What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
the ending is the ultimate plebfilter
The tongue ring guy is funny
It was awesomez0rs when they were rockin out to Smash Mouth. Amy Smart is so cute too.
Are you insane?! This is Hitler's car!
Comedykino, I love movies like this that are just wall-to-wall jokes, plus it has some god-tier bits:
>Barbie museum
>The heart van
>Kathy Bates' cameo
One of the funniest movies ever
Just watch the original. Its better.
Rental kino along with Shanghai Noon
it's not a remake of It's a Mad Mad World, it just has a similar premise
Would you buy the squirrel not knowing the consequences?
The first joke was the guy having to pay for porn he watched in his room. For this, my dad made me go to bed and i was 10 years old.
She came off crazy as fuck, so yes. Break line of sight and let the fucker go.
Absolute comfy-kino, watched it every time I was sick during winter, wrapped in blankets drinking hot chocolate
Why punish YOU for that? Was your dad retarded?
whoa is that your house? it looks comfy kino as fucking kino fuck holy
Pure comfy
kys (kino yourself)
Amy Smart's ass was amazing in this movie
I liked it just as much as the great race (tony curtis + jack lemmon)
I liked how Rowan Atkinson jumped on the high speed train.