Let's see what we're working with, Sup Forums.
Dust off those family trees.
Let's see what we're working with, Sup Forums.
Dust off those family trees.
Other urls found in this thread:
My mothers side is Irish, my Fathers side is English.
My grandfather on my fathers side was a member of the SS after moving to Nazi Germany in 1934.
Further down the line, a Normanic solider who fought in the battle of Hastings belongs to my family.
Apparently I'm related to Spartan and Egyptian people's.
That's actually really interesting.
>inb4 im white
southern euros r not hwhite
This is a meme that needs to fucking die
Nothing special
>letting this thread die
Rate it
that's a shitload of greeks
You fucking turk.. oh w8
Tfw when mom is Louisiana Frenchwoman lineage, and dad is New Englander Brit lineage. Can trace roots back to slave trade and plantation owners. Live in Washington now lol.
French mother, French father from Portuguese family
I still wonder how I can be so white with green eyes.
fully sick/10
You were a nigger in a past life.
Thanks uleah
And born just in time to see the end of it.
It's time to change that, my friend.
reposting my shit
Hue living abroad for several years here.
>tfw your paternal grandmother collaborated with every historical record and living relative to figure out a detailed genealogy (with personal stories and notes) that spans back to roughly 1600, all in a neat Excel doc
>tfw I don't know shit about my mother's side other than that it's some mix of German, Czech, and some other Eastern European countries