Van Susteran was one of the top anchors on Fox news network and yet she left!? Why would someone give up their $300...

Van Susteran was one of the top anchors on Fox news network and yet she left!? Why would someone give up their $300,000 job and their fame so easily? By the way, does anybody else watch the O'Reilly Factor?

>She left

She got fired

If Hannity gets "fired" for not re-upping with fox, Trump news network confirmed.

Murdoch has taken complete control and is proceeding to purge anyone who goes against globalism.

>>She got fired

for what?

For being fair to Trump.

The jews at fox are going to Shoah any of the decent people on the network. Fox wants to the globalists of the Right.

She got threatened by Hillary

Hannity has a contract to renew up soon right?

Wait a minute, what about Hannity?

Ailes resigned.

His strategy of hiring a mix of lesser known anchors that would tow the exec line while staffing the flagship programs with charismatic/genuine magnificent bastards like Greta and Hannity while offering unprecedented freedom to PR geniuses like Oreilly coalesced into a business model that not only became one of the sole beacons for Conservatives in the public sphere, but also garnered better ratings than any other news network in history.

Problem is, Murdoch is at heart a globalist, shekel-seeking kike, and his kids are trying really fucking hard to be Soros-tier.

Greta resigned because the execs pulled a coup and threatened her with surrendering full control to their editorial discretion.

Greta might be Aryan and look 50, but she's Grandmother-tier, and she resigned to end her career with dignity.

She won't be the last to be purged, mark my words.

We'll see about him next.

He'll be gone by the end of 2017. He jumped on the redpilled nationalist Trump train with far too much enthusiasm.

If CNN and MSNBC have proven anything, it's that the culture war has reached an irreversible intensity to the point where things like viewership and credibility no longer matter.

The globalists are running scared, and they're reacting by doubling down, pic related

I still think a lot younger blacks don't care enough to go vote for Hilliary.

(((THEY))) are tightening their grip on the narrative all the way through Fox and making sure that the entire spin section is from top to bottom in their control. This election will not be lost. Hillary will win. It's just a matter of how well they can orchestrate it to appear as though it wasn't on purpose.

They have to play things perfectly, really.

Wasn't this just because of this whole Ailes sexual harassment case?

She probably was called to Gold Base

That's literally been the case since 2008.

To give you an indication of how little Clinton appeals to minorities, you should know that she ackshually won the popular vote in the 2008 Dem primary.

The DNC abandoned her and threw all their resources behind Obongo because she was polling so poorly with minorities (even before being a chemotherapy-tier mess) that projections indicated she was slated to lose against John 'I can't raise my arm high enough to press the WW3 button, but I want to' McCain after 8 years of fucking Bush.

There's going to be death squads in election day, and they'll be blacks dragging their kin out of their homes and forcibly bussing them to the polls under Black Panther supervision.

She supports the wrong party.
She won't vote D.M or LRH.
Good riddance.

Hannity is a clown just like Beck and the other cable pundits who have been raking in millions of dollars of year.

Hannity outright promoted Rubio back in 2012 and now and was for amnesty like the rest of Fox News.

Fox News is to Republicans what Televangelism is to Religion.

>Fox News is to Republicans what Televangelism is to Religion

Leibowitz pls. You sold out, we get it.

Shes a hardcore Scientologist.
Shes going to go on the SeaOrg.

Not even joking.

Is Lachlan Murdoch really that bad?
He loves Rugby League and I see him at footy games all the time. Wife is a top Aussie chick too. I don't believe it.

Mastermind Gordie strategises with Lachlan about Fox programming

Meant to reply to Pix of Lachlan's top Aussie wife Sarah, loves Rugby League too

Fox is ruled by cuckservatives

>watching the O' Normie Factor

top kek, I'm sure you're getting a perfectly unbiased perspective on world events

>only 300,000

I find this hard to believe.

>the media is using these figures for an old white bitch

Unless something happens, she is done for.

I didn't think Murdoch was jewish until I looked it up just before.

Should've known.