literal perfection edition
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She's cute in a weird way I can't put my finger on. It's like how a lot of women like Steve Buscemi.
only castle that maybe survived is the Reed floating fortress
Azor Jimmy
Post Paintable Aryas pls
In candid pics she looks like a caricature drawing of my sister, its fucking bizarre.
Looks nothing like her in the show though which is just as bizarre.
What are some major events in King's Landing where they detail the name of the place they are in? Just curious of if pic related adds any extra detail to the story
En garde, roi de la nuit!
Wait, where the hell would Davos land with Tyrion that he wouldn't be neither directly in sight of the Red Keep nor in sight of any other house?
where is Gin alley
there are tales of a FOOKIN legend living there
How is a 47 year old so qt, lads?
There's plenty of lore stuff explaining why all these places have their name, if that's what you're asking.
Cast Taena Merryweather
They go into super autistic detail for dozens of pages describing how insane of a hassle it is to get to and from the Vale. And KL and Winterfell and the Wall are probably the other most autistically described.
>the perfect and rightful queen and king to rule westeros together :)
>no pilou in the video
i'm disappointed
get ready for more epic ice battles
>the location is being cleaned right now and it will be used in Game of Thrones season 8 and the containers that we can see in the photos contain material that’s going to be used for the sets
>she'll never domestically abuse you
Is it ever explained why Jaime cuts his hair in the show? iirc he only does it in the books to disguise himself after escaping Riverrun
>tfw teh part of the Kingsroad that links KL to Storm's End stops short of the river, in front of the Mud gate, without any bridge of any sorts
What's the use
where the Rush meets the sea
same place Arya and Sansa's ship was docked just upriver a bit.
flea bottom somewhere iirc
>He watches her watching her dragons and wishes that he could keep looking at her and forget about the world events weighing on his shoulders.
what did he mean by this?
Pilou looks kinda chubby here
The Iron Fist is mine, by right.
based daddyposter
That would be interesting as well
For example I can't remember basic places like, what wa the gat Tyrion was guarding during the whole Blackwater battle deal? Or do they ever say where Ned was beheaded? And stuff like that
Jonerys is real.It's always been real.
why didn't anybody pull her aside when she was still a nobody and tell her to stop being so shit at acting
what was the point of Gendry having a hammer
its supposed to be his signature weapons then he just drops it
Ned was beheaded at the Sept of Baelor, this huge church that a religious fanatic Targ king built. The Dragonpit as the name suggests is where the Targs kept their dragons, during the first big Targ civil war a bunch of peasants stormed the place and burned it to the ground, killing most of the last living dragons. The gate Tyrion was guarding was them mud gate, the weakest one.
fan service
he's not super fit like ncw, and his face is rounder. still qt though desu
>In the name of the Seven Kingdoms, you're under arrest, Queen Daenerys.
>Are you threatening me, Ser?
>The small council will decide your fate.
>I AM the small council!
>Not yet.
>It's treason, then...
[Dany swoops across the table with a horrific dragon roar]
and it's canon :)
Apparently she's self-aware about it, I remember reading some interview where another actress says she's too hard on herself and is always apologizing when she messes up.
You can't tell me they didn't date during season 1
It's gonna be drone city out there. We will know what happens immediately.
me on the left
How would one invade the vale
Even if you somehow break the bloody gate the mass amounts of mountains and knights would fuck your army into oblivion
>a bunch of peasants
>killing most of the dragons
What did GURM mean by this? And how many hundreds/thousands became black and crispy to reach that^
The only thing she needs to be aware of is how I much I love her!
Kek. Look at his face.
>shut up bitch
Then she turns to look at him and he smiles real quick. Kit is shady.
You'd need an ungodly amount of ships. It would also help if you could get the other vale houses on your side, since they provide food to the Eyrie. Like right now in the books, Littlefinger's position is a bit precarious because a lot of the major Vale houses are openly opposed to him.
Invade it the Andal way, form eh sea
I hope she feels guilty every time she cashes those big cheques people keep handing her.
>the chad bodybuilder
>the virgin crossfitter
>where the Rush meets the sea
It's an uphill climb to the keep from there
It was thousands of peasants, and there were 10 dragons chained up in a confined space. Most of the dragons in Westeros died during the Dance of Dragons (targaryen civil war), but the dragonpit was destroyed later in the war when their numbers were already dwindling.
Yeah, they're both qt. Please post more user
The vale has a sizable fleet and ties to braavos
Even if you get on land you would get fucked back to where ever you came from
The only way ti beat them that i could think of is dragons
Good she's mine anyway
What about Yeen?
They're also the 3rd-most populous/richest region so they've got a huge army. It would take a hell of a lot to beat them, especially if they decide to go on the defensive.
Why doesn't anyone invade the Vale from this side? doesn't seem to have major impervious passes
its already deserted
its in ruin
her little finger looks dislocated
Jaime + Daenerys OTP!!
Well, fuck, for most of those peasants I guess it was the most metal way to die ever
All the important stuff is behind the mountain passes. You can technically invade it but you're not going to get far.
>danish """"people''''''
me on the right
Qarth and its 3 layers of walls
The problem with that is the sisters
They have that area on naval lock down because of them
Even if you get on land,once again you would get fucked to death
"Sorry, I only penetrate Targaryens from behind"
you can with 10 men and climbing picks
literally the most degenerate jaime pairing next to jaime/brienne and jaime/sansa
jaime would be a kissless virgin if it wasn't for cersei
Seems likw Kit always had a thing for her
The eyrie
if I recall correctly the Tyrells and the Vale are basically set in the books.
>you will never creampie for a second time in post-rape sansas ripe pussy
>the Tyrells and the Vale are basically set
Why is she so beautiful
She isn't.
Kek. I feel the same way.
Shes the most boring girl on the show
delet this
Is this bait? She looks awful in that pic. And I don't consider her ugly
She is
That's a bad picture. Most of her pictures are bad.
almost 4 minutes in the song i finally found out it's not about Poland
already done it in the last thread
are we speaking just taking the cities, or are we going ''Rains of Castamere make an example way''
Looks like Mike Rowe there
They belong together
sorry, set for the coming winter.
What is sophie doing this days? is she still with worst jonas?
is jaime/cersei an abusive relationship?
give me one example of what the boltons did wrong
you cant