My mom volunteered to take in two refugees as they transition over and attend rehabilitation.
What do I do, I am not okay with this.
My mom volunteered to take in two refugees as they transition over and attend rehabilitation
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You know what you must do.
Have you ever hid a body before? Or at least burned one?
cool. you gonna get bunk beds?
Electrical fire. Give her enough time to get out of the house, but not enough for the fire department to save it.
She can't take in refugees if she doesn't have a home.
Get a job and move out?
Kill your mom and frame the refugees.
This will be a good experience for you to actually interact with the refugees instead of just fearing them based off what you read on obscure rightwing shithole corners of the internet like this one.
That being said, we all know this is a bait thread so more shills can cause further fear mongering. I just think posting the first part of this post was still necessary.
Start learning arabic and read the Quran because your mom is craving some Mohammed dick.
Try to get women.
If they're legal you shouldn't have any problem with them. Start redpilling them early.
As a former refugee I must say they are vulnerable and obviously hate their country. By a little patience you can turn them into full on redpilled republicans.
Fuck off
Prepare your anus.
You have 2 options, watch her get raped and killed, or remove them yourself.
kill yourself nigger
You first :^)
First of all we don;t even know if OP lives with his mom or if he is just concerned.
Secondly EVEN if he is living with his parents, he should be able to decide what is going on in his family.
What you faggot is proposing boils down to:
>just go away
>stop caring about your family and it's decisions
>stop caring about how your own family values influence state of your country
>just run
This is why you lose to emus. Well, we can also see clearly now, that futa is infact GAY
I've never heard of such a program in the US, doubt it's even legal since "refugees" will be from syria and would be in some papers.
hahaha I beat you get some of them "15" year olds with beards and shit
>h-hi user! i hope we're not bothering you
Slap her shit for being so retarded
You belong in a gas chamber.
Rape your mom before they do.
Link her to all the stories of rapefugees and what they do to host families. Get violent (not towards her) and show her that you won't allow and there's nothing she can do about it.
Grow a pair and either stand up or get your own place.
>This will be a good experience for you to actually interact with the refugees instead of just fearing them based off what you read on obscure rightwing shithole corners of the internet like this one.
this is good advice, right now your fear is based on words, once you've actually experienced refugees your fear will be more primal and thus more potent, allowing you to do more with it
Move away. I'm serious, call some friends, ask uncles or aunts, go to lodging school etc.
You are. You make me nervous and I can't even walk around my house without feeling social pressure. I hate having to close my 4 chin tabs when you pass by and answer your questions about body a while I'm still fucking playing the game.
Maybe if it was Ritsu or Moogs I'd consider it.
Definitely not for Azusa.
Sorry to tell you OP but your mom is secretly ISIS. RIP OP.
Talk to your mum and say you don't want it you fucking neet faggot.
Steal her jewelery and let them take the blame. Buy a new pc with the cash
Covered up to express modesty.
Made up to look like whores.
And Muslims wonder why no one respects them.
Get every relative, friend, and neighbor who isn't retarded to shame her for wanting to make such a reckless decision. If she still goes through with it anyway, redpill the fuck out of them. Teaching mudshits about islam is your new hobby. Inviting aforementioned non-retarded peers over on a regular basis to get the new imports as integrated as possible is your new M.O. Reference stuff like what happened in Twin Falls Idaho and make it clear that sort of shit will not be tolerated. ANY and EVERY time they step out of line goes up on fb, no exceptions. Your whole community basically needs to keep the pressure on these faggots that they are expected to become civilised and live accordingly or be rejected by the society that never stood to benefit from their presence anyway. YOU are doing THEM the favor here, and they'd be wise not to forget that.
You don't happen to live in Utah, do you?
The first day they're there starting frying bacon.
Second day destroy a Quran in front of them.
Third day begin a long rant on why Muhammad was a pedophile, rapist and war mongerer.
Normal muslims will snap on day one. You just need to make them show their true colors.
> I've never heard of such a program in the US
Of course you Haven't
>doubt it's even legal
>implying this matters to the current administration
>implying "illegality" has ever stopped anything our beloved dictator in chief wanted to see get pushed through
user pls
Your mom wants to get gangbanged by two refugees lol
>EVEN if he is living with his parents, he should be able to decide what is going on in his family.
But not within his families house.
Kill them both and give them a bacon funeral.
Or draw pictures of Muhammed in their shitty book and watch them implode.
Why not? It's HIS family.
Erosion of family values and treating your children as this bizzare parasite/servant/slave entities is big part of what is wrong in west. Children even little need to be taught that it has voice and can voice it's opinions, spescially in family. It's this people that are made to always listen to their parents and never be able to have their way that are the most dysfunctional later and easy to control (because they always turn to some authorities)
Steal their guns and money.
prepare your boi pucci
is there any woman refugees you can fuck and such
wtf? is it all men
Your mom just wants some new dick.
It's simple, we kill the batman
Hide your guns by always keeping them on your person
Or don't and get killed and be named in Trump's speech about how immigration doesn't work
Try to speak to them in Syrian and watch how they have no idea what you're saying
Literally over half of these "refugees" aren't syrian according to the UN refugee agency.
smack her in the mouth and tell her she no longer has a voice or say in the matters...
if she is going to be so naive and choose to not be well informed, well then she does not get to have a say in these decisions
tape your mum getting railed by fugees of course
>speak to them in syrian
fuck your culture... it sucks.. you wouldn't even know how to extract the oil underneath your grounds if it weren't for the west
>proxy on
>proxy off
about the only thing you can do is make sure you're anus is lubed at all times so it will be less painful when they rape you
That ID is pretty funny
he gotta learn syrian first you nigger
>speak syrian
it's ok buddy. no matter how bad it gets, remember, after (10^10^10^56)*(???) years it will happen again and again and again and again and again and again and again. just accept it. not that my post will change anything, the loop is already defined.
>speak syrian
Boy did you fuck up just there
It's not his house, it's not his rules.
Prep the bulls user. Your mom has needs.
>It's not his house, it's not his rules
That's how you bring up dysfunctional autists that plague our society. Your children are not just some people that rent your house and need to adhere to your every rule. Your children are your responsibility and you are morally obliged to help them learn, grow mentally and become successful, strong, happy human being. You have that obligation to your kids, to your family, to your nation, to your culture. You have to develop in your children they sense of decision making, give them agency over their own fate and let them be part of deciding force in family matters. If you won't do that you will bring up stupid, weak adults that can't decide for themselves and always just want others to take their responsibilities.
pls pole no trigger
>How to make your kids hate you
Not giving any weight to your kids wishes, when they aren't little twats, is a good way to grow resentment faggot.
Based fullhouse is right.
Huh? I just spoke truth. It's kind of crazy that people wonder why modern men are so weak, yet don't see simple truth that most of modern world upbringing is very damaging to psyche of developing human being.
do you think this modern mindset might be related to your people being famous cleaners of the toilet?
>My mom volunteered to take in two refugees as they transition over and attend rehabilitation.
>What do I do, I am not okay with this.
Impregnate them both.
Get a gun, get fit, and be prepared to protect your mother. She is deluded and brainwashed, it's your fault for not redpilling her before. Now train well, don't tell your momma you got a firearm, don't tell the refugees, and be the man in the house. Remember, if your mother isn't protected by a male, they will not respect her. If you show that you are there for her, then they will.
Also, before you go full cartman, in sand society, the woman has authority in the house, she gets to tell people when to eat, to get out so she can clean, that sort of stuff. But you should definitely be there to greet them and talk to them while your mom fixes food and drinks, to establish you are a male in the house. Don't hesitate to mingle if dispute arises.
Stand your ground, OP! Treat them like absolute 3rd world shit and show no respect.
Wow. You will die violent death. That sucks.
Sprinkle feces in all their food and piss in their beverages to remind them of home.
>mother is sympathetic to refugees
>shes also anti-Brexit
>then her friend gets raped by a shitskin
>shes now redpilled
im so happy she saw the light
>My mom volunteered to take in two refugees as they transition over and attend rehabilitation.
>What do I do, I am not okay with this.
Hide in the cupboard and jerk off as they spit roast your coal burning mudshark mother every night user.
Let her, she´ll get redpilled fast.
Only non-violent way is to red-pill your mom
is it possible or is she beyond saving?
Draw visual instructions on how to use a toilet and tape them to the back of the toilet door.
Pork, everywhere.
Paint a mural of Mohammed getting fucked in the ass by a donkey and put it in your living room
RIP or enjoy your (You)s
depending on if you're telling the truth or trolling
..and then blame it on the refugees.
Get a shovel and bag of lime?Or send them to this faggots house!
Your mom is gonna get culturally enriched.
Be the best son ever and help her out by making breakfast a few days a week.
Make tons of bacon. Even better, make sure bacon is mixed in to the main dish.
If they complain tell them to stop being shitty guests and eat their fucking bacon.
I can't believe I am reading this. I just had this discussion with my father about the same thing. Would you adopt refugees if the government did it? Would you allow perfect strangers to live your house if you have children?
Sorry better yet. Would you allow refugees in your own house if the government ask you to?
This is why big government is bad. It is stupid.
>It wasn't rape n-no, they don't understand our culture! It's normal for them to do it. They just need to integrate and be embraced.
Take out a $1 million dollar life insurance plan on your mother obviously.
What are you? Stupid?
move out of your moms basement ASAP!
Just see how they are first. If they are bros treat them with kindness and respect, if they are niggers, treat them like niggers.
>American '''''''''''''''''education'''''''''''''''''''''
I read that as if you were housing two refugees transitioning into trannies..
Also OP, you see Arabs are quite racist when it comes to niggers, they just can't say anything because of their religion. It clearly says Arabs are not superior to blacks and vice-versa.
So try to relax with them and see if they are racists. Who knows, you may share more then you think.
Also post pics of them.
>teach at school in rural austria
>central government tries to assign school refugees
>school does not want refugees
>eventually they get some refugees
>there are two of them, neither speak english or german
>they have a support staff of two translators, a social worker, a police officer and some charity lunatic
>the refugees have no idea what is going on
>eventually one of the translators admits that these kids are basically the most redneck, backwater zealots going and can't read their own language, never mind german
>one of them tries to steal from a shop despite receiving money every day
>they end up in germany, because they have family there apparently
>two kids red pill an entire generation of children, who complain about them (their smell, the way they didn't give a shit, the stealing, so on) for about two months afterward
>because i am there teaching english they feel free to speak in english about how they truly feel
>fourth reich mode activated
>only one kid who has leftist propaganda stickers all over his computer tries to defend his beloved refugees
>find out he is german
The memes are real.
Make sure you get a "good" refugee