Movies white people will never understand
Movies white people will never understand
All of them, except God is Not Dead / God is Not Dead 2.
they understood it was a waste of time lmao
>this guy made a movie on the coattails of 'a slave' and figured he was a shoe in for oscar that year, except people were sick of those movies and he also got caught raping a white woman.
too bad, so sad!
Explain this movie to me my melanin enriched friend.
>niggers = bad news
What's not to understand?
Did anyone here actually watch this? How bad was it?
It's intresting how burgers self image has changed
>the land of freedom and opportunity
>slavery, massacre of native burgers, stole cali etc. from the spics, killing lots of brown chinks,...
The idea of burgerland has changed to something very negative - to something that's evil. It will be the doom of burgerland eventually.
>burgers self image
No, that's liberal self image, everyone not a liberal doesn't give a shit about being a victim but also an oppressor
Look at the culture at large. Every non-White burger thinks that and every liberal White burger thinks that. Burgerland will become more and more non-White and now it looks like Trump might even give citizenship to the dreamers etc. and maybe not even build the wall, but even if he does it's too late. Burgerland will be more and more non-White. All the institutions have this negative view of burgerland... the media, unis......
And lets be honest many conservatives also thinks that large parts of the history is evil. That slavery etc. outweigh "freedom" etc. . Look at the non-Trump part of the republicans... This change in self image has accelerated more and more and sure ther will be some people fighting it be it probably want work. Similar thing is Europe btw although not as quite as bad (with some exceptions).
It wasn't bad desu. Everyone was preemptively butthurt because muh SJW but all the characters in the show were assholes, including the "woke" negress.
So you are saying Americans developed a more realistic look upon their country, and this is gonna somehow doom them?
This was actually pretty good.
>that scene where they chisel out a slaves teeth because he refuses to eat
Liberals white guilt and self hatred is destroying the whole notion of national pride
What's going to doom america is its immigration policy.
Have fun turning into brazil 2.0
>history that blacks will never undertsand
That nose is fucking offensive.
Jesus fucking Christ I can't stand looking at black people.
terrible, there is even a line where a normie talks to the nigress ¨hey, dou you like game of thrones?¨
followed by the bitch just shoving him off ¨ohh! you mean that show where the black people are SLAVES?!! FUCK THAT SHOW¨
its almost like if none of the writers have ever watched GoT