Basic income of $2500 per month

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I'm a supporter of basic income but $2500 is way too much.

At this point it should be $1200-$1500 a month.

>makes videos that Sup Forums should be closed down
>still posts on Sup Forums

suck a bag of dicks you fucking faggot

you already get basic income in the form of social safety net benefits and public services: healthcare, housing, food, phones, etc.

>i want to choose how i spend the money

nah, you'll waste it and ask for more

This nigga for real?

If people waste it, then tough shit.

They can't sit on the street begging, everyone will just say "you have the same money as us, what did you do with it?".

If they're stupid enough to waste it, fuck 'em. No excuses.

Mate, the "debt" could be written off tomorrow, if there was the political will. The US Government owns ALL money in circulation, including all the debt. Most of the debt is owed by the US government, to the US government.

yeah, like that will ever happen.

>i'm pussy enough to believe you deserve charity, but i'm tough enough to turn you down at an arbitrary amount

Yes it's for real.

>implying basic income is charity...

Basic income underwrites "Says Law" in economics. It gurantees a standard of living and it's cheaper than our current expensive "welfare" based system.

Fuck you. Sup Forums is a board of satire, dumb ass.

shut the fuck up, Mr. Crooked teeth.

>you already get basic income in the form of social safety net benefits and public services: healthcare, housing, food, phones, etc.

Homeless people don't get free housing or healthcare. The most public service they receive is police harassment and tax money spent cycling them through jails/courts.

>nah, you'll waste it and ask for more

Wait, are you describing the government or people? The government wastes money terribly and then keeps asking for more.

Killing off 99% of welfare programs and replacing it with basic income would be much better. I consider it to be a inevitability in the future.


Yellow, crooked teeth.


>Killing off 99% of welfare programs and replacing it with basic income would be much better. I consider it to be a inevitability in the future.

Indeed. It's a better, cheaper, system. It require much smaller government to administer, too.

It's sad the idea of basic income triggers so many conservatives.

Thats fucking insane.

Abolishing all current welfare programs and establishing a basic income of 5000$ a year, (double if your over 65) to be issued upon filing your tax returns and submitting proof of insurance would result in a net balance of 0, it wouldn't cost us a thing.

"basic income" might as well be translated to landlord welfare. Expect rent to hike up everywhere. If you are getting an extra 1k a month your landlord will probably raise your rent an extra $500, and you couldnt even tell them that you don't have that kind of money because they know you do.

The only people who support basic income are
A) Commie bernout retards
B) People who look to make a profit off these gullible people

This guy looks like the sex offender that i saw on the news who apparently rubbed peanut butter on his balls to let his dog lick it only for the dog to bite it instead

So is this guy actually crazy, or is he just acting that way to smear ideas he thinks are crazy?

With basic income people will be freed from private landlords. they will be able to make downpayments on their own appartments and houses. Landlords will have to compete by lowering their rents.

>US government owns all the debt

no. just fucking no.

Private citizens, pension funds, federal reserve banks and foreign nations own that shit.

oh my

You can buy your own house you know.

Anyway you don't seem to understand that if some landlord decided to raise the rent like that, the tenants would just move out to one of the many other apartments that have normal rent.

You act like there's only one apartment in the world and they have a complete monopoly.

There is many places for rent and much competition.

Even HSBC owns that shit

It's a good idea, Friedman advocated a negative income tax

With basic income, $500 becomes the new $0 and all usefulness gets nullified.

>no. just fucking no.

Yes... I know you're having trouble understanding this, but every cent in your pocket belongs to the government.

>and foreign nations own that shit.

All dollars are owned by the US government. All of it.

Basic income needs to happen or else were gonna have brazil style favela crime from people with no perspective

A bank does own the money inside the bank. The money is owned by the soviergn nation that issued the money, ultimately.

I suggest you take a course in economics.

It doesn't actually trigger conservatives.

It triggers democrats.

Like that do you :-)

it could work. pic related

Inflation isn't the worst thing.

A steady controlled inflation is actually a good thing if you're in debt, and it doesn't really matter if you live paycheck to paycheck so long as your wages keep up (or in this case basic income).

It's only bad for those with wealth who hoard cash, and it pushes them to do something with that cash rather than hoard it.


>Killing off 99% of welfare programs and replacing it with basic income would be much better
This. Germany has a orwellian system of faceless "social agency" buildings with thousands of lazy beurocrats wasting tax payer money like crazy.
If you get rid of 99% of the entire social agency welfare infrastructure you actually free up more money than basic income would cost.



>by the soviergn nation that issued the money

that's just it. our money is issued by a private banking consortium, not by the sovereign.

lrn2 federal reserve

Federal Reserve is as Federal as FedEx.
It's a private bank, with a Federal Name.

Can agree. Dems would try and work it so the system wouldn't pay out to people they socially/politically agree with.

exactly. legally chartered private monopoly that can grant credit and permit others to grant credit (ie commercial banks).

legal tender law.


>Tfw you blue collar slave for 2400 a month now

Until automation has kicked in a lot more 2500 a month just for existing makes no sense

Can I spend $2500/mo on euthanizing people on welfare instead?

Plus the fucking bankers give their buddies loans that average people can't get. It's the most perverse fucking of our nation. With all hat access to working capital ((( they ))) own everything and everyone.

In the spirt of 'fight club the movie' we need to bring it all down and to an end by abolishing the federal reserve and defaulting on the debt. Maybe go as far to arrest and execute the bankers.

its still cheaper to write one check.

then have 28 agencies policing handouts.

they want to keep people in a perpetual state of dependency. So long as they control how the welfare money gets spent, they will hold all the power. The economic clout that comes with nearly 2 trillion dollars in federal welfare and the billions we spend on state welfare is what gives them their power.

Exactly. Take all the fucking 28 agency, fire them and give them a check. Same benefit to society would be accomplished and for less money.

Only uni students and workers in cushy office jobs and the like think this will work. Industries like chicken farms and cleaning and warehouse jobs will be impossible to staff without paying insane wages.

2500 dollars a month is 30k a year.

to put that in perspective, 5k a year is what everyone would receive in exchange for the 1.5 trillion we spend on social security and medicaid now. 30k is 6 times that amount, or 9 trillion dollars a year.

Our entire Gross Domestic Product is only 13-14 trillion a year.

5k a year is plenty.

Thats enough to pay for half your college, a years worth of food and health insurance, and averages 250k worth of extra income over the course of you're lifetime.

Doubling the allotment for people over the age of 65 is enough to subsidized the elderly without needing them to rely on it entirely.

Yes, and it's time to reward our nation. Stop building tanks and build a strong nation of homes, road and families. Let anybody grow weed so they won't need expensive medications. Did I mention, 1 pound cannabis bud at Costco for $50.

>It gurantees a standard of living
now you've completely contradicted yourself. If an individual blows their basic income on cocaine they will not maintain the desired standard of living and will continue to be a burden on society. In reality every mature civilization in existence has had a 'basic income/welfare state', purely to prevent riots or keep a labour stock.

with basic income established you can abolish the minimum wage. If you mandate health insurance as a requirement for you're benefits companies won't have to provide full time employees with health insurance and can afford to pay them a wage more in line with the global price on unskilled labor.

$2k is fine if you live in a city. Fucking rent here is $1000 along with everything here being so fucking expensive.

>Doubling the allotment for people over the age of 65 is enough to subsidized the elderly without needing them to rely on it entirely.
No. Fuck the boomers.

wow i never new Sup Forums was so bluepilled. go hand 1,000 dollars to the next homeless person you encounter and let's see if that money is spent productively, let alone used to get himself off back of taxpayers.

>you already get basic income in the form of social safety net benefits and public services: healthcare, housing, food, phones, etc.
None of that is universal. So we have this fucked up situation where people are, in a sense, incentivized NOT to work.

rehabilitation is a function of STATE government, not federal. Most research shows that the reason addicts continue to do drugs is because of the attention the receive at the hands of the state, either because of incarceration or because of rehabilitation.

Besides which, harsher penalties for hard drugs and lower penalties for soft drugs is the standard all across western europe.

I fucking love this guy. On my deathbed I'll be thinking "damn that Lambright guy was so funny"

This kind of patronizing attitude is why americans became dependent on the nanny state to begin with. We failed to hold our citizens accountable and started making decisions on their behalf, which is why they can't do anything for themselves.

Back then, when you were 18 you were legally an adult. You were expected to get a job and work for a living. Today, most people don't have a full time job until they are 30, most people in government won't even talk to you unless you're over 40.

Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.

Some dude is ass blasted.

With basic income, you buy your OWN insurance, you spend you OWN money, you buy your OWN food, and you can't ask anybody for a dime because everybody knows we gave you enough money to survive.

Basic Income forces citizens to be accountable without requiring them to pledge themselves to a life of service to those they despise, those who would exploit them or take advantage.

>wants free money for everyone to live on
>calls me a nanny state proponent
ok, reply to this post if you have a coherent argument otherwise i will consider this your concession. good game.

>Today, most people don't have a full time job until they are 30
Gee, I fucking wonder why

Who the fuck is Wayne Lambright?

And why are you posting slander?

Thanks bro!

Technically it's libel.

then your position should be decreasing taxes for lower income people. nothing in that is an argument for free money.

You apparently don't know what basic income is.

With basic income the homeless man and the billionaire both get the same amount of money every month.

There will be a few drug addicts who blow the money on illegal drugs, but that's not a problem.

So let me get this straight.

Its okay to spend 1.5 trillion dollars and enable people to do drugs, not work, and collect all kinds of cash and prizes from the government, but giving that money DIRECTLY to people is somehow wrong?

It's what's make UFO go.

Taxes for low-income individuals are already zero. It isn't working.

i think you're a retard who thinks handing people free money every month will solve the problem of poverty and bad decision making.

I noticed a lot of typos on purpose and obviously retarded reasoning:

Is this a Sup Forums troll?

this just in, rent has shot up to 2500 per month.

They're loaned to the US government. The US is merely loaning it to you.

People who feel entitled to something can never be satisfied. Give them basic income and they'll demand more.

It's going to have to happen at some point

Did Wayne Lambright turn on us after we exposed him for molesting his nephew?

it's working better than giving everyone cash to spend on whatever they want. people at that level don't have the sense to take care of themselves, they need babysitting. and since america won't allow them to starve it's better to make them spend the welfare on food than give them cash to spend on anything other than food.

I get that if you want to cut welfare entirely you may not be a proponent of basic income, and thats fine, that is a reasonable (though callous) stance to take.

But the argument isn't whether to cut welfare, the argument is whether basic income is BETTER than the system we have now.

Stop it.

You seem to be implying that the reason is obvious.

No one knows why you think most people don't have a full time job until they are 30.

If I had to take a guess, you probably think something stupid like "it's welfare's fault", instead of devaluation of labor from immigrants/out-sourcing/new-technology, and lack of jobs.

Who gon work at restaurants and call centers and stores?

Not me, if they're giving away free $2500 every month. I'm sure most people with shitty jobs would agree.

it's not a moral argument so set that aside because it's irrelevant. people who get welfare are not going to use cash wisely and then you'll have to continue to take care of them anyway. would you give your child cash instead of food and shelter? obviously no, they won't know what to do with it.

Narcissistic cunt.


Niggers get to nig.
THey spend money.
They are happy niglets spending money into the economy.

What's not to love?

Rich people don't work, why should you?

Is society in its current state in a position to handle the transition period of death that would follow from this as people missmanaged their money and would have no access to welfare and health systems beyond the current charites

This isn't about appeasing demands at all. It's about restructuring the welfare system (and perhaps the labor system as a whole) to eliminate some of its flaws.

Consider this: implementing basic income would do away with the whole "living wage" issue entirely, and minimum wage itself could be abolished. This would bring back a ton of outsourced jobs.

Do you refute the claims that you molested a young female family member Wayne? Other than that you have my vote. Your reparations plan is perfect, I don't know why the government hasn't implemented it. I can't find any flaws in your platform, the people need to hear the voice of the future.

I don't understand. If your basic needs are taken care of what desire do you have to work? Will the janitor turn up tomorrow if he doesn't need to be there? Will the workers at the power plant bother to show up if they can smoke weed all day?

I can't imagine how this wouldn't lead to mass unemployment as people simply drop out of the workforce.

Wayne Lambright deleted the video where he talked about the molestation allegations and gave away more info than he intended.

He doesn't have the brain power to understand that this just makes him look even more guilty.

People who want to make more than $2500.
Fuck you're dumb.

You might as well just take the $2500. Promise not to breed will you.

The whole problem is that your taking care of them instead of allowing them to suffer the consequences of their actions.

Basic income is necessary. But not this much, especially not right now, and especially not with pre existing welfare piled on top.

We need to be more gradual with this so it can be timed with the automation boom right or else we're just gonna fuck up our economies and create more bottom feeders faster

>social safety net benefits and public services: healthcare, housing, food, phones, etc.

In the US?!
In better European countries, but there's no such thing in the US!