What dose/pol/ do to get pussy?
>inb4 "traditionalism"
Wrong thread 4u
What dose/pol/ do to get pussy?
>inb4 "traditionalism"
Wrong thread 4u
Show them my rare pepes. It never fails.
"Hey baby, want to make America great again, one white baby at a time?"
Travel. Wtf aussie. That's what u guys do.
I take mdma and speed and meet girls on nights out, get their numbers and progress from there
Go to shelter
Adopt pussy
Bring home
Introduce to litter box
Feed pussy
just go up and shake the manager's hand
what dose? try roofies!
act like a douche bag nobody
>Have money
>Be confident
>Interesting Hobbies/Job
>easy to talk to
>has your own place
>drive a nice car/drive a truck
>don't act desperate
>always be having fun
>don't complain about stupid shit
>leave politics out of it
water bottle full of vodka for confidence
t. Modern day lothario
>bear hug potential mate from behind
>whisper into her ear, "I got an underwater glass dome house in my Minecraft world"
Rent it for an hour or two
1.Go to America
2.Show them Canadian cuckold memes
3.Make the memes reality
That easy
>have good genetics
>Have a good angular face
>Workout for multiple years
>Have a good sense of humor
>Don't be creepy but slightly touch/tap her while talking
>Don't act dependent on her or seem needy, act engaged but as if you could totally be doing something else and you're granting her the gift of talking with you
>Be well dressed
>Smell good
>Don't look poor (even if you are poor give off the appearance of wealth)
So new. Sad.
I actually need help with this
Those things fucking suck. Never enough light.
Far underground was always better for trying to be alone on a server.
I'm pretty muscular and have good facial structure.
I go to anime conventions (not even in cosplay, just wearing a wife-beater and loose comfy pants) and walk around until some girl approaches me with interest, then fuck back at the hotel.
Pay them
>Being this new
What I did was make a glass floor with lava below it. Gives me all the light I need. It's also linked to a tunnel to an actual house on land.
Just act like you don't give a fuck, but everything that happens is a positive gift.
I got married
I fuck my girlfriend.
ive been thaaaaaaat close multiple times but still a virgin at 22, i even got drghed away from a party by what waass the girl of my dreams at the time, who straight up made me hold her hand to "feel safe" on the walk back and was telling me we had to cuddle to keep warm and i was still so anxious i was half hover handing while spooning. probably for the better though since we were drunk
>don't act desperate
>always be having fun
>don't complain about stupid shit
>leave politics out of it
this is so crucial. always be having fun, whether it's with a few bros you really vibe with or with some other girls to show you can actually interact with the opposite sex. you must project confidence and contentment in your stake in life at all times
>Have money
>Be confident
these are also very helpful, and you can possibly get away with just these two, but you gotta be a conventionally attractive white guy to pull it off with just these
>Have money
>also very helpful
No this is MANDATORY for anything other than one-night stands. No girl wants to date or marry you if you have no financial assets.
Pretend to be a normie from time to time.
It's tedious, but I'm not enlightened enough not to get frustrated when never having sex.
Is this pasta? 22 year old virgin? I cant even imagine...
If you're looking for the best practical advice OP, this is it.
i know this is the internet so we can all say whatever, but I can assure you this is not always the case. i guess my gf's had confidence in me being successful in the future, but my first long term girlfriend was far wealthier than me, paid for dates sometimes, etc. she had particularly low self esteem so maybe that helped, but she was faithful and committed
Conquer the world.
Generally don't talk about le politics. Drink alcohol. Be relaxed and go in with mindset that you're just at the social gathering to have fun and whatever else happens is cherry on top. Chat to girls about bullshit, then dance with them (even if you suck).
Probably all of them saw you had potential to get money.
Many women openly say that they think ambition is an important quality in a man. It's just an euphemism for money in the future.
I first tell them i love lesbian sex.
I then try to rub up against them.
I also brag about how tough i really am.
I then talk about the time i drove a corvette.
I then show a sensitive side and cry about high school bullies.
Finally, i get real honest and tell them about my genital warts growing on my ass.
Alllright exceptpolitics.
Also if you do all this right you could be afucking starwars nerd and it would be a little quirk of you. Just stand up for yourself and whatyou like and the right woman will cometoyou. I wouldnt have a woman who couldn not accept my political stances.
ALSO i redpilled every girl i had in time. So fuck you and your "leave politics out of it". The rest is very good advice though.
>don't complain about stupid shit
>have money
>Interesting Hobbies/Job
how the fuck do women/lesbians get laid
i live in san francisco
90% cucked numales who get shaky hands when looking at a girl, 99% of the time im the most maculine guy in the room
and 10% of the women come from the south/midwest to work for big tech companies and miss traditional men and i'll have a vast choice of girls to settle down with when im ready
>girlfriend was far wealthier than me
So you had money.
What don't you get about this? I didn't say you had to have a lot of financial assets, but you need money, or you need to be in education/training working your way towards making money, or a girl wants nothing to do with you.
Even if you are a 10/10 God-tier Chad, but you're a NEET or homeless man with no financial assets to provide, no girl wants anything to do with you except maybe a one-night stand.
Even for a one night stand you need money to be able to afford things like proper hygiene, clothing, a car, shelter/housing, and money to spend on various things.
You NEED money, it is MANDATORY. Stop being a fucking retard and trying to act like you don't need money.
Can't imagine the type of girl willing to give out her number to a guy high on mdma and speed
Be myself and literally just ask if they want to fuck.
It's easy mode when you're attractive, funny, and confident.
>tfw fighting off nearly crippling sex addiction
I think the fastest I've gone from meeting someone (with zero contact, period) to fucking them is a little under 40 minutes. Feels good and bad man.
>What dose/pol/ do to get pussy
I promise your mom a warm meal and don't deliver afterwards :^)
Seduce me with your rare Pepes, senpai.
I live in sf too!
Wanna hook up?
Well, a warm load can be considered a meal. His mom probably does.
>I think the fastest I've gone from meeting someone (with zero contact, period) to fucking them is a little under 40 minutes. Feels good and bad man.
read this look at flag, well no wonder. Your women walk "bow legged"...
That really isn't any achievement, especially in Britain where every woman look like fat tranny.
Pay hookers
bruv I have literally no money, my family has very little in assets. i got a good scholarship and took loans to go to private university, so maybe I just gave the facade of wealth well, but I was broke as shit and she knew it. but i agree you have to have some focus and a plan for the future, it's important to ladies
I paint my skin brown then go up to women and say "ooga booga you must or racist"
I got ya beat. 10 minutes. 5 walking to car. Love biker chicks
and stds
Spreading their legs? Its easy to get laid if you have a pussy. There are thousands of cocks on tap at any given night.
I'm thinking about going to church to meet girls. What does Sup Forums think? I've also put thought into going to anime conventions to meet fellow honorary aryan cartoon enthusiasts.
I don't. I haven't had sex in two years. And I'd rather kill myself than resort to online dating.
One of these days I'll go abroad and visit the Reeperbahn or something.
playing Widowmaker in overwatch...
I wish I was kidding lol
Superior option to dating the vaginal jew. Real man right here.
>>>inb4 "traditionalism"
He... he captured my favorite trick!
it was a joke, women don't need to put effort in. All they need to do is exist
I don't find it that hard to get in touch with woman. Usually it starts with looks, then I approach depending on situation (mostly making a remark), check her reaction and then try to set up a date/informal meeting if positive.
I don't do clubbing. Most of the girls I have sex with are somewhat work/gym related
Been consistently getting pussy from Tinder for a couple of years.
i dont since pussy is forbidden i will die virgin
>jst b urself
>22 year old virgin
Work at a theme park, every 'season' (September - February) the place hires like, 100+ casuals, the vast majority of which are 15-19 year old females, 99% of whom will rotate out at the end of the season.
Been there for six years now and i've never not gotten my dick wet in young teenager pussy during that period, my average is three, but last year i got seven and kept two of those going in sporadic / fuckbuddy relationships over the course of the year.
I'm having a real crisis of conscience though because they want to promote me to a supervisor, but that means i sign contracts saying i can't fuck co-workers (even ones in different departments) and that will really throw my whole game out.
They just started hiring the new batch too, so i'm pretty pumped.
damn dude that is the life
jealous af
keep on banging them anyway fuck it
I am waiting for my sexbot.
>Sup Forums
>can't imagine 22 yr old virgin
fucking pottery
Lmao, I just fuck average girls on tinder
The true redpill. Which is pay for a escort. Women are truly intrincate creatures.
Sounds like bullshit to me senpai
Did you forget where you are?
Which one? DreamworId?
I'm not surprised you aIways fuck a few, GoId Coast is such a fucking cesspit
Or maybe I'm just creep and I scare them with bad vibes I cannot control, anyway fuck them , they are unfunny beings after all
What do you mean? There are ways of not looking so cooked you know.
Double duty at wet n wild / movieworld since they're owned by the same company.
Went to church and got married.
I got married to a submissive white woman. Side note yesterday she told be she didn't believe a husband could rape a wife.
>Sup Forums generally calls any woman that has sex before marriage a used up whore
>Sup Forums proceeds to brag about "getting pussy" and other forms of debauchery
Nice double standards. Explain yourselves.
Literally the greatest role model of our generation. A lion amongst sheep. He knew how to be a gentlemen instead of being a douche bag just to get girls.
I show them my rare peepee. 20% success rate.
Yeah I know they're aII owned by the same company.
I went to aII of them a few years ago on hoIiday. Wet n wiId, seaworId and movieworId.
Pretty fun.
>Tfw highIight was Dad convicing mum the Scooby Doo ride was just a haunted house
I toId him so many times I was sure it wasn't one, he didn't beIieve me.
>mum stiII gets mad as fuck if you mention it Imao
>>pol is just one person.