Admit it Sup Forums. You're excited for this

Admit it Sup Forums. You're excited for this.

>A blee a-blee a-blee uh that's all, folks!

>orange and green




I'm excited to watch .webms of goth Cate.

im really not

>ywn stroke those veins

Admit it, Sup Forums. You're excited for this.

>meme tier garbage
absolutely not



I don't think anyone cares about this.
People are tired of comic book movies

As opposed to what? They aren't even complimentary colours.

and green
Is it a muslim propaganda?

iron man is the only marvel movie i've seen in a theater. the last superhero movie i went to the movies to see was dark knight rises 5 years ago, and that was just to get it over with.

i don't understand how anyone over the age of 16 can give a shit about these movies. how can you just permanently be an adolescent forever? imagine how fucking empty the inner lives of the adults obsessed with this shit are.

holy shit why have i never noticed this before


It's not even worth pirating.

I'll pirate it to see if Waititi is able to actually shine in this and if the Flash Gordon vibe the trailer gives me is really there.

But it's capeshit so it doesn't need my money

Thank god I left Sup Forums before starting to reach this high. Is your arm ok tho?

why do people keep saying this when the movies continue to print money?

>Nigger Valkyrie

I'm obviously not excited for this, same for Deadpool 2 and nigger domino

Because they aren't?
At least not in the US. People hate going to the movies here now

too many niggers on the poster

A horrifically joyless and uninformed person posted that.

well he's right, manchild

why would I hide it?
it looks like it's going to be a blast

I am, but only because real nigga Taika's involved.

Where's Thor on that poster?

my fucking cousin wants me to go with him to see this
I really hope something comes up and he forgets
it's going to be terrible

I really am. Galadriel killed it in the trailers, both of which are good. Not too excited for a black valkyrie, but I said that about idris.

Bottom left.

I was. Then I kinda forgot it was coming out.

It didn't already come out, did it?

It might just be the jew marketing tactics but the more I see Valkyrie in this the more I want to ram my cock in her.

NigDomino I'm fine with, the white patch on her face is a clever touch.

>we want the Guardians of the Galaxy audience!

legit going to see this, first was GOAT fuck de h8ers

Thor is the one that looks like Thor.

I trust that this matter is now settled.

Kind regards,

He likes the 80s, so it wouldn't surprise me if the movie is basically Flash Thordon

Sup Forums is DC and Snyder territory you fag

>we want the audience of the 800mil+ movie

no fucking shit.

thor 2 was awful, shifting tones for this one is one of the smartest decisions marvel/disney has made.

I was until I saw the nigger Valkyrie, now I'll wait and pirate this flick rather than giving these fucking kikes any more of my money.

can't say that I am
I even watched bunch of the more well received capeshits some weeks ago just cause people keep spamming that shit to give them a fair chance but they were just that, shit

Cate only agreed to be in the film if the script was amended so that Chris Hemsworth would be at the peak of his steroid cycle during the filming of this scene with more than 3 GRAMS of testosterone injected daily 5 days leading up to this event and was given 40 GRAMS of Cialis the morning before shooting.

>how can you just permanently be an adolescent forever?

Says the guy on a Vietnamese doodling bulletin board

How retarded do you have to be to keep eating up this superhero garbage?

The older you get, the less you expect from hollywood and vidjas. Try to enjoy what there is, or otherwise have an exciting life.

There isn't shit else to watch, and these movies are objectively good if you go in with the realization that they're super hero movies aimed mainly at children.

What's with this attitude that it's okay for your movie to be stupid and shitty if it's aimed towards kids? Has anybody even thought about what effect it has on kids to be subjected to retarded shit their whole lives? Have you ever wondered why everybody is stupid, fat, and lazy?

>There isn't shit else to watch

No excuse, stop giving them money and they'll be forced to try harder or go broke.

>and these movies are objectively good if you're retarded


I agree that kikes underestimate the american audience (or, more likely, want to dumb us down and make us degenerate), but you have to make what sells. Most people have around average intelligence, so most content will seem stupid to people like us.

You simply aren't going to get content that will please high IQ non-liberal white males in today's society, except every once in a blue moon.

Also, raising your kids right is up to the parent. Everybody is stupid, fat, and lazy because most people are stupid and lazy to begin with, and food is cheap and plentiful and full of unhealthy shit.


Why is he so small? Isn't he the main character/actor? What a strange poster

>nigger valkyrie
You'll get better results in r/cuckold

mmm... no.

I can't wait for this movie to BTFO of Justice League

I'm curious if those characters will be in the movie.