So Sup Forums, have you ever considered moving out of your parents basement? You do realize that you cant continue like that the rest of your life?
So Sup Forums, have you ever considered moving out of your parents basement...
My parents pay for my apartment.
Your parents are gonna die eventually... then you guise will be up shit creek.
I can't afford to buy a house and rent would is expensive as hell where I live.
Plus not having a fulltime job does not help
(I'm not 30 btw)
>spend the best part of a grand a month to live in a hovel and pay some landlords mortgage when your family has a large house that would otherwise be mostly empty
This graph is retarded. How isn't the entire map black since they're all < 50%
21 and not leaving for a long time. Most expensive country, most expensive housing market and there's far too many buying billions into the baby boomers rent scam. 30-40% of the avg income is being spent on rent. Sounds like just about the worst financial decision I could make besides burning money. Just wait until you can invest properly.
That image shows rich countries vs poor countries , it s harder to live alone when your country is a corrupt shithole , where meritocracy doesn t matter and you get paid shit and get called " OVERQUALIFIED " for the job , and where the state takes 40 to 50% of your income . Yea no thanks
damn, nordics truly are the master race
>You do realize that you cant continue like that the rest of your life?
I pay 60% of the mortgage. I can and will. Generational homes are the future.
it would help if living in the white hood didn't cost 500k starting.
Sure I could go buy a house for 40k 1 mile from downtown in niggerville, but I'd become a target of opportunity.
You realize this is the case because the greenies won't allow permits for new lots near cities with the express purpose of driving up prices.
I don't live in basement, i live on the second floor.
I went to study in other city when I was 14 yo. Since that I live alone or with room mates.
>mfw I'm probably 1 of a 100000 on Sup Forums who owns a house
It's not about being unable to live by yourself, but about the housing market bubble bursting any time now, over here anyway
I'm not paying for an insanely overpriced apartment, and I'm not falling for the rental jew.
Yeah, nah. They zone new residential areas in Auckland at the drop of hat. Average house price: one million kiwi bucks.
The problem, aside from the Anglo's fear of high rises, is that we've transitioned to an economy where the medium size city is obsolete. All the jobs are in megalopoles for some reason, and very few countries in the world have more than one of those.
I live on my own (with roomies) since like 19 so does 95% of my peers, strange that our number is so high.
Doesn't your socialist government basically give you houses for free?
Yeah you fucking lefties/jews, neoliberal don't know any more about a generation house like in the last millennium and proclaim that is evil to live in a "fre house"and not get credit to by a new one or work half a month only to pay the flat...
yeah because there is no more a family in the western-socialistic culture only "legal guardian" till you are 18 or so and you get the money for the flat from the government so "i" basiclly pay for someones else child's care because they don't teach the child the right way... the system is so fucked up and all people think it's normal ...
>have you ever considered moving out of your parents basement?
Why would I?
Rent is expensive as fuck and I could only afford to buy a matchbox-size house because I haven't saved enough.
No jobs - > no income. Of course people have to live somewhere. My parents should be grateful i moved when i found a job at 18.
>don't understand greater than/less than symbols
As expected. A Jew didn't make this figure.
speak for yourself german, we're closer up here. and yes we get house for free because nordic governments are so great
I am actually currently in the process of moving out.
23 yo.
What's stopping me?
No. Besides, that's not a bad thing per se. Keeps crime from escalating by pricing poorfags out of cities.
What we're seeing now is the re-establishment of the village.
Self-driving cars, drone delivery and 3D printing will ensure that there is increasingly less reason for people to move from the place of their birth.
Identity will once again become incredibly localized with (inter)national cohesion being primarily maintained through the internet.
>and yes we get house for free because nordic oil
Fixed that for you Harald
nigger i am 20. shut the fuck up
It will take a lot to keep young people in the now gutted small towns and villages because there is so little to do. No community points of interest, no young blood or families, just gods waiting room (at least in the UK).
t. someone who still lives out of the cities
You fucking snow niggers.
You can barely pay rent with the minimum income in Portugal in most places.
How do you expect people under 25 to live on their own, with this in mind? An apartment here goes for like 80~140k in my city and the average salary is like 700€ a month.
Be me American Stem major CS degree.
Live in silicon valley make 89k after graduation. Been living on my own, but rent is 3,000k a month. Moving to Seattle, Washington because same income lower housing cost. Fuck commiefornia. Also I have no student debt since I was part of a startup and made decent money while in college.
There are not for free someone need to pay for it yeah your country got the money from oil like saudis and can make the thing without geting the money from the other people in the own country but in germany is the guy who works aka working class paying in the social-fund so the flat is payed by lot of people who take care of someones elese lack of common sense and the right way of teaching how to live a life ...
No. I'm a depressed loser with no friends or money. Only way I'll move out is if my parents kick me out
There's pretty good money in the tech industry right?
Do you have any clue how much I could be making in the US as a back-end web developer with 5 years of work experience & a major in Software Engineering, Cletus?
29 and still living at my parent's like pretty much everyone else from my generation. Typically you move out at some point then move back in, because there are no jobs, even if you do manage to find one wages are low, and housing is way too expensive.
Can't afford to as millions of ghouls have depressed labour value.
Everything is fucked
I was actually lucky enough to get a bunch of inheritance money. I could probably afford my own house now at 18, but I'm going to save up. I'm not buying a house in this fetid shit-hole of a country. I'd rather save up so I can buy one when I move elsewhere.
There really is great money in the tech industry. Personally I want to make my own startup and try to go public with funding. One of my buddies did and eventually sold his company for $3.4million dollars. All the fucker does now is travel.
Depends, but the work environment for foreigners is quite harsh. You'd have to get a work visa and such. If your pretty good and can interview well enough you can look at a position for about $102,000 a year higher if your a good negotiator.
Fuck off you Moor.
use more the one currency/contries and banks if you got the money and don't do anything with it now who knows when the marked blows up next time ...
I have the money spread out across 3 banks. One of them is a national bank.
I really don't want to lose all my shit like some portuguese pensioners did a few years ago.. one our most prominent banks declared bankrupcy out of nowhere and a bunch of people lost their savings.
i really don't trust them in EU see greece now nobody can get the cash