in everyday adult life, i support trump
but when i put on diapers and get into littlespace, i support clinton
any other diaper boys experience this?
in everyday adult life, i support trump
but when i put on diapers and get into littlespace, i support clinton
any other diaper boys experience this?
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I have a littlespace for you in the camps.
>diaper boys
Tell me more. I want to feel like a child again
just put on some cute diaps, suck on a pacifier, and watch cartoons senpai
Is the littlespace a metaphor for the noose around your neck?
I don't have any diapers or a pacifier, cartoons are nice sometimes though. What should I do?
As long as you don't vote while you're in "littlespace", I'll give you a pass.
buy some diaps bro
make sure to get baby powder too, the smell of baby powder and the sound of ur crinkly lil diapee will instantly make u feel like a toddler again
id recommend bambino bellisimos (pic realted), they're awesome
You shall not survive the day of the rope.
What the fuck is this shit.
i was thinkin about buying a hillary for president shirt to put on while im wearing my diap
i could take some pics for Sup Forumstards to post around on the web, could be useful for making hillary supporters look foolish
That sounds kind of nice. I live with people and I have no money though, there's no way I could do that. Do you have any other tips for getting into that kind of mindset though?
>weep as I masturbate
Fucking a girl wearing diapers cant produce a healthy mindset can it?
I'm the opposite, I think it's because my childlike nievete while I'm in littlespace makes me like him, shows the kinds of people that would actually vote for him.
Fuck this thread.
idk... cartoons, coloring books, playing with toys, maybe suck ur thumb a lil bit before bed
it's not the worst thing, but i doubt it's healthy
This is now a gas chamber thread
Post gas chambers
No. And I hope you become incontinent and shit yourself in front of your mother. :)
the question was addressed only to diaper boys
by answering it you are implying you yourself are a diaper boy my friend
we should cuddle together in our diaps :3
Go back to Sup Forums you fucking degenerate.
*raises paw*
How do you feel about furries?
Cuddling in diapers sounds nice
>tfw will never be a diaper boy
they're alright