Butthurt Obama


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too bad, he could have learned a thing or two

Yup and nice digits.

why doesn't the media ever discuss the facts?
is Obama a son of a whore or not?

Obama should swivel and smack duetret down a peg or down.

> will be interesting, To say the least.

If he went after the insult, then this board would call him a cuck and that "based Putin would call the meeting off". The man can't fucking win. It was clearly the right thing to do.


duetre has commit way more crimes than obama has.
>no its not a good or based thing, its just a thing.

Came over from Sup Forums? I rarely see you guys on Sup Forums anymore

>is Obama a son of a whore or not?
No, his mother never got paid for it. She did it for free.

Kek, Philippines with the bantz.

The correct move for obama is to shittalk back.

He needs to say something like "hows the stench of dead kids in the phillipines?" or " You still owe me 100$ for the drug shipments"

Pipe down Prajeet, haven't you got a space program to work on, or a street to shit in?

It was just a prank bro

I never knew your mom was a whore

A diplomatic tussle isn't in the American interests though, as the Philippines is their ally in the Asia-Pacific. There's is little benefit from escalating the argument. You already have Duterte backtracking on his comments, so what else do you need?

no not like sabre rattling level.

but like get a grip duetre level

Like when he cancelled meeting he should have said "I hope the phillipines is able to recover from this dictator"

It has little to do with butthurt.

If Obama still showed up for that meeting, he would have looked like a cuck. You can't give someone what they want when they insult you, especially when you represent the USA.

It's what Trump would have done tbqh

Yeah cancelling the meeting was a good move.
obama played this well, so far.

total son of a whore move he just made

Getting knocked up by a visiting polygamous African and selling nudes to playboy indicates that du30 isn't necessarily wrong; this is also supported by the fact that she tried to remedie the black dad syndrome by becoming a trophy wife for some manlet Malaysian cuck.

If it isn't true then why does he get so mad about it?

oh no obama might look like a cuck that would be a change in character

Obongo is a shitty president who takes everything personal, even if it doesn't involve him at all
>zimmermen trial happens
>comes forward out of nowhere "IF I HAD A BOI HE WOULD HAVE LOOKED LIKE TRAY TRAY"

Wow i just noticed you faggots have exactly the same flag.

Jesus he offended you personally not the USA, don't go ruin relationships with other states because your feefees got hurt.


Is Duterte the greatest madman in office? Even North Korea doesn't have anyone as fucking ballsy as him

the fuck are you talking about?

north korea threatens to nuke people left and right lol

> Brazil.
> Get back in your cave nigger.

North Korea test fired four missiles during G20.

>implying Obama is the one that made the final call about how to retaliate

ur cute /po/

Any push back Obama receives leaves him butthurt.

>greatest madman
I found two others.

mummy, the man said a bad woird!

Given the behaviour of my sick King I am not in position to evne kek.

But this shit is such an embarrassment. Imagine if you got Trump now Burgers, what do you think he would have done if somebody called Thorr a son of whore?

I don't think he would sob like a pathetic numale wanting pitty like this excuse of a "man"/blueman....

Fuck this special snowflake monkey

>get cut off from big pappa americu

/r/ing the picture of poland abusing its power in the EU. applies here

he is
his mother fucked a nigger who ran off, so by def a horunge. Prolly spreading her legs for half of africa in the process, degenerate.

How has the entirety of the western media and the US government stayed oblivious to the fact that what was translated as "son of whore" is a turn of phrase roughly equivalent to something like "damn" in The Philippines?

He didn't call him the son of a whore. He just used what is, in their culture, a very tame expletive while speaking.


You are the worst poster on this board.

But he is a horunge, son of a whore, the definition of it

I hate Obama

It must be true that semen is bad for ones eyes as they ain't.

>Poo in lol talking about ass pain

Too bad Obama and his people didn't watch the actual video, or he would have realized that Duterte, in fact, did not call him a son of a whore.

>Pic and vid for proof


Yeah, it was more of a expression. Like seeing something unusual makes you say "what the fuck".

I can imagine this if this happened to Trump somewhere you'll see headlines "Trump calls ___ president a 'fuck'"

Duterte's namecalling has nothing to do with facts either way. He calls practically everyone a son of a whore if they say anything that in some tiny way is opposed to the perfection of his own thoughts. If he's feeling particularly excited, he will call you a gay son of a whore.

Also see:

Obama is a black numale.

Imagine if Duterte realizes that Obama is responsible for the 95% heroin increase via Afghanastan and the US troops protecting the poppy fields and straight shoots the faggot at the up coming dinner. Would be SOOOOOO fucking epic. Would go down in history as most based Man of our time.

so tired of the establishment fucking us in the ass

those eyes are scaring me

Its gets worst user