Portrait: Small bill with Baphomet fading in.
Landscape: Large bill with dragon fading in.
Both with countdown clocks. It would be terminate to zero at 23:00:(11pm) GMT
1) Requiem in D Minor by Mozart
2) Sacrificial Procession by James Horner
Both domains were registered within 5 hours of each other ( created at 2016-03-22T22:49:00.00Z and was created at 2016-03-23T03:49:00.00Z), and sites went live within 2 hours of each other; they have the same domain registrar (namecheap), same DNS hosting, same hosting company, same IP address ( Both domains are protected by whoisguard.
It seems to be behind a proxy server–so there are a LOT of web sites that resolve to
Hosted on digital Ocean in NY, NY. No call backs and registered in Panama. Non-transferable with no listed owner.
The Beast Bill Summary
Other urls found in this thread:
*B A D S E L F E A T E R & F E D E R A L B E A S T
*Nazi eagle atop the United Nations Logo
*Owl eye in "1" It also has an all-seeing-eye in the forehead.
*Oroborus - The ouroboros eats its own tail to sustain its life, in an eternal cycle of renewal.
*"WEAVING SPIDERS COME NOT HERE" above oroborus Bohemian Grove's motto
*MA on left side, TT on right side with the numbers 25 and 45, which may indicate Matthew 25:45 "Then he will answer them, ‘I tell you the truth, just as you did not do it for one of the least of these, you did not do it for me.'" Matthew 25:45 NET
*IS312 possibly meaning refering to Isaiah 3:12. "O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray And confuse the direction of your paths."
*Mammon is the money used purposefully for greed. Cuneiform is found above this
*When front is folded, Baphomet (satanic goat) appears with words "PETY [sic] LORD". There is a small "I" in betwwen the "P" and the "E" in "PEACE", changing it not from "PETY", but to "PIETY"
*Multiple corporation logos
Well great...fucking Antifa pin on her breast. I fucking hate JEWKIKE Antifa niggers. It's just a new name for SJWs--it's by definition if you don't agree with me you're literally hitler the pin.
*Bottom saying (when folded) "BADSELFEATER.COM", as well as the letters in "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE VOTE"
*Bottom left has donkeys (Democrat) with the far left one bucking, 18 in number referencing presidential affiliation.
*Bottom right has elephants (Republican) with the far right one blowing its trunk, 15 in number referencing presidential affiliation..
*There is a black and white pawn (chess) below the elephants. Referencing the way chess players chose who shall play first, holding the black and white pawn in their hands behind their back, once chose the winner plays white.
*"Servants of the state..." "...for your greed." on the bottom
*Bottom right has a horseshoe with the words "AS ABOVE SO BELOW" the serpent can be seen readying to enter the temple.
*"I AM BECOME DEATH" found on bottom left a quote by Robert Oppenheimer finished by "the destoryer of worlds"
*Mammon is the embodiment of greed.
*Arabic word [currently unknown meaning] meaning "peace"
*Japanese/Chinese word 和 meaning "sum" or "and" "peace"
*Clinton is wearing a Planned Parenthood lapel, Trump is wearing a playboy lapel.
*Cuneiform text references Babylon I believe the cuneiform is "ka dinger ra ki" (Babilim). In Akkadian, which I assumed from the sun on the back, it is reference to Babylon or "the gate of the gods". The sun on the back refers to the Sun God Shamash. From Wiki: The attribute most commonly associated with Shamash is justice. Just as the Sun disperses darkness, so Shamash brings wrong and injustice to light.
*Au and Ag are "gold and silver" or Australia antigen (hepatitis). Symbols in cart have been seen in the Denver Airport.
*the hanged man over 3 pillars
*"A" for Apollyon the destroyer or Abbadon
*signatures are George Soros and Rupert Murdoch, respectively
*Richard Dawkins — 'DNA neither cares nor knows. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.'
*"DO AS THOU WILT" obvious reference to Thelema/Aleister Crowley who called himself "The Great Beast"
*Bottom right has 501C3 written, in reference to a 501(c)(3) tax exemption, in which a nonprofit organization dedicated to charity, religion, education, science, etc. does not have to pay federal income tax. {/u/L0cksmash}
*Far left says "R T E E T H"
*Far right says "T H A N K M" and "MMXVII" (2017 in roman numerals)
*Dragon's left foot has the Don't Tread on Me rattlesnake on it
*Right foot is crossing out "We The People"
*Left arm is grasping a tattered American flag. The flag is from the post 1818 version where the 13 stripes where added. The stars appears not to be staggered as with more modern versions.
*Right arm is leaning on a stack of books, visible letters "ARE" "SIS", and claws above a jar filled with a liquid, jar having the all-seeing eye and free mason symbol
*Sitting on: the Declaration of Independence (possibly covered in feces), free mason compass symbol, a crucifix Left side has initials(?) and the Lincoln monument Supreme Court building, the words "RULE OF LAW" on the front, with people bowing with a large crack and a stabbed woman, possibly the Lady of Justice, impaled by her own sword, with her scales discarded behind her.
*Right side has a desolate ruin, a compass(?) a reference to the sun god, Shamash, and the statue of liberty with the words "BAD SELF EATER" carved into it. The Eye of Ra is found in the 16 near the statue.
*Note there is a cern logo on the obverse in the far bottom left corner
*A 9 with the male symbol for the circle. Saturn?
*Lady Liberty has fallen on her sword. The two letter abbreviations above represent sitting Supreme Court Justices as well as former Justices further above. There is a chasm between the Left (Liberal) and Right (Conservative) Judges with an orange question mark in the portion isolated on an island in the midst of the chasm. This represents Antonin Scalia and the 9th Supreme Court Justice that is yet to be appointed.
*It even says on the justice building "Our rule is law.
*The Filipino word “muhon,” derived from the Spanish “mojón” and translated roughly as “monument” or “place-marker,” evokes contemplation through the primal act of marking a fixed point in both space and time.
*In the number six lies the eye of horus. symbol of power, protection, health. He is the sun god
*I believe that the temple has a fire altar like pic related. That would make it Persian ruins.
*the giant dragon/serpent could represent ouroboros, the serpent that spoke to eve (the devil) etc. Is clearly crossing out the constitution. "federal beast" may be referring to modern government looking to overwrite the constitution.
*sword piercing a menorah
*The Star symbol next to the Statue of Liberty. This Star is generally known as "Star of Shamash". Shamash is Solar deity and also a God of Justice.
We need to compile a list of the companies presented to research any relation to the bills or the cryptographs/symbols/numbers.
• Panda Power Fund
• Merryl Lynch
• Pfizer
• Facebook
• Comcast
• Verizon
• Nickelodeon
• Google
• Paramount
• Exxon Mobil
• News Corporation
• Deloitte
• Twitter
• Time Warner
• Bank of America
• Monsanto
• Chase Bank
• GE
• Chevron
• Microsoft
• Fox News
• Walmart
Paper Quality
For all the TL;DR shills
And, so, what's the point of all this? Just to be e d g y?
WIP from the thread on endpol
I hope so...
I hope...
link to thread? getting tired of the shills that keep posting here on Sup Forums.
also, some of my thoughts from last thread:
>book that the dragon is resting his elbow on in the back of the dollar bill has the number 9 along with the symbol for the male gender. the number 9 and the male sex are linked with the planet mars and in greek mythology the god of war is ares, which is also linked with the planet mars. ares fought against a giant snake, or a dragon.
>9 could also mean september
>war in september?
>front of the bill
>there's a letter A next to some flowers
>the flowers appear to be poppy flowers
>the man falling down in that corner is not the hanged man from the tarot card, but the falling man from the world trade center
>that A stands for Afghanistan
>those three columns are the three towers
>those poppy flowers were found everywhere in Afghanistan and helped the CIA bring heroin stateside easier
well, how'd I do?
Trump has Playboy Bunny, could Hillary's "button" resemble the phoenix (aka symbol of the elite power structure, it always rises from ashes ie. sustains power through rise and fall civilization )
>structural ruins on the far right next to the statue of liberty
if my theory about this entire bill being about war (which seems likely given everything else that's been discovered so far), then that building is the forum of augustus.
>The triumvir Octavian vowed to build a temple honoring Mars, the Roman God of War, during the battle of Philippi in 42 BC.[1] After winning the battle, with the help of Mark Antony and Lepidus, Octavian had avenged the assassination (murder) of his adoptive father Julius Caesar.[1] He became the Princeps of Rome in 27 BC under the name Augustus, and planned for the temple to be built in a new forum named after himself. Augustus used social propaganda by continuing Julius Caesar's will to create a Temple to Mars Ultor "greater than any in existence", by placing it within the Temple, linking himself to his divine adopted father, obtaining a strong link to the Roman population through their love for the deceased dictator.
all in all, I think this bill tells a story about america's lust for war and some of crowley's teachings that tie into freemasonry:
>do as thou wilt
>thelema symbols everywhere
>as above so below
Is there infograph about the frontside symbolism yet? I noticed this
There was a nordic tv series called mammon in 2014.
There's a new series coming out this year...
>Sup Forums moves away from looking for imaginary symbolism in real things to real symbolism in imaginary things
congrats, you're going to identify and catalogue a bunch of illuminati symbols in an art piece made to be filled with illuminati symbols
makes more sense.
>mars - scorpio - isis
Probably reference to Bible again, Israelites turned away from God and started worshipping "Golden Calf"
Some people identify "Golden Calf" as Hathor (Cow of Isis)
Keep in mind the whole symbolism of these dollars boil down to the fact: money, greed, mammon.
yeah, I doubt that this dollar bill is going to reveal the hidden agenda of the georgia guidestones or show us how monsanto is eugenically castrating us with our cereal.
just paints a picture for people on a dollar bill propped up by corporations, war, greed, and religion with hermetical, thelemic, and masonic symbols all over the bill.
riddles are nice, though. most fun I had on Sup Forums too.
I doubt that the book that the dragon is leaning on is real, unfortunately. I spent the past hour and a half looking through occult alchemist books from the middle ages to contemporary new-age occult books and went through a word generator to find words that ended with the exposed letters: nonsense.
Is this not some shitty RP crap from Mr Teeth? I mean the names right there in the anagram.
free bump
It's fucking retarded to recreate these threads daily, so you faggots can pretend to be DaVinci Code-tier sleuths.