I don't want to reveal any information about this because if media picks this up, it could damage Trump's campaign. All I can tell you is that next Saturday I will be floan to New York City to have dinner with Eric Trump at Trump Tower.
As far as I know, this dinner will not be filmed. What issue should I talk to him about? White genocide? I need help Sup Forums
I have won a contest to have dinner with Eric Trump via donation entry
Ask him if Barron is autistic.
don't fucking sperg out
If this is true, Just give him as many redpills about how Hilary is fraud and a piece of shit. Give him all the information he needs to tell his father to help him in the debate.
Ask him if he believes and follow the teaching of kek
>White genocide?
This, but don't be autistic about it. Ask if he plans to condemn European governments for replacing their own people with a combination of mass migration and low birthrates.
Post proof afterwards or it didn't happen.
Talk about white genocide through illegal immigration and leftism. You are the chosen to deliver Hitler's divine message to the God Emperor of mankind. Don't sperg out!
Protip: the older Trump brothers are already redpilled.
If he tells you anything more, don't be a faggot and spill the beans here like all the other retards posting his timestamp photos.
In fact, I'd delete this thread if I were you. I'd say just be yourself and be honest at the dinner so he can trust you enough to be straight. intelligent high status people like to use euphemisms, so don't be afraid to talk about "diversity" and "enrichment". always leave a level of plausible deniability without being vague
if he opens up to you ask him if he'll fund the
when he's Emperor