This is a pretty good equalizer for when people are pretending to know movies and in reality only hates on what's new because they think having taste only equals to liking old movies. The original IT was literally never that great, it was made on a TV budget and it shows. Curry is the only thing good in it because he probably knew it was going to be bad so he had fun with the role, resulting in a very hammy performance that works because of the camp factor. It's a bit like the '66 Batman show, no one would argue that it's objectively better than the newer films (maybe Schumacher's movies) but most people still love it for what it is, which is for it's camp and fun. Anyways, I know that there are alot of remakes of old movies that deserve being shit on, often because there was no need for a remake to begin with since the original still holds up. In this case however, IT could barely be considered a remake since it was never a theatrically released movie and the 90s version definitely does not hold up by any stretch of the imagination.
This is a pretty good equalizer for when people are pretending to know movies and in reality only hates on what's new...
Other urls found in this thread:
They're both shit. What's the problem?
>hah I don't like anything nothing personell kid
got me there
Did people actually think the First it movie was scary? I mean, I guess it's creepy when he grows teeth, but he practically becomes a comedian in the second (much worse) half. I guess it didn't help that every adult actor acts like they were told to over act each scene they were in (desu only the adult actors for bill, Ben and mike even seed credible)
Tbh Tim curry as pennywise was about as scary as jack Nicholson as the joker
>he probably knew it was going to be bad so he had fun with the role, resulting in a very hammy performance that works because of the camp factor.
This kind of talk is the surefire way to know when someone is a retarded nu-male redditor.
Go back.
I like lots of things, but neither adaptation of It is good.
I think it's a good way to know when someone is a retarded buzzword from buzzwordland where everyone I disagree with live
I guess it must've been to kids who watched it and haven't watched it since.
The popularity of some words dosesn't deprive them of their meaning, idiot.
You haven't given a single reason as to why you think the new version is better than the older. You're argument is 'waaaaa people who like the old one are wrong and are just saying they like it waaaa'
Nu-male doesn't mean anything, it's just a buzzword applied to anyone you disagree with. It doesn't have an actual definition.
They focused on the kids instead of shifting between or shoving in the adult portion of the book giving the movie a clear structure with satisfying beats. The acting is WAY better, even the kids are really good actors even by today's standards and it definitely helps that they don't have to adhere to the rules of television and actually let the kids curse. Obviously the effects and set design is better too, but that's a given because of the budget and that it's made now, but honestly just because it's a given it doesn't change the fact that it is indeed better. There are more reasons I subjectively like the movie better but those are some objective truth's. Go ahead and argue how the 90s version is better.
>Nu-male doesn't mean anything,
Truth hurts doesn't it.
The new movie is a legitimately good film. The mini-series is not
>linking to ED while calling other people reddit
now that's fucking rich
ED is miles above that digital pigsty you call home redditor.
I was reading ED before Reddit was even a thing ten years ago, I realised it's shittyness and stopped ages ago.
It's amazing how you still keep calling things you don't like "Reddit" when no one who's arguing with you has ever been on it. at all. Like stop sucking Reddit's dick and make your own defense.
>Reddit eating!
>Reddit shitting!
>Reddit ring around the rosie!
>Reddit mary had a little lamb, little lamb, Reddit mary had a little lamb, my poor shitposting!
Control your delusion and come back to reality please.
>who's arguing with you has ever been on it. at all.
>come back to reality
Yes, take your own advice you retard.
Nice how you switched goalposts by the way, nu-male.
>words don't mean anything if I just pretend that the word doesn't mean anything
Wasn't me, nigga.
It's terrible, just stop, stop trying to reddit-pill everyone with this trash remake
I hope you're baiting at this point.
Jesus fucking christ, I've been browsing Sup Forums since I was 14 in fucking two thousand and six. I doubt even 1% of you retards calling me Reddit has been here for longer than me, just fucking stop. Reddit wasn't even a fucking thing back then.
>This is a pretty good equalizer for when people are pretending to know movies and in reality only hates on what's new because they think having taste only equals to liking old movies.
Why is it that people on Sup Forums foster this idea that if you EVER dislike something current/popular it's because you're being contrarian, i.e. INTENTIONALLY DISLIKING a thing, such as if it's popular.
Are people not allowed to dislike a current movie?
Am I supposed to cry at the word "Nu-male"? why don't you stop being a parroting chimp? I didn't switched any goalposts, your miniscule brain decided to go off-topic and mention an irrelevant site. because that's your only defense.
Best source delivery I've seen in a while.
Ask yourself this: why do those who like this new IT movie only ever praise it by comparing it to the old movie? Maybe you should think about that.
This thread is in direct reply to people who say that the 90s version is better than the new one.
>brings up the 2nd part
Not really relevant in a new vs old movie arguement. Wait for the 2nd part of this new adaptation first.
Talk about not knowing words, huh.
>Am I supposed to cry at the word "Nu-male"?
You're supposed to cry for being one. You asked for a definition I gave you one, now cry about how much it reflects you.
You must be 18 to post here.
>The new movie is a legitimately good film.
It's meh tier. Nothing to get excited about. But glad to see the same arguement is being used (comparing it to the old for tv campy series).
>You're supposed to cry for being one. You asked for a definition I gave you one, now cry about how much it reflects you.
Awww the little faggot thinks his word holds any meaning.
Wow. Get a load of this fag.
True, but not even Moot was 18 then or at least when he founded the site
I'm not even lying, I'm not really proud of it either or anything. But it's just that people really should stop shouting reddit whenever they disagree with someone.
>in direct reply
How does this thread reply to anything? You're just pushing your own shit tier arguement; probably a shill being paid to drown out the negative threads.
>so triggered he keep pressing F5 for a reply
get a load of this dude
>getting overly emotional and boasting about being on a Kazakhstani goat milking forum since you were 14
There's a place for those such as yourself, it's called reddit
Are you sure you're not the triggered one by posting it again? :^)
Is your argument that I should have left when I became an adult? Are you a kid?
No, I just replied to the wrong post.