
So, black people and jews should harden the fuck up?

>mfw my great great great grandchildren can feel the circumcision I gave my son

well my grandfather was in ww2 so ...why aren't I getting ww2 flashbacks n shit?!

My great grandfather was a paramedic during the First World War.
Every few days I have a flashback and it feels like it's 1916 all over again. I had a dream a 17 year old from Munich's jaw blew off and hit the toe of my over-sized boot.

does this mean "muh ancestors were slaves" is a legit argument

If that's the case then we need to do what's right?

My great grandpa lost the big baseball game at Auschwitz no wonder I'm a fucking loser

Wait what the fuck why does this shit say I'm a leaf I ain't no fuckin leaf!!

he thinks trauma and flashback are the same thing

>holocaust lies intensify

Trudeau secretley annexed 25 states 30 mins ago.

You too huh?
I mean...I had to get circumcised....I'LL BE DAMNED IF MY SON GETS TO KEEP HIS FORESKIN AND I DIDN'T!

shit I've never been a Canadian before...what do I do now?

Does that mean I'm a tranny because someone raped the trauma into my ancestors blood?

Make abhorrent posts.

I suppose you start trolling the world and masturbating with maple syrup


So the ethical thing for children of holocaust survivors to do is not breed? To inflict the trauma of the 6 squillion on another generation would be unconscionable.

wow, you let your son pork your great great great grandchildren?

Damn man that's awful
Poorly-fit footwear is a bitch

my great-grandfather was in the galician SS.

Did he enjoy slaying Poles or why is my Trauma completely non-existent?

but that's retarded

personal experience doesn't change your DNA you dumb jews

Yeah they're already making claims here about how "the horror of the shoah can be experienced by jews who have never actually experienced it"
They're not even trying anymore