What would you do and why

What would you do and why

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leaf bro I choose....
Let all these fucking homo sapiens dieeeeee
Kek is to reign forever

There is literate nothing wrong with not being religious.

Obviously christian subhumans because the bible doesnt say about muh race

Thats why i hate christcucks

Let the shitskins live. At least they know their place.

left and convert them to the right path

I just wouldn't touch the lever because everyone in those groups would all be libcucks anyway

I would, kick OP in front of the train, and let all the stick figures go.

Seriously kid, go larp somewhere else.

I pull the lever right when it reaches the cross-over point, tipping the car and hopefully killing both groups to help the world recover from the cancer afflicting it

Multi-track drifting, for the lord knoweth it is totally sick

I do nothing but pray to God that the train stops.

Save the Atheists. The Christians will go to heaven while the white pagans/atheists are given a chance to escape hellfire (and very may well repent seeing the sacrifice of Christians for their life)

>op thinking i'm a christcuck

Do nothing, absolving me of all responsibility.

If anything the Christians would want to die, since it would basically garuntee them entrance to heaven as long as they hadn't fucked up before somehow

I'd go for the high score.


There is not enough information to pull a lever

Assuming too much so I can fun with this trolley problem:

If you let the white atheists and pagans live, their white guilt topped with survivors guilt will make it their mission to destroy you with leftist pussy riot tactics.

Chances are the fedoras are going to go to STEM degrees or meme degrees but the Christians will learn a trade and have a work ethic.

I'm really not a Christian nor a European but I still align with their right answer in ideology over blood. I gotta go with the Christians on this one.

To slow.

But good idea.

There's actually a correct answer and everyone else is wrong if you say something different.

The man at the switch is a Christian, and he knows that the Christians will be going to heaven. He should kill the Christians even if there are more of them, because he has to give the atheists time to find Jesus.


Drive over OP.
Twice to be sure.

>not portraying the white pagans/atheists with fedoras
2/10 bait
have a sage

I'd let the train go straight. Atheists have it bad enough facing constant conversion from religious people (mostly christians in the US). Plus a christian believes that he will go to heaven in death. Even if it probably isn't true they'd feel better about it.


I don't pull the lever.

White liberals are worse than shitskins.

Kill the traitors.


well have to go with the Christians unfortunately.

the pagans will go to hell if I let them die.

Remember when that newfag saw some guy post this and he screencapped it haha

yeah, this.

it's the only right thing to do


The Pagans and Atheists enable Marxist bullshit and are traitors to the White race, their deaths would be a good thing.

As a true christian..... I wouldn't touch the lever. Maybe i would try to stop the train, but if train is not to be stopped, than i would simply left the lever as it was, since it would obviously be gods will that some people has to die. If not meddling with lever would result in killing of all involved, i would choose to let die Christians, since they would go to heaven, while atheists and pagans would be denied to see light of Gods Truth.

How does that even work? I bet you that the Crusades were Christian too.

The minorities. My concern with immigration isn't the religion, it's the eventual dysgenics caused by low IQ populations. Wish I could save the Asians, though.

But there is something wrong with Gnostic Atheists that grew up on Christian values but still denounce it and embrace other barbaric cultures.

>following the rules of an image and not the bible.
A Christian would pray and God would send a bolt of lightning to melt the track.



What would Sup Forums do?

Where's that multi track drifting image?


Implying there is the choice, I would kill the christians of course.

pull the lever. Why would I care about the NAP?

wow, that's cold

What? A Christian is supposed to cultivate a pure and virtuous soul so as to know when he must fall. Nothing in there about keeling over and dying just because. You are redeemed from Hell by sacrifice, not suicide.