Why aren't you an Anarchist Sup Forums?
Why aren't you an Anarchist Sup Forums?
Same reason why I'm voting for trump
Because I believe in law and order
Too busy caring about my people.
Why are you in Canada than?
Because I'm not 14
>Cause chaos
>System gets fucked
What anarchists dont understand is that all they will cause is fragmentation. groups will reform under thier own banners and the country you once lived in will be balkanized.
Which could be nice. But anarchists don't want that they usually want permanent anarchy, which is impossible, unless you're in a 75%+ nigger city
because I'm older than 12
Because Sup Forums is being stupid right now and forget I'm in the fucking US...where I've always been
>Anarchism = edgy teenagers meme
And Spain balkanized and started blowing everything up until literal fascists restored order.
Anarchism is temporary. People who WANT anarchy should only want it for political upheaval and replacement, if you just want anarchy you're retarded
Closest I got was minarchist. I couldn't make the leap to anarchism, felt like it was to naive and non sustainable.
Togou is a Japanese Nationalist you disgusting Australian.
Because I'm through puberty
>Franco was fascist
No, but he simpatized with Mussolinni. Asturias did something similar and became "Independent" after the miners took control of everything and implantes communism. Franco came and killed them.
>Why you not anarchist
I'm not underage.
I must admit, you have the most beautiful Nordic flag
Only Marxist-Leninist states have survived attacks from capitalists
Thanks mate!
>being afraid of google docs
The spanish revelution was a fucking faliure, look at how short it lasted. It has been tried and it falied miserably.
I'm better at being Antichrist user.
>Why aren't you an Anarchist Sup Forums?
He unironically ask while he
>sits on the internet
>attend state funded school
>enjoys every modern invention ever
>yells 'Police, help' when someone smacks him for being this stupid
The internet would be a million times better in an anarchist society, what you talking about?
right now im in italy. flag show im in austria.
every second click is, im banned for blabla reason 2013, 2014, 2012...
are you close to the austrian border?
because I'm not a fucking retard
best response
it would be better IF it were still up and running after an anarchist revolution. which it most likely wouldn't be because disrupting the internet would be like the number one goal of anyone who wants to cause chaos in modern society.
Who would keep it running? Junkies and failures?
Do you think the Internet is somehow sitting in a server at a government building and all connections come out of that or something?
well that is at it's core what the internet is. networks that are interconnected. there's just a lot of them now.
That's what I'm saying, it's not like the Internet is some centralized thing.
I laugh everytime I think of the international Anarchist convention back at the turn of the last century. After 2 days of arguing and drinking some bright young anarchist asked the burning question, "Why are we even having a convention to ORGANIZE...we're fucking ANARCHISTS!"
End of convention.
I'm not 16 years old anymore
>tfw you are but figure human culture is way to dependent on the rulers for an anarchist society to work within your lifetime
There can be no anarchist revolution by the very definition of anarchism.
The moment revolution happens the movement becomes organized
Or by 'revolution' do you mean 'mass riots' like niggers do? If that's what you want move to nigger town OP.
But I am.
Not because I believe it would work as a political system or something retarded like that, I just hate everything and have uncontrollable anger towards everyone and I want to see everything burn the fuck down.
Not trolling or trying to be edgy, I just seriously think there is no hope left and I think it would be best for humanity to simply die off and let another, better species take over.
I'm fiscal conservative with libertarian leanings. Anarchy is destructive unproductive chaos. Look at Hati that's anarchy. Do you want to live in Hati?
Why the fuck would anyone in your retarded utopia care about keeping the servers running?
>I want to see everything burn the fuck down.
Why not just killing yourself, the best result for everyone involved?
Why do you think people have servers now?
Does the government pay people to keep servers up?
Because I don't really hate myself, I just hate everyone else.
I want to live long enough to see humanity get it's just deserts.
I want to watch the flames before I die.
Also, might be fun living in an apocalypse when it inevitably happens. In the meantime, I do whatever is in my minuscule power to further world chaos.
nuclear power plants exist
You have dodged the question. Everything went to shit, there is chaos everywhere, law enforcement doesn't work, health care doesn't work, basic services doesn't work, why would anyone got up in the morning to keep the servers running?
Im not a somalian :^)
>without government there will be no markets, communities or society
It's not hard to form a community.
Because the servers are useful. That's why they were created in the first place and why people keep them up now you retard.
Anarchism is the lazy mans solutions to problems. Because there is no power structure, everybody can blame themselves. The issue I take with Anarchy is that it actually offers no solution. It solely relies on everybody taking the initiative all the time to get what they want done. This isn't an actual solution, it just shifts the blame. A government can be created that is more receptive to the needs of human nature than nothing can. It has been proven too, if anarchy was desirable, those gatherings of people would be better off and larger in number than those not in an anarchic territory.
Rather than a structure, it's a heap. A heap that answers no problems, provides no solutions, and points fingers at everybody else.