
>watch new Pirates
>it's full of feminist SJW shit
>hurr durr wymen are smart and as good as men
>also educated

Come the fuck on...

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>watching the 5th movie based on a rollercoaster

I think you've got bigger problems than grrl power.

What are you talking about? She was a horologist.

>implying I can't watch a good adventure movie


>What are you talking about? She was a horologist.
I'm talking exactly the same shit she was talking in the beginning of the movie you beta cuck.

Kaya's post-pregnancy tits are so good

were you dropped as a baby?

It's a push-up + corset.
But looks good anyway.

no, no no, it is short said, watch, I will be waiting, for (You)

Yeah I was dropped on your face with my smelly ass.

>tfw she's a legitimate hot MILF now




Explain this scene to me.
Was she giving them the finger offscreen?
What was the point of this shot?

The only good things to come out of this movie were the virgins who had clearly never heard of a push-up bra or seen a real pair except their own fawning over her tits in every thread.

It was a fun movie and they actually pushed the limits of SJWs by calling her a whore the whole time

Might want to type a bit faster, Capitan

any more pirate 'kino' like this?

You can recognize it's a pushup bra and still think it's hot.



>le smug smart wymen is bitching because men around her are so dumb dumb


PotC isn't a roller coaster.



well, adventure theme ride or whatever you call these?



>her face when it's all the way in

>>watch new Pirates
>>it's full of feminist SJW shit
PotC has always been like this. Keira's character was an uppity bitch.

u sure?

Check those

is she a good W horologist

when did it turn into One Piece, 3rd movie?



I could barely understand him most of this movie. Did he at any point so "hola"?


Pick your battles OP, forget about throwaway lines about girl power when the film is about a badass male who rescues the sexy damsels.

It's shit like the new Tomb Raider that you should worry about, stronk females who don't need be appealing to men despite the fact that women are biologically suppose to be appealing to men.

Movie was alright but it felt like it was missing a lot of the magic the first 3 movies had.
Even the third with all of its clusterfuck decisions still retained some of it.

All disney movies, especially Star Wars, seem to suffer from this nowadays. It's hard to place the blame on a single thing, though.

I watched Pirates as well, Katsumi was my favourite



>I will be waiting
> For you

What did he mean by this?

why hasn't there been a more serious pirate film? there are literally no other pirate films wtf
imagine if fincher made one

Soooooo...about the after credits scene...how the fuck is he back if curses were broken?

Why do you faggots eve watch movies at all? You know they're just going trigger you.

Wait what


you know, don't act like there is no baneposting in mainstream blockbusters. even Cruise's recent Mummy had it. American Made gonna be baneposted too


how come females cant play play intelligent women without men freaking the fuck out and getting triggered about it?


how the FUCK is his cgi still so good?


the fuck was the after credits all about..

im betting they did it on a whim with no story if an when for pirates 6

Computer graphics reached its peak in ~2008.

tfw no mommy kaya gf

holy kek

probably young jacks fuck buddy
all they had to do was dirty his face a bit or something, its too smooth..

also is the guy in the back supposed to be jacks uncle younger, later seen as paul mcartney?

That was horrible cgi. Looked so out of place.

Imagine if the ship would have just unshrunk then and there. How did he know? Quite a risk if you ask me.

Why not invite MEW? She's a better actress.

Are you watching the entire movie at that aspect ratio?

What the fuck is wrong with your aspect ratio?

especially when he says "oooo"

and more appealing to look at and just has a look that would suit being piratey


related copypasta

>Because it has smart characters written stupidly.

>Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a smartly written smart character. When Chigurh kills a hotel room full of three people he books to room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can shoot through, where the light switch is. what sort of cover is there etc. This is a smart thing to do because Chigurh is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think.

>Were Sherlock Holmes to kill a hotel room full of three people. He'd enter using a secret door in the hotel that he read about in a book ten years ago. He'd throw peanuts at one guy causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, as he had deduced from a dartboard with a picture of George Washington Carver on it pinned to the wall that the man had a peanut allergy. The second man would then kill himself just according to plan as Sherlock had earlier deduced that him and the first man were homosexual lovers who couldn‘t live without eachother due to a faint scent of penis on each man's breath and a slight dilation of their pupils whenever they looked at each other. As for the third man, why Sherlock doesn't kill him at all. The third man removes his sunglasses and wig to reveal he actually WAS Sherlock the entire time. But Sherlock just entered through the Secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of him? The first Sherlock removes his mask to reveal he's actually Moriarty attempting to frame Sherlock for two murders. Sherlock however anticipated this, the two dead men stand up, they‘re undercover police officers, it was all a ruse. "But Sherlock!" Moriarty cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it, there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?". Sherlock just winks at the screen, the end.

>This is retarded because Sherlock is a smart person written by a stupid person to whom smart people are wizards.

It has black bars without changing it to 16:9 on vlc. Fucking 1920x800 Yify trash

You dont really notice it when watching it on the big screen, you just notice it with the snaps

Sorry, im retarded. i just realized that it only shows the black bars with bandicam, should be taking vlc snapshots instead. my bad

Chhhhuck Spergooo

Indeed. She even says Piss off.

Also showing her that she was wrong and magic and ghosts exist in her world.

Because in real life there's no such thing as an intelligent woman. They're just dumb femishit whores who believe they're smart because they don't need no man. Someone has to put them in their place.

Ignore the after credits scene. Pirates 5 ties everything up in a neat bow if you do. Just pretend this is a bad dream of Will's and the barnacles are there because Elisabeth forgot to sweep the house after having her little chamber swept the first time in 10 years.

mamma mia

The writing in the entire movie was terrible- why would they randomly get a "strong" female character right? It was all bad.
I still enjoyed it, but only on a nostalgic level. They seriously need to end it with this one, though. Or at least take it in a different direction and not this soft reboot fuckery.

>watch literally any film or show ever
>get triggered
>while like a little pussy on my Sup Forums hugbox

This. I don't have anything against women. My problem is with all these femishits pretending they can do anything a man can do.

>using vlc

The music in the series is really fucking good.


what do you use user


congrats, you made me wanna finally watch this movie (i didn't remember it was even out). i am now half an hour in and WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MESS?
don't get me wrong, i don't give a single shit about your r9k problems, but i absolutely can't stand how everything is explained by characters talking instead of it being shown. i didn't expect feeling strong emotions during a kids' movie, but salazar's introduction made me legitimately angry: "creepadeedoo creepadeeda, killin' niggaz left and right and ALSO i'm paranormal pls notice BUT WAIT i'm ALSO giving you your main quest. see i'm not so bad ALSO i have a tragic backstory kthxbai". i wish they ended the franchise after the third movie.



I'm Sup Forums and it wasn't u fucking spazz mgtow.

She she had 2-3 lines about that stuff, but it's not imaginary bullshit - women literally weren't allowed at higher learning institutions back then.

She and Geoffrey Rush were the best thing about this movie. It was better than the marvelshit and starshit they put out.

One of the best.



Queen Anne's Revenge is equipped with frontal flamethrowers. Barbossa went full retard not using them.

They went full anime
New male MC is like anime MC who's happy about seeing someone's pantsu.

Would've been better if it were Leanne Crow.

>I'm Sup Forums
Fuck off newfag.

>no man can read the map
>good thing i'm a woman

>use them
>the ghost ship is invulnerable
>oh shit we're crushed
literally why would they at this point


she doesn't actually says that