>Feminists complain about flag poles looking like dicks with a hard on
>Muh patriarchy
>Government pass a decision to systematically persecute straight white flag poles
>They're replaced with pic related
>Soon they will come after the real thing
I am scared. I want off this ride.
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That's no better. It looks like a penile fracture.
jesus fucking christ lads...
This was all a statement by the jews to weaken morale. Down to the "feminists" complaining. Pure theatre
What in the ever loving fuck is going on over there?
Stop being scared you cuckold faggot. Do something.
that looks like water damage weakening the structure. it's what you get buying from china.
OP's story is full of shit
I'm surprised sweden still exists.
no think about it. how do you keep existing as a country? it's such a complex mechanism powered by legit intelligent people and principles.
I'm mind boggled.
Goes to show just how great womens lives are. If you can sctually bring up the time to worry about this...
This isn't true. Either a shit troll or a proxy.
This cant be real...
>flag poles looking like dicks with a hard on
>flag poles
>to be replaced
Maybe our government should send a complaint about persecution of our people.
lmao why are feminists obsessed with dicks and dick-look-alikes
Not women. Kikes totally fabricated everything about this story
You of all people should be familiar with these tactics.
How's Britian?
because no one wants to give them one
It's real guys, today SÄPO came and cut of my dick because I took of my chasity..
How should I know? I'm not a traitor.
reminds me of something...
It is real. They are doing this at many locations in Sweden.
Vi har fått en i Lindesberg också.
What the fuck, that looks like a limp dick now. Won't somebody think of the people with erectile dysfunction?!
Post cite or this is just bullshit.
Speaking of the Swedish flag...
What in the Fuck?
Is there ever going to be a war or are you going to be a caliphate in 10 years?
how fucked up in the head they must be
It's a bad photoshop but this could be real. I've sworn swede shit I read here was fake only to be wrong, so no one dares call bullshit. World upside down. Thanks jews.
This can't be real.
give me a source
this smells of bullshit
no one can be this retarded, not event the swedes
Its a project in Sweden. This is happening all over the country
OP här, denna är från Göteborg. Må Gud vare ned oss.
I just checked, it really is happening
>Actually believing this.
Come over here redpillswebros, before we blow the bridge. Then we'll build a wall to the south and make Germany pay for it.
Afterwards we reclaim Norway and recruit Iceland to help you win back Sweden.
Strap yourselves in boys, the longboat is sailing again
All of continental europe would have been conquered by now if the US didn't exist. And I'm not talking about soviet union era history.
Proofs still needed.
And hurts nationalism at the same time. Fuck everything
>emblyiing xDD
Anyway, feel free to drop some nukes whenever. We could use it
A true Norwegian hero
You fags literally decided to stop giving snow plow preference to the streets people use to drive to work over footpaths housewives use to go gossip with each other.
More like somebody tried to steal a flag and failed.
t. flagstealer
did he get redpilled from his experience or is he still sucking somali dick ?
Don't bully Sweden anymore. The last few redpilled swedes don't deserve it.
Said he feels bad the owner of the dick he worked over for 5 hours got deported, you tell me.
Is Western Civilization going to be destroyed without any resistance?
That pic..
Why are retards like that given a platform, again?
He's a leftist with PTSD. Of course he doubled down.
What do you think?
A cuck to the bone.
Sweden is in a dire state, we need all the help we can get
Why? Jesus Christ
This... this isn't real... right guys? This is an art piece, or someone's personal property.... right? RIGHT!?
He is a henchman for the Swedish left. We had a debate some years back, because Denmark funneld all the rapefugees to Sweden. They send this guy to argue for Swedens cause. I'm gonna dump a few highlights from his pearls of wisdom, but desu he literally has the mind of a child.
I'm not even Swedish and this pisses me off.
I'm at loss for words...
Hahahahahahahaha!!!! I love you Sweden. You guys are like gawdy Christmas gifts everyone likes to hate. The worse the better. Kek ! I remember meeting one of you guys in the States. I feel sorry for you guys, honestly. You are in my prayers.
They want that. They want to esmascualte Sweden
subtitled for non scandinavian speaking masterraces
>hard mode: drink whenever Arnstad/Sweden says racism
Ah, that fucking show... yeah, I remember watching it. It was funny watching the swedish that old swedish woman quivering and whimpering over Denmark's stance on immigration, which was more lax than it is now, I imagine.
When people like this come into position of power you know there is something very wrong with the local press. Holy shit.
I come emigrate there if you liked. I have strong engineering skills. I'm afraid of becoming a cuck however, so probably not. I doubt I'd succumb, but I love America too much to leave her.
The curve is too perfect to be damage
I'm going to Norway.
I'll help from the other side of the border.
What the fuck are you doing sweden. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?
There are productive and successful career driven women out there who simultaneously manage to have a family, and instead, some women decide to campaign against faux oppression, one non-issue at a time. Simultaneously, in the US, there are blacks advocating for segregation while MLK turns over in his grave.
What is happening to this world?
Absolutely. I remember talking to the few swedish friends I have here, and ofcourse redpilled swedes on Sup Forums. Everyone was embarrased on Swedens behalf.
Now I am not making fun of them, just showing who the choose to represent and defend their cause.
At one point a danish politician says
>"In islamic culture, more than anywhere else, there is a strong tendency for autonism and antagonism towards western culture. This is a fac..
Your man Arnstad interrupts with another one of his pearls of wisdom. It's almost like a sketch show.
Good engineers are required to build the wall, you stay man and fullfill your duty. Godspeed user.
On the next both, son
and as usual since the beginning of all this nonsense i like to give ...again the same advice as always... kill your liberal politicians.
Look how islam manages to control these cunts simply with fear and violence .. do the same kill your regressive brain damaged politicians and for good measure any third wave "feminist" that is nearby. lol
*boat even
>>Government pass a decision to systematically persecute straight white flag poles
but were they also cis?
oh sweden
dont ever change
Women are just emulating niggers and their whole oppressed shtick.
OP is gay and story is fake.
I seriously hope you get your shit together Sweden, it was funny before but now it's gone too far and just tragic. And it's spreading here too.
he invited a man to his home in the middle of the night while drunk. the guy is many things, but at least one of them is being a closet homosexual
This swedish school made an anti child rape song. I think it teaches children to say no to rape instead of the rapefugees to stop raping.
Straight White = Less disease
Also applies to dental matter
This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes, again
No source cos no real
you are trolling
you must be
Probably why he feels bad too
Is it true swedish native men have to sit when they piss as a form of symbolic feminization ?
>Blow the bridge
Just annex Skåne instead, we'll welcome you with open arms
Please tell me this isn't real.
Fuck him. What was the reaction from Norwegians? Did they see through him or want to follow Sweden example?
Even if it turns out to be real I'm not even going to be surprised anymore. I'll just wait to see what beta records they will break next
Still no source and picture is obviously fake. It's bullshit.
Although I fail to see the need to make shit like this up when the real Sweden is already more insane than some crazy art installation.
Norway, it seems, are like halfway between us and Sweden, politically speaking. Oslo seems like Swedish conditions where as Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim seem to be more conservative. Can't tell with certainty, you'll have to ask a Norbro, but it's how I'm seeing it.
Regarding to the debate, I think they just had popcorn and enjoyed the massacre.
Looks better without the tiny lion dick 2bh.