. Reminds me of that scene in Jurassic Park too.
I also own pic related
amish or commie? anyway, fuck off retard.
Nobody will ever believe you no matter who you tell.
Thats a Tyranosaurus, bro
You do silly things on ecstasy m8
>He doesn't like dinosaurs
What do you like instead? Watching blacks fuck the girls you like?
> t. nu-male, who looks like that
Fuck that. I wanna invest in healthcare research to the point that life is extended faster than I can spend it.
That's a cool fucking dinosaur
Give them a perspective and something to strive to other than "employment".
silly dinosaur man
>How do we fix modern males?
decapitate their pee-pees
give them hormones
attach silicone tits
I would put anyone with that hair under surveillance.
I'm pretty sure he will shoot a kindergarten or are keeping children in his basement.
>Why would you want to own a dead one?
So you can put it next to your t-rex?
>thick, short, four fingered arms pointing backwards
>They got her surrounded!
>The poor bastards!
castrate them.
Leaf doesn't even know his dinos. Shame.
The sad part about this picture is the fact some kid went home that night playing with these.
Imagine the things your mom did to you now and you don't know.
Give them something to do.
Settle down ling ling,
we'll cook those dinosaurs!
we make them stay away from modern females
1000 years ago most people died at the age of 30 and you could die from fucking flu how stupid are you? not to mention you were in total control of your liege
Before slut culture took completely over, productive betas were usually rewarded with a faithful wife (or at least one that actually feared consequences if she did cheat).
The Jews have really infected society with an really nasty cancer called feminism that only encourages female degeneracy which ruins male motivation (the drive of society). Chad still gets all the pussy he wants so he doesn't care, but Beta Bob has no incentive to work hard anymore.
You have a problem with a blonde, iron cross wearing master of the universe?
Give them a hug!
>the original thing to fight for (taking care of a woman)