Hey Sup Forums! Wasn't it the most red pilled speech you had ever heard in a movie?
Hey Sup Forums! Wasn't it the most red pilled speech you had ever heard in a movie?
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I really want one of those T shirts.
makes me sad that I missed first wave punk where wearing a swastika shirt was just cheeky and intended to piss people off
"punks" today wouldn't dare associate themselves with the Third Reich
>u-us alt-right, a-am i right guys?
Fuck off shill.
fuck off upside down polan
That was fucking retarded. Notice how in these movies they never actually make the arguments that these people would make IRL
>US defends the jews
checks out
Also this, but I don't see it on this specific website:
>racial hierarchy
>literal racist
That was retarded. Acknowledging statistical differences between populations, the role of genetics and wanting your own homeland isn't the same thing as what that walking straw man was saying.
Wow, didn't know that was Gosling.
From Goosebumps to Nazi to Driver.
But literally ALL of that is true, how could anyone watch that and think
>wow, this is what NAZI's believe!
Yeah, think the movie backfired a bit there.
Nah, it did exactly what it intended to do, make perfectly reasonable things (things like what most Trump supporters would agree with for example, although obviously this movie far precedes it, these issues have been issues for decades) and associate them with the kinds of people that are universally despised.
I always think that when people do research to make these kind of films, they end up redpilling themselves accidentily.
This is awesome.
>implying most of the writers and stuff on these are't Jews
Da Goose.
too bad he had a kid with that shitskin spic.
Hmm. Never looked at it that way. You might be right.
Honestly the first 2/3's of this movie seem pretty redpilled(ish), the very end seemed like they tacked it on so you remember that Hitler is the bad guy
It's a pretty common tactic actually. The fun part though is that you can do something similar. What I like to do is bring up totally reasonable Hitler or Mussolini quotes that in a certain context almost make him sound like a Bernout or something, and then tell them who the author of the quote is, that and cold hard facts pounded into someone's head time and time again with well placed emotional triggers... it can work well enough.
The US defends fucking everyone.
Matthew McConaughey did the same thing. They don't even look anything like him.
Except our borders.
Funny, Soviets did the same couple of years back.
Biggest joke in America is the name 'Ministry of Defence'
watch the other scene where he does a speech in front of the people in the filled room.
Yeah that's retarded too
>Uses oral sex analogy as proof of despicable behavior
>Racial Hierarchy with no proof of this subjective statement
Wut? so he full out says "whites are on top blacks are bottom" with no proof or reason and it's considered red-pill lmao
The only thing I really agree with him on is that I don't like a man who can't do an honest day of work and relies on manipulation/bartering to become rich. The rest of it is just mental gymnastics. "we shouldn't pleasure women" wtf does that shit have to do with any point he was trying to convey.
How is this not satire.
Jews are actually pretty awesome.
I am learning Yiddish right now. Hopefully I can learn to translate the Talmud so I can spread my knowledge about my new favorite Religion!
That speech by an "evil" Britbong from some 90s movie that turned out to predict today's SJW poz UK. Someone must know what I'm talking about.
>everything in the universe can be put into tiered lists and ordered from best to worst based on inherent quality
>can't do it with Human races, tho!
Fuck you, retard.
>Einstein invented the atom bomb
sure he did mr schlomo ;)
I have bad news for you
Could it be this one?
Yes, that one.
Kek'd too hard at this, well played
Whats WMG? This shits blocked for me.
Jesus Christ this guy is dumb as fuck.
Heres some quotes
The Babylonian Talmud is usually primarily written in Aramaic, strangely, this is a gentile language used even by Syraic Christians in their Peshitta, yet Jews still use this "goy" language as a language of religious work in their highest religious authority the Babylonian Talmud. It's very close to Hebrew though, so maybe because it's a Semitic language very similar to Hebrew perhaps that is how the Jews will justify using a language of the filthy goyim.
The great dictator has a pretty cool speech but the music can be ignored on this version
WMG? Not sure what you mean, sorry. I can try linking you to a different version of the video if that would help.
You can buy them in Vietnam. Weird I know, I was also shocked when I found them in a store there. I even got one with a hitler portrait on it.
Apparently he is popular there.
Me too.
This one is pretty cool also
Googled it. Warner music group came up. This one works tho
That's not what I'm saying, fuck face.
I'm saying that he outright says that 'x' is better than 'y' without giving any reason for it. And the fact that OP thinks "wooow so red-pilled cos he blame da jo0z and h8 niggs xD" is fucking retarded for people who actually do believe 'x' is superior.
Also, I said it was subjective because he doesn't base his claims off anything... 'x' is better than 'y' at what? its fucking subjective and its retarded, you have to be an angsty little bitch to think otherwise. Just like you, who went all damage control and thought I was attacking the "superior Aryan race."
Funny because the believer is such a pro jew mobie
>Do not hate we are all one race
>Remover borders we are all one race
>Unite for a new world order
KEK gtfo Sven
Professor Murros is great. Have you seen this one?
Source on that vid on youtube?
Top tier
>"This video is unavailable in your country."
Why am I even surprised?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the gender studies, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret praide parades on the safest most telerant areas of sweden, and I have over 300 confirmed std's. I am trained in gorilla buttsex and I’m the top assfucker in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision buttsex the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of tumblr feminists across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better lube up for the storm, maggot. The storm that buttfucks your intestines clean out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can buttfuck you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed assfucking, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to fuck your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
Also, not a movie but with that production value might as well post ITT: youtube.com
Mate there is a racial hierarchy.
Niggers are allways at the bottom and whites,asians,indians and middleeasterners (and northafricans )tend to go up and down in the hierarchy they have equal quality but they are very different people.
It always blows me away that you're mean to consider that guy a villain. The speech he gives is meant to make you think that he's evil.
I am an Englishman
>We have never been asked
Holy fuck thats what ive been saying too. Is this me?
Yes this is correct, its a good old well working jewish trick to mix up truth and lies to make it even harder for people to find the truth.
For example in the bible.
Satan is asocieted with a lot of bad things like sexualization, betrayal etc. but also with wisdom, freedom and power.
(I am very sorry if that is wrong, that is just my impression, I didnt read the bible)
So people tend to hate the good things too, whilest not noticing them. You can find that everywhere. Hitler KILLING JEWS!!!!! and NATIONALISM !!!!! LOOK KILLING JEWS SO EVIL AND HE ALSO WAS NATIONALIST!!!!!
The kikes use the fact that people think in boxes, they take all charachteristics of a person or idea and put it in a box, if the box has something bad in it, everything in that box bvecomes bad.
I'm interested, I'm not saying that there isn't a hierarchy but what is this hierarchy based on?
I mean, as a guy with like almost no patience for Libtards and degenerates I still think that human existence and purpose is pretty subjective at this point because we haven't a clue as to what the fuck we're meant to be doing with our lives.
So what are you basing your hierarchy off of?
that was some seriously dumb shit.
The fuck? " jews. Judiasm - its like a sickness "
the religion has nothing to do with anything.
and what the fuck was that gay shit regarding jews and sex? " Once you go jew u never go back " in a nut shell- this scene was written by a jew without a doubt.
nothing posted so far ITT tops this one
the only red pilled speeches come from Hitler himself.
Hierarchy is allways based on power.
If something has more power then something else it is above it in the hierarchy.
(I guess you can apply this principle to everything)
The reason, why I said that the hierarchy of the human spicies is quite dynamic
(this is very often the case in nature)
Should be clear now, there have been times of asian dominance, times of white dominance and times of persian dominance. Same in Naure! Some species of animal tend to dominate over a period but that can change.
The whole purpose of nature is improvement and (reproduction [so the spirit of your life doesnt die out, it neads a physical body, yes I am spiritual] ).
This dynamics in the hierarchy also may be called the neverending conflict that is also a part of nature. However if you keep thinking about this you will come to a point where you must choose between civilization and life, witch is quite depressing :^(
alright i feel you, user.
I could agree with that statement.
ty for clearing that up.
this is very good :O
"Jew is essentially a female." That is actually disturbing ... some many racist, bigoted, antisemitic pieces of puzzle fall into place with that one.
These movies are designed to make Nat Soc type ideas look retarded. You think they're subtly red-pilling people by dishing out info on racialism, and then softening it all with an anti-racism ending, but what is actually happening is the ideas in the films are spouted off by extreme characters who the audience dislikes. So all that happens is viewers walk away with a head full of ideas on race, nationalism, globalism, jews etc which they associate with some idiotic racist. In actual fact, these movies are globalist propaganda to make people think the opposite of what the on screen characters do, and to dismiss everything as racist mumbo-jumbo.
The jew is if nothing else, very clever.
This was a great movie
If its based on power then wouldn't the Jews be at the top?
They're a hard power in some parts of the world and a soft power in others.
Just fucking no.
Either Jews run the world or they don't, this German cunt is saying the most powerful races are the ones at the top. If Jews are the most powerful i.e. control everything then they are at the top according to this goy from Germany.
Yiddish is gutter German, not Hebrew.
Ofc they are at the top of the hierarchy right now and we need to get rid of the parasites.
Accepting the truth that in the current time the enemy is stronger then you, is the first step to victory. I acctually learned that in fucking Dota2 holy shit.
Eat this Jew shit up, Jew pretends to be white to promote hate towards the Jew turns whites against whites.
> : to remove or separate from a native environment or culture; especially : to remove the racial or ethnic characteristics or influences from
On relativity.
Ignore the ppd link. That was my mistake.
Turns out you are on board with the most retarded thing he said in the whole speech. Congratulations, now go read some Von Mises or Hayek.
No, not really.
It's written by a Jew, and the character is a Jew giving Jews a backhanded compliment and giving retarded, comical reasons for anti-semitism.
Even the recent Imperium had much better, more legitimate anti-semitism. Probably because they just cribbed it from Far Right websites.
The punk scene today is hilariously PC, there is absolutely nothing subversive about it.
That is slightly better - Because it's mostly true.
Being Australian I prefer the less waffling, more direct to the point stuff.
>We know who they are! They're English too!
That's where you're wrong, Englishman.
Why do they shave the head
>It's written by a Jew, and the character is a Jew giving Jews a backhanded compliment
This. He says, effectively, that Jews have better sex and are better at pleasuring white women, that Marx and Freud are 'great Jewish minds,' that Israelis aren't Jews and that Jews are natural aristocrats who have never needed to work with their hands and that the average white man is not intelligent enough to understand how they make money through finance.
You won't find a red pilled speech in a film about ebil neo-Nazis, that's for sure.
Ranks whites above blacks, however doesn't rank Asians and Arabs/Mexicans clearly and doesn't mention Asians having higher average IQ than whites etc. Then backhanded compliment about Jews pleasuring women and it being a weakness according to white men. The same white men women on average prefer even over their own races....
Absolute pro Jewish propaganda.