US government is allowing its contract with ICANN to expire September 30th...

US government is allowing its contract with ICANN to expire September 30th, effectively handing ICANN over to international (((globalist))) administration.


>Putting ICAAN under U.N. control would also subject American consumers to Internet taxes. Christian Witon, a former senior adviser under the Bush State Department, told The Daily Caller, "If the U.N. gains control what amounts to the directory and traffic signals of the Internet, it can impose whatever taxes it likes. It likely would start with a tax on registering domains and expand from there."


>(((fadi chehade))) former ceo of ICANN

>"People have aggrandized the role of the US government in what we do. But the change is actually minimal. It's important symbolically because the US was really a steward for the Internet, but for day-to-day accountability, it is minimal."


While ICANN remains subject to U.S. law your right to free speech is protected as best you can hope. The push to privatize will inevitably result in censorship, HATE FACTS NO LONGER ALLOWED


>spread awareness. MESSAGE TRUMP. message e-celebs and Sup Forums tier media outlets and convince them to give this coverage. IF NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT, KIKES WIN.




Other urls found in this thread:

We already found a solution bro, it's peer-to-peer networks. If they fuck around, we got a back up.

Tell me more about it, because this shit really fucking worries me.

Currently websites have a server, that users connect to for the data. ZeroNet is a website that works like a torrent and seeders. You load the contents of the website from other users (other peoples computers) instead of from an actual server.
So governments have no authority on peer-to-peer websites. And can't shut them down like they do to server based websites.

So if the UN creates a world "thought police" force, to censor and enforce censorship online, we can cut servers out of the loop and hop on board the peer-to-peer website train.

Nice, I was reading the stuff on the actual site and it looks great. Another thing is what exactly this means for some websites. If Sup Forums is "hate speech", and the U.N get told to shut it down, does all of Sup Forums go along with it or do they do something to make hiro only take down Sup Forums?

I really don't understand why the cucks over at reddit arnt' screaming that the sky is falling over this. They were useful for getting normies mad enough about SOPA and PIPA to do something about it.

and going on that, if Sup Forums (or just Sup Forums) is shut down, will it come back up on zeronet? And how will I find the zeronet version of it? Sorry about all the questions, it's just that I'm rushing to try and figure this all out.

The latter. Sup Forums is a popular website. We're like sideshow freaks for normalfags. They come here once using a million proxys b/c they think this place is the dark web, then look around, probably at Sup Forums see a loli board, then close the screen out and rub magnets all over their hard drives.

There is already a Sup Forums on zeronet. I would be more worried about the changes to facebook and twitter. It's not like on Oct.1st everything changes, it will be a slow process.

>giving europeans control of the internet


Well that calms me a bit. If this shit is as Orwellian as I thought my best case scenario was that (((they))) would shut down the Sup Forums type places and just leave everything else (non political discussions and porn) and that those places would just be brought back with zeronet. Of course best case scenario is that this shit doesn't go through at all in some way, but yeah.

What are these changes?

Thank King Nigger Obama for that.

Almost every part of your post is factually wrong.

>Obama handing ICANN to UN
Obama is not handing ICANN to the UN. ICANN currently works on a unilateral policy making between ICANN and the US government. That means policies are proposed by ICANN and the US and ICANN agree on it. If the US didn't like it they have veto power.

>UN taxes on Internet
ICANN controls DNS, which is a FREE database of ip-domain pairs. People already pay for domain names, ICANN charges a small fee to pay for maintenance of DNS.

>it should be minimal you kike!
Obama is turning this minimal level of stewardship to zero.

>ICANN is subject to US law
ICANN is an international organisation based in the US. It is not subject to US law. Neither does ICANN carry out any censorship activities. You cannot censor people with DNS.

>the UN is a government
No. The UN is a glorified meeting table. It has no executive branch. Everything, its peacekeeping forces, funding and legislations are all from member states.

It's nothing. DNS is a technical part of the Internet that always has been maintained by ICANN with minimal US handling. You can't censor anyone with it.

Because SOPA and PIPA gave the US government greater authority to shut down servers. DNS is in layman's terms a phone book for the Internet. It's a database of IPs and their associated domain names. If DNS broke down all you would have to do is type in the IP directly. Furthermore DNS caches are everywhere. Every ISP has one. You can download it for free.

Using the sample from Britain of a guy arrested for hate speech and sentanced to 12 months for a facebook post, "If you won't follow our laws don't bother coming to our country, Britain first!"
The man was arrested for hate speech. Also $2 million "thought police" task force was started in Britain too.
The issue I see with a more globalized internet control is trying to punish users for politically incorrect comments and discussions.
So people for example start discussing Hillary's health and find their facebook banned and get a fine in the mail for an offence under the new "hate speech" laws.

Fuck you and your facts.

Lets say they hate alex jones for his conspiracies.
They can change where typing "" will take you so you can't reach his website.

>ICANN controls DNS, which is a FREE database of ip-domain pairs. People already pay for domain names, ICANN charges a small fee to pay for maintenance of DNS.

So what happens when the UN declares Sup Forums as a racist hate speech web site and removes the site from the internet? They control the top level DNS servers, they remove it the database it's gone forever.

The UN does not have the same constitution as the US and there is no guarantee for freedom of speech.

But the DNS turns the I,P address for this website from to Sup
Even if they delete this website from the server it's hosted from, we can just use a non-server based form of website access called "peer-to-peer" servers.

Except they could just type in inforwars' ip. It's ineffective censorship and an incendiary move. The government isn't braindead enough to not know the more you try to hide something the more people look for it.

Also, ICANN's head would have to authorise this. Which is odd because now ICANN doesn't have to listen to any government, not even the US.

>what happens if the US declares Sup Forums hate speech?

For the last time, ICANN is not going to be under the UN. Now assuming it were, a legislation would have to be ratified by a majority of the member states of the relevant council, possibly the Security Council, before the UN acts. This process takes months to draft, ratify and put into action. And everything the UN does is filmed and broadcasted to everyone. It's a worst censorship plan I've ever heard.

>the UN does not guarantee free speech

Yes, it does. The UN is the most liberal, bleeding heart organisation there is.

>they remove it and it's gone forever
Except people just have to learn the IP? Every ISP and root server would have a backup cache in case of an event like a power failure. There are literally thousands, maybe millions of these caches scattered across the world by in independent organisations.

On a secendary note, This sign over happening on Oct 1st doesn't just involve the internet and DNS stuff.
Theres some shit in there about Health care too, that might be worth looking at.
The whole "mah internet" could be a ruse to hide the true nature of what is happening.

Where is zeronet's Sup Forums? I'm on there now but it's a bit weird to use. All in all I'm just really scared that places like Sup Forums and 4+Sup Forums are just going to be completely wiped off the internet and I want to know where we'll all be meeting if this happens. is one avenue, maybe the best, wherein we urge the turbofaggot known as speaker of the house Paul Ryan (btw wisconsin, I'm lookin at you here...YOU HAD ONE JOB) to file suit against the obongo administration.

Another, arguably more traditional but perhaps less organized method, is to contact both your state senators and the house rep for your district and ask them why they're content to shit the bed on this. And then demanding they step the fuck up to the plate and do the job they were elected BY US to do. Everyone doing this at least once is a necessity at this point; ideally, call them every damn day and get everyone you know to do the same.

Tell them to file suit. Tell them to rapidfire push bill 3034 through. Tell them to veto king nigger's attempt at further destroying our nation even if (especially if!) that means calling together an urgent session for the sole purpose of ensuring this shit doesn't happen. Remind them of their overall public disapproval ratings. Remind them that they'll be up for reelection soon. Remind them of all the unconstitutional bullshit they've allowed our dear leader to slip through the cracks.

What obongo is planning on doing was expressly forbidden in 2016's Federal Budget. (Sec 539 (a) for reference.)

Motivational attempt to hopefully keep is all from being this fucking shortsighted and naive:
Realizing too late that action should've been taken sooner is some of the most tragic shit that can befall mankind.

Fellow Ameribros, pitch a goddamn fit over this crap!
Non-Americunts, inform every last one of your burgers and urge them to start pitching a goddamn fit over this crap!

There are more (((merchants))) in the US than anywhere else on earth.

As an ausfag there's little I can do here, but what's a good place to spread this info around? I was thinking like take the most important parts of the OP and then your post, but I don't know what the best place could be.

Was not it under international (((globalist))) administration control when it was controlled by Americans?