Have you ever been arrested?
How was it?
Have you ever been arrested?
No, because I'm too cautious.
No, because I'm too Caucasian.
Public intoxication. Wasn't terrible. Made bail and rich family = get off with no repercussions
>gold handcuffs
The cartel is gonna skin you alive
>Diamond clothing
literal swagfag faggot
No. The only "close" call was when we were caught drinking in public, nothing too exciting happened.
>what is paint
I'm white.
No, because I'm not a nigger or a wigger.
> in a jail cell
> still allowed to take pics on the cell phone
Twice it's fucking horrible but alcohol numbs it albit
I'm not fucking stupid so no.
Yep. Drunk in public. It was a minor inconvenience. No conviction, charges dropped, expunged from record after a year. Still pretty fucking annoying to be around hundreds of drunk people on a busy street and be the one guy who gets in trouble for it.
I ran from the cops once. I was driving an old beat to hell Blazer, going 100 in a 55. Trooper was going the other way and flipped on his lights and started to turn around. I just kept it pinned until I came up to a neighborhood under construction and pulled beside a house. After about 15 minutes I got back on the road but was terrified I'd see the trooper again.
Fuck sakes . If you haven't been arrested, you are living in a fucking hole . Get out and do something you shouldn't be doing . Get in s fight , break a window DO SOMETHING
Yes, for DWI.
>Was bullshit, they had no evidence
>passed the field sobriety test with flying colors
>refused breath and blood test
>still had to drop $4k on a lawyer
>got it dropped down to a failure to signal a lane change
Jail is fucking gay. I was put in a solitary cell for about 5 hours. Let me tell you: being locked up, even for a few hours, fucking sucks cock.
Several times. boring as shit each time waiting on my bail money to go through. Raised hell in the jail the entire time because fuck those guards
Never been arrested, but have received an alcohol possession ticket and public urination ticket kek
how was the food?
I got arrested with 30 pounds of weed during a raid on the warehouse I was growing in. I spent the night in jail bailed out in the morning and went to trial for 3 months. I eventually got charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana, had to complete 80 hours of community labor and pay a $200 fine. God bless America, throw enough money at a problem and it goes away.
>pic related is what I managed to capture on CCTV before I surrendered
Never left the holding cell, they tried feeding me but that shit looked nasty. I drank some kool-aid that didn't have any sugar in it and bailed out shortly.
cop hand cuffed me
drove me 20 miles out of town
unhandcuffed me on side of road and let me go
had to walk all the way home took me all fucking night
Yes several times and it's always unpleasant.
Was doing 150 in a 55 last weekend and got pulled over. Trooper let me go. Asked him if he had fun chasing me instead of dealing with drunks he was like yeah.
>raised hell
>user was sloppy drunk and belligerent
Yeah sure, fuck the police kevin
>refused breath and blood test
That's where you fucked up idiot.
colored handcuffs are sometimes used for pych cases. i was put in yellow ones before. i'm not sure if it was a coincident or not.
>refused breath and blood test
Was it cause you were drinking and driving, you fucking subhuman
Yea, only three night at the farm in norcal. It was shit. Three high bunks in a giant hall and a douch bag cop throwing garbage cans around at 4am. Food was nasty. Orange suits smelled like dead bodies.
Weird thing is, the mexicans and niggers left me alone, but the fucking Irish punks were fucking assholes. I mean, wtf? Im Irish!
Expand on this
Was in an adult chat room years ago when yahoo had them.
>Got messaged by a girl started talking
>Gets sexual, she says "Oh do you mind that i'm 15"
>I figure its not like this shit is real so I play along
>After a couple times, she keeps messaging me all the time during the day, leaves me offlines saying she wants to meet
>I get creaped out block her
A month later cops at my door as i get &v Charged with 10 felonies.
Here's how my arrest went.
Cops were pretty professional, but I didn't say shit. When they asked me any questions I said i wasn't saying anything unless a lawyer was present.
They play the game of not telling me anything, figuring I would crack. I get thrown in jail for 2 weeks, no phone calls because the only numbers I know are all cell numbers that block collects. They rack me up on $75,000 bail.
Finally my family gets a lawyer, reduced bond, I get out on $1000. I wait 3 years take it to trial, all charges dropped the day before trial because the dep. prosecutor knew it was entrapment.
All said, the whole thing cost me about $30,000 in legal fees. Oh and my face was plastered all over the local news when I was arrested. Funny nothing on the news when the charges were all dropped.
I still get shit about it to this day. I lost nearly all my friends, a few stuck with me though.
>t. Old Navy edgelord
I wasn't drunk at all. I kinda made an ass of myself but idgaf
>post ends with 420
fitting. any idea how they found out?
Don't eat that shit. Unless you truly are pathetic as hell you should have bail money
>irish punks
>the farm
What the fuck are you smoking user? Norcal has no irish gangs and they definitely don't fuck with stand up whiteys.
You were likely an autistic creep tbqh.
>oh blimey, these fenian scum
can't you sue for defamation in this case
Yes, but didn't get brought to the police station because we were clever
It was some stupid-kid stuff and we were 16 at the time, but I will not clarify in case you're RCMP
Did you raise hell or kinda make an ass of yourself kevin?
i was an accomplice to armed robbery as a teenager and got rid of the weapon...i had some real degenerate friends. they eventually got caught and ratted me out. i was a minor and still in highschool. no jailtime but community service and i didnt see the parental light of day for years afterward.....sometimes your parents know best when they tell you not to hang out with certain ppl.
both and kevin is a white boy name. Pretty much I was like "You aren't gonna talk to me like that you fat ugly piece of shit, I didn't just kill some one if you want my respect I want yours." I also threw some food at a guard because she wouldn't hand me a pen to write down a phone number and I was put into a holding cell out of GP till the next shift.
I didn't eat anything the entire 13~ hours I was there, but the food was literal meme-tier bullshit
>bologna sandwich and an apple
Side note: I remember sitting next to this nigger in the intake area who was telling me about how he stole a bike that ended up being part of an APD sting operation. It was an almost entirely CF racing bike worth like $10k lelz. The retard got charged with like two third-degree felonies lmao, and he was in his mid 40s. Saw some hot ass, drunk, crying sororiwhores there too. Shit's a fuckin' trip.
I shot a man in Reno once just to watch him die. I was arrested for it afterwards but the charges that ended up sticking were the ones for fingering his butthole. Served 3 months.
went to jail for curfew violations. Never seen so many face tattoos. I redpilled the inmates on Jewish pharmaceutical conspiracies. Peanut butter is like gold. If the jews ever get you for hatespeech and you end up in jail, remember these 2 things
1)don't fucking whistle
2)don't flush the toilet at night
My boss is an idiot, seriously. Blew out a transformer at the main grow, DWP got involved and tipped the cops off and they watched us for 3 months. We found out in court they used helicopters with FLIR technology on us.
Totaled my car and spent the night in the drunk tank earlier this year. I was too fucked up to care really
>hang out with bad boys because too many movies
>hey guys am I in the gang now guise XD
>some shit goes down
>you fuck up
>blame them
>talk them down
>mommy and daddy were right
Jesus christ you are a little weeny. No responsibility
It would be pretty hard to get any damages. In reality what I should have done was sue Yahoo for allowing someone to violate the TOS for the chat room.
Honestly I just wanted the whole thing to be done with. I still have the arrest record which I'm trying to get expunged but thats harder than you think. I have been stopped by Customs before because of it.
Was... Was the food you threw by chance chicken tendies?
good god you're a stupid fuck ain't ya
Did two years got out and am now looking at over twenty
I'm not even a bad person. Just stupid.
Before u ask. Guns. I felt like I shouldn't have lost my rights because of a felony
Shall not be infringed
The law disagrees.
Mind you there are a bunch of minor crimes that are felonies. It's just an excuse to disarm us.
>threw food at a female guard
Holy shit, user literally spilled his pocket spheghetti in jail and had to be put in a private cell. Autism confirmed
Are you excited for Hansen vs. Predator as much as I am?
No it was some nasty ass sandwich they tried to force feed me
Wear gloves next time, you gotta be careful with the brown pinkie.
Maybe he meant the color you retarded burger
You are a fag. There were white gangs in the farm. They wanted to test me. Only the fucking white and very irish punks were eyeballin me. I am stand up, you fuck! I was ready to throw down but no one made a real move... Just fucking trying to stare me down. Yea, and they were irish like me.
Cock sucking fuck
Oh good, pol really is an alt-right dark army militia. Fuck
Fuck off, niggers. I wasn't anywhere near drunk. There is a zero-tolerance law in Texas. Even if you're under the "legal limit," you can still be charged at the discretion of the arresting officer.
I don't regret one bit my choice to refuse. $4k is nothing to get this horseshit off my record.
Looking at federal time?
>We found out in court they used helicopters with FLIR technology on us.
holy shit
>irrigation system
Got busted with lucy
Worst day of my life
Had to go to the hospital and straight from there to jail.
Still facing repercussions, struggling to get work, go to uni, and nursing back wounds from surgery I got from busting up my wrists while freaking out.
Pepe and being alone seems to help me a lot, can't say I'm doomed but I'm definitely not as happy as I was before...and doubt that I ever will be.
>three nights in county jail
>no one wants to roleplay prison with meh guise
>they were all afraid
>because I am the autism king
meh idc i was already pissed off. I just wanted to beat her ass but obviously I wouldn't get out of that did that so I did the most I could get away with. Some people are just assholes for no reason
>FLIR technology on us.
Just for that shit, I want to put something on the roof of my house that says "FUCK YOU PIGS" but only will show up on FLIR.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not drive extra careful in a zero-tolerance state after drinking?
run lol. also what minor crimes
Was doing 200 in a 55 last month, Trooper pulled me over a county over and congratulated my speedrun.
Car or bike?
Got arrested for public nuisance/inciting a riot at a music festival, didn't get charged tho, they basically just took everyone involved back to the station and then let us go
No, not at all. I simply got temporarily fucked by an imperfect legal system, you dumb nigger.
kek he fell for the bait bike? that's kinda fucked up they do that to make it felonies to put dumb niggers away.
gross. sounds about right.
Wow, maybe you should kill yourself? And what the hell is lucy?
Wew lad did you just engage in criminal conspiracy by aiding and abetting a fugitive?
By advising him to evade law enforcement? Wew lad
>I was only playing along as a joke xp
Get fucked, Pedo.
i did 2 years for felony assault
My (((lawyer))) was happy to find out about that. He kept saying "Wait till we take this to the LA times and have them write a story how LAPD is using military technology to spy on medical marijuana patients"
i didn't aid him with shit. hes a grown man he can make his own choices.
It's acid dumbass.
I still have two misdemeanors...
Can't get a job...
Can't get a gf..
Can't properly work out without pain
My homework is just getting harder and harder...
I've thought about killing myself but I don't know what happens after I die.
There we go, something real. Let me guess. Your cousin Tracy stopped blowing you behind the trailer park to get airtight with a group of niggers instead.
So you beat her the fuck up.
You refused a breath and blood test despite it being common knowledge that the consequences of doing so are dire.
So yes, you are a stupid fuck
Lucy's a slang term for a prostitute
Meant for
Were you at least getting paid good?
who here /curfew/?
I swear to god if I don't sort out this court bullshit I'm just gunna drop a toaster in my bathtub.
Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air
Once I was asked for my account on a vehicle crash.
Last time I interacted with the police they were confirming my emergency contact details (really out of date, so thankfully they did)
Was doing 88 in a 25 last Saturday, Iranian terrorists shot up my buddy but I was moving around so much they couldn't hit me.
>I've thought about killing myself but I don't know what happens after I die.
You're such a fucking faggotnigger.
Yeah, I've had a few run ins. Assaulting a cop, regular assault, illegal weapons, sexual assault, probably drinking a few times
charges dropped every time lmao
This happens every time I post my story...Everybody jumps on me just because I made every mistake possible...
I was going 300 in a rural area
O shit it dat Johnny cash
Being arrested is a relatively painless experience so long as you are white and comply with the cops.
Jail is a relatively painless experience so long as you are white and comply with the cops.
Finding a job with an arrest and jail time on your record is virtually impossible in this economy, enjoy choosing between flipping burgers and crime to make money for the next 10 years while you wait for the court to consider expunging your record, then enjoy the legal fees that accrue each time you file the motion. Enjoy being treated like a nigger by every employer for the next decade.