What is the strangest conspiracy theory that you believe in sincerely?
What is the strangest conspiracy theory that you believe in sincerely?
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Brexit was in fact planned from the start and is a so called trigger event, of course the british government where in the dark but strings are being pulled to take things in a certain direction.
drumpf is a hillary plant
Chemtrails is the biggest MK Ultra operation still in effect.
They're spraying us all with LSD.
richard nixon secretly recorded his conversations with many high-level government officials
The Jews aren't trying to destroy the world
First and second world wars were mass euthanasia for alpha white men so only feminine men would be populating Europe, making whites easier to control.
Hitler was tricked into war to do this, and even if he had won, his policies were watered down communism and would have turned Europe into an oppressive North Korea-esque place, halting whites as a threat
Aliens were here, helping us build a modern society, then realized no matter how many generations pass, humans will always try to kill each other, so they left. But I do believe the whole 2001 monolith theory, if we actually do travel to Mars or the moons of Saturn, they will be signaled.
Sandy Hook never happened.
Aliens are actually Nephilim/Fallen Demons
MKULTRA never ended. It went from experimental to operational. Those in charge live like god kings because we're all so easily manipulated.
They rape, murder, and pillage without consequences because they've turned this nation into their own free roam video game. We are just NPCs to them. We are weak willed, predictable, but amusing avatars.
The real reason the elites want tons of Mexicans is to drive blacks out of the cities, to restore the central economic and residential importance of the city like in the early twentieth century. Imagine if blacks no longer owned Oakland or raided shipping that currently has to pass through ghettoes.
George Soros is a Jew plotting to destroy all nationhood and bring about a globalist new world order
I think people follow me and feed off my energy. Seriously. They are like energy vampires.
The moon is a soul catcher to fuel the soulless alien beings/demons that control our elites.
That the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima was fake, and that the "footage" of nuclear bombs exploding that we've seen have been fake.
I believe Nagasaki was nuked, but I think Hiroshima was simply firebombed and if you look at that old black and white footage of nukes right now, since you now have the ability to pause and scrutinize it, which the average public did not have when the footage was made , it is very clearly fake.
I also think that the dangers of "radiation" are grossly, grossly, grossly exaggerated. Galen Winsor gave out the real redpills, and he was in charge of setting up nuclear power plants for the US.
what direction?
No we dont.
Yup. I believe this
Communism in Romania fell because of foreign influence and intervention and the people didn't care. It was a measure taken so as to prevent any regional powers in the com block to use the fall of the USSR to form a strong state.
Same measures where taken in Yugoslavia.
Things went as far is foreign ops using stuff like high power sound projectors to convince Romanian Army barracks that they were under fire, prompting the summary execution of Ceausecu who was mostly innocent and the army knew so, but it allowed the rest of the commy party which was compliant with the west to survive and take over.
The rise of nationalism across europe, the return of the white europeans as a power against the zionists and globalists.The end of multi culti.
This guy gets it
It's hard to know where "Conspiracy theory" ends and "Actually logically working out the incentive structure of the modern world" begins in the era of bluepill thoughtpolicing and elite media control.
I guess I'll go for "The neoreactionary concept of the Cathedral is basically accurate".
Rush Limbaugh is Jim Morrisson.
hillary is a trump plant
>implying you are a beta
Roman Empire still exists
I believe vampires exist and have been controlling civilization since the dawn of time.
Fortunately, I suppress this knowledge and am able to lead a relatively normal life because I know what a fool I would sound like if I told this to people I know and love.
There are days when I feel like helpless sheep being led to the slaughter by god like entities that feed on the misery of my soul.
pi is the hash code for all events that occur in our timeline
>They're spraying us all with LSD
I wish they did.
The term "conspiracy theory" typically implies something outrageous and unlikely, not something with mountains of hard evidence, eye witness testimony, and confessions from the criminal himself.
>"The neoreactionary concept of the Cathedral is basically accurate"
Except it's misnamed. It should be called "the Synagouge.
That 9/11 wasn´t committed solely by arabs
Make a video
I believe this too. Aluims are still around though, not sure if they are only observing at this point. I have video footage of 2 ufo's i took myself. They ayy lmaos did visit our ancient brethren (Egyptian hieroglyphs) but as you said maybe they lost interest in our animalistic behaviour.
jews are neanderthals; their hatred for the goyim stems from the near-genocide of their people several millenia ago.
that donald trump is a time traveler
made me wet my pants
Would you prefer me call them watersmokes?
Orlando Shooting was a staged event using actors, but with real deaths.
Stop following me, FUCKERS!!!
>The term "conspiracy theory" typically implies something outrageous and unlikely, not something with mountains of hard evidence, eye witness testimony, and confessions from the criminal himself.
If you agree with his objectives and approve of his methods, it's not a conspiracy by definition.
>radiation overexaggerated
Tell that to Curie lmao
I knew it
That was kind of the joke but I don't think it worked
Overload and zap them with it, show em who's bitch.
Mars used to be just like Earth but it was destroyed by global warming. Just before the world fully died, they sent asteroids containing life to earth to restart the population.
Something extremely strange is going in our National parks. Extranormal creatures are kidnapping children. The Government is aware of it and actively covers it up
He's not doing a very good job
Just weird that all these different cultures from around the world, that haven't met each other in 1000's of years, basically all tell the same story of the "people" who came down from the sky. Like all the temples in South America, Egypt, East Asia, even North America. But I think they did just lose interest. I still think they left something behind in case we figure out how to transport humans to another planet, that will alert them though
You know this is based on a story, right?
It's even been retold in Steins;Gate
What evidence for this do you have? I would like to believe in this.
I'm not sure which one of us fucked this one up.
Stephen Hawking is actually a vegetable who who has words fed into him by a cabal of relativist Jews who use a hidden tape deck on the back of his keyboard to make him speak.
That there is an ongoing alien invasion and (((they))) are, for benefit of bragging rights, not going to use their superior technology to stomp us but kidnap and replace our leaders make us exterminate ourselves for them.
kek so you're saying Pence is a faggot crossdresser?
I'm actually interested in this one. Please elaborate.
trump is a pence plant
The loud booms people hear at night are alien sonic booms. They are currently unexplained.
Jews are Truly Satanic and the New Testament is the Truth.
Yeah, she walked around with radioactive material in her pockets for fucking decades before anything happened. Fucking smoking is more dangerous.
Hillary has Parkinson's. At the very least she has chronic bronchitis but I think it goes further.
Nobody is following you mate, nice shirt though.
Do some fucking research. CIA outright admits they do it, yet no one cares because they've trained a legion of globnards like you to instantly scream "TINFOLL" like a trained seal at whatever the faceberg tells you is "le silly conspurratard".
Stop being a faggot and realize that 99% of the conspiracies you laugh at are absolutely true, and you would know that if you pulled your head out of your cavernous ass for more than five minutes for anything more than a rousing game of Pokemon GoFuckMe.
funnily enough there was a loud boom in my room llast night, scared the shit out of me, turned out it was just a little leftover juice in a bottle that had fermented and then exploded. Will now be emptying my bin a lot more frequently.
My nigga
same. I wouldnt even care if they'd be using it against us. LSD is fun
Theory stating that Islam is religion of peace.
Flat Earth
But at this point it's no longer a theory but a fact to me.
The ongoing destruction of western civilisation so there will never again be another Roman empire or neoclassical era of greatness ever again, all under the guises of destroying the patriarchy and the western oppressor.
They do this because they have an inferiority complex where any kind of recognition of western greatness would cause cognitive dissonance in their belief that sandnigger philosophy and niggerphilosophy are just as equal and valid in every way possible.
This is to ultimately introduce Marxism when you are reduced to nothing but a pawn in the workforce.
I got it at a gun show. Makes me look tough.
the pendulum swings back
That at the Center of the Onion there is a human being.
Soros converted to Islam when saw how Jews were offed in '40-s
It was a term coined by the CIA to discredit anything remotely true and confuse with planted non truths.
I think a lot have a small amount of truth. Chemtrails? Well the UK government has paid out compensation for doing exactly that decades ago (Google Porten Down) so to think they wouldn't do it today is ridiculous.
Bilderberg about a decade ago was still a conspiracy, now openly talked about and reported on openly in the press - yet nobody seems to have noticed the 'jump' in perception.
Not really a conspiracy fampai.
All roads lead to the vatican.
We Annunaki now.
The Chinese send people here just to drive poorly on our roads, causing traffic, making people late for work, lowering our GDP.
theres gonna be a lot of blood friend, heres hoping we shitposters survive the slaughter.
That humans/living things were created by supernatural beings who feast on our souls and memories after we die.
JFK was murdered by LBJ so that it could lead to a new era of military-industrial complex, starting with Vietnam
Our planet is very rare compared to others, due to that fact that not only is it in the goldilocks zone, but the internal core temperature is also perfect, and has the perfect balance of silicon iron alloys covered by a carbon mantle. In other words the Earth is the single most unique planet in the entire solar system.
> I also think that the dangers of "radiation" are grossly, grossly, grossly exaggerated.
This is a good one. I knew all about "The bomber gap" during the Cold War, where different parts of the army / air force would make exaggerated claims about how big the Soviet arsenal was in an effort to wrangle themselves more defense funding. But it took some goy on Sup Forums to point it out that the exact same logic applies to nuclear destructiveness. Bomb scientists, bunker engineers, deterrance contractors, basically everyone everywhere involved with nuclear weapons has a massive incentive to claim they're a lot more dangerous than they actually are, so they get mo' money fo' dem programs.
Port arthur massacre was a false flag orchestrated by Johhny "i hate guns" Howard in order to cement his place in history as the man who disarmed Australia.
I like you.
Omg! I dont how to react to this one. Its a mix of hatred and comedy. Im triggered!
>Mayans had a god that was the value of pie
The Mayans were right again!
Yahweh was a superintelligent AI from a nearby alien civilization who died when the civilization was destroyed. Because of his high degree of consciousness, he became a powerful deity on Earth and has been strategically directing all of the other powerful deties on Earth to destroy the real earth and create a "ghost paradise" for all the people who followed his ideology. It is likely that when Jesus comes back, whatever civilization destroyed Yahweh's will come here and fight Yahweh's spirit army.
Ive been to China. do they also make them do it in their own country?
it'd be suspicious otherwise.
Thinking from a purely objective perspective, is it really that hard to accept that smarter beings not only control us, but keep us ignorant of them controlling us?
Do you think ants quit being ants and stop to listen to the one genius ant that tells them gigantic humanoids routinely walk around their anthill, and have been known to take a piss on random anthills on a whim?
No user. That loud smart ant gets expelled and dies, alone and ignored.
The nail that sticks out gets hammered, remember that well.
Obama will make it illegal to use gasoline on his last day in office
I'm in the midst of watching a fuck ton of videos about the Mandela Effect and I'm pretty spooked right now, friend.
All high profile female Politicians are Transgender. We have 23x2 chromosomes. They are going to create people with 23x3 chromosomes to rule over us. This is the meaning of the number 69 the Masons love, and the Baphomet idol.
> 99%