NZ Sup Forums

Have some docos

In a land of plenty
Someone else's country
The Hollowmen
Revolution-Fortress NZ
Rob Muldoon

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What are you doing lil bro?

Piggy muldoon was a retard.

Rogernomics fucked up our economy in some ways, and enabled these shitty cold rental houses to be built with lax regulation, and these leeches who are buying all the houses

In this, I'm saying that Rogernomics ALSO fucked us up. I'm aware that Roger Douglas and Muldoon were two different governments.

the only thing i hated about rogernomics was the immigration

Ugh, the free market is retarded. They fucking cut wages and removed regulations.

It's time to bring back socialism, and a raft of regulations to boost our wages once more.

>Tfw joshieposting

Pls die

Not full socialism. Just free healthcare and education for New Zealanders.

We also need to increase the regulations on housing etc. so we a) have warmer, nicer houses and b) can fucking afford them

Are you the real joshie?

How's that a criticism of the free market though? Even the most prominent libertarian economists agree with basic forms of social assistance.

Its still a free market, relative to kiwis, if you restrict foreign ownership of property in NZ.

Free healthcare and education is fucking retarded, it doesn't exist. Would you work for free, if you believed it was for the benefit of NZ? No, neither do tutors or their facilities. If we have to pay for it, then its not free.

>Would you work for free, if you believed it was for the benefit of NZ? No, neither do tutors or their facilities.

It doesn't mean it's free. It just means it's government funded, mainly through tax. Although, I will admit that we have pretty decent healthcare discounts atm.

Look what they do in Europe and Scandinavia. They make it work.

Also Libertarians are retarded.

>How's that a criticism of the free market though?
About the houses? As soon as the regulations were dropped, people thought:

"Why build 2 nice and comfy houses when I can build 4 or 5 shitty, cold, shabby houses for just as much, and make more than twice the money!"

If someone can copy my trip, I'll be impressed.

fuck i hate gooks

You mean its pubically funded, with tax payer money. Now I'm OK with subsidised education in speciality areas that's NZ lacks local talent in, EG, if we are lacking doctors, heavily subsidise medical education. But why the fuck should my tax money go towards some useless fuckwits art degree??

Also, student loans actually motivate dropkicks like me too put in some effort into their education, it forces a level of personal responsibility for yourself.

Sadly economically illiterate cunts like you make up most of the population.

You fucking pinkos are the reason this country isn't great. You fucking pinkos pulled us from the first place podium and are the reason we'll never be there again.

>that billboard
All of our politicians really have betrayed us.

Thank fuck I'm not alone here

What a retard. I don't support full on socialism, nor communism. I support a limited free market, with more regulations, that protects OUR citizens, and discourages ineffectual people.

YOU guys are the illiterate ones. We were doing fine until Roger Douglas came along and ruined everything. I bet you love what our jewish prime minster is doing right now: freeing up the markets and raising the house prices to the roof! Hell, because our native workforce is lazy and drug-addicted, he's even going to import plenty of more capable people from other countries to do our jobs! That will drive down wages too!

What would you call the first place podium?

Yeah, I agree about most of the arts degrees. They shouldn't get funding.

Do you hate gays like yourself? Surely you must think it's moral degeneracy, being a conservative and what not.

Watch the video in the OP, called In the Land of Plenty

Everyone used to have jobs and we didn't need a welfare state, until the free market came along.

Of course I do, I wish pubic degenerates (gay or otherwise) nothing but incurable aids.

I can give you a link to a based Thomas Sowells audiobook if you wanna learn some true economics anonpai

>Of course I do, I wish pubic degenerates (gay or otherwise) nothing but incurable aids.

:< this makes me sad. I mean, I'm straight, but still...

>I can give you a link to a based Thomas Sowells audiobook if you wanna learn some true economics anonpai

Sure thing

Sad? Why? I just want to keep strong our family values strong, they're are objectively the pillars of civilisation. The sacrifices I'm willing to make are depressing.

This should work user, let me know if it doesn't.

>Plz gubbermint stop them building shit cheap houses!
>Plz gubbermint make houses cheaper!

You're a child and you need to read Basic Economics.

SOEs are a form of welfare faggot. We're still dealing with the shit leftover from that period.

Seriously boys, sort your lives out and get your dirty cuntscratchers out of my wallet.

>Sad? Why? I just want to keep strong our family values strong, they're are objectively the pillars of civilisation. The sacrifices I'm willing to make are depressing.

You don't have to hate gays or stop being gay though. Just don't publicise it. It's like how parents never used to argue in front of their children back in the good times of old. They'd wait until their children went to bed before they argued if they were frustrated about something. Nowadays it's all drama.

>Plz gubbermint stop them building shit cheap houses!

How retarded do you have to be to be against this? You have to be seriously thick. We *need* building codes and such because other wise, people are going to try and avoid them as much as possible to save money. We need quality housing to raise quality families in.

>Seriously boys, sort your lives out and get your dirty cuntscratchers out of my wallet.

Ha! As if you have any money to take. That's why you're posting here on Sup Forums. You're just delusional.

Funny thing is, people here on Sup Forums will defend them. The Act party is literally a party formed by CEOs and is purely for corporate interests. Sup Forums will support them, even if it means importing asians to drive down wages.

I don't hate gays, or being gay at all, honesty I'm fucking happy I don't have yo deal with the vaginal Jew. But I want to promote healthy heterosexual relationships and everything to do with manliness because its the only thing that's keeping shitty cultures like Islam away.

Better yet, move to America if you want to live in a fair, free market economy. You old man.

Saffer migrant here.

Got a slightly random question but I suppose this is the place to ask.

Why are so many heavily promoted and hyped up New Zealand movies so terrible?

> hey user, welcome to NZ. To help you understand us watch the movie 'Boy'. Its hard out hard case bro. You'll piss yourself laughing.
I watch the movie
Wtf was that. Humour for 3 year olds?

Last month....
> hey user, let's go to the movies 'Attack of the wilderpeople' (or something like that). It's hard out hard case bro. You'll piss yourself laughing.
I watch the movie.
Again, wtf? After 5 minutes I knew this was atrocious shit and just wanted to walk out. The audience laughing at the weirdest places. Eventually I can't take anymore and tell friend I've gotta bail because headache.

Today at work. Hear two numales during lunch break talk about Poi A.
> omg have you seen it?
> yes I saw it
> great movie eh?
> yep, brilliant. Loved it.
> me too. I loved it.
> funny as well eh?
> yeah didn't expect it to be funny
> my girlfriend hasn't seen it yet.
> take her, go see it again
> good idea, I can't wait
On that, I knew to avoid it like the plague. Don't even know what its about but do not care.

Is it me? Am I a joyless immigrant who is missing comedic gold? Or is it just that Kiwis don't want to admit it when they make a stinkerbof a movie?

>We need quality housing to raise quality families in.
We already do you. Save your shekels and buy the best you can afford. You're not entitled to anything in this world. Work for it.

>As if you have any money to take. That's why you're posting here on Sup Forums.
This says more about you than me.

Just ignore kiwi culture altogether, its mostly degenerate.

Nigga, House prices are through the roof due to too many regulations and restrictions, ie a lack of a free market. Councils love to have the power to say no to anything so nothing gets built.

There's a fucked up fusion of self-depreciating British humour with infantile Maori humour that's become mainstream in the last decade or so.

I ignore it.

Nigga, Stop putting Thomas Sowell's name next to gay bashing. Thomas Sowell has no problem with what two consenting adults do on private property

>We already do you. Save your shekels and buy the best you can afford. You're not entitled to anything in this world. Work for it.

I never said I was entitled to it. I fucking do work for it. I save for it. Too bad I'll never be able to afford a deposit until I'm in my forties, by which time, the prices will have gone up even more (while my wages will have stayed the same).

You sound like you've got a whole bunch of money you never earned yourself, based on how you're talking. You either got lucky at the right time through some method that doesn't benefit the NZ economy, because that's what everyone is doing right now with this house speculation.

Yeah, I guess they should deregulate some parts of it to make it easier to build. I do agree there. However, we need to maintain new regulations on foreign buyers of houses, and on those who already own a property. It should be made harder for those looking to purchase a second investment property, while made easier to purchase your own home. You should also be taxed a bit more for buying a house that you won't live in.

People should be encouraged to earn things for themselves, as long as it isn't a detriment to the rest of the country. That's part of why I support Nationalism.

That's why I said public user :)

Kiwi entertainment is generally bad

Cheers for the answers guys. Appreciate your opinions.

> mostly degenerate
You got that right!

> infantile maori humour
I get what you're saying. I feel like if you call it out for being idiotic people would brand me a 'typical' racist South African.

> generally bad
There's a couple out there that I like. But maybe they haven't made that great an impression co I can't remember em atm

Any of you guys live in nelson?

top of the south is boring.


Decent Movie

>It's time to bring back socialism
>I don't support full on socialism
>We need to increase housing regulations so we can afford them
>I'll never be able to afford a deposit until I'm in my forties

Here's the thing, pinko - if you didn't feel you're entitled to housing, you wouldn't be bitching about the price of housing.

Truth is you don't earn enough or you don't have the self-control to save then you don't deserve the house that you think you're entitled to.

Just because other people are more successful than you doesn't mean they broke the rules or started with more. It might mean they're better than you.

Noone cares about your libertarian grandstanding. Go vote for ACT and fuck off.

Just because he has a point

that movie is like the worst acid trip you can drop

Thanks for the recommendation

Never heard of it. I'm thinking muppets but probably way off. Will check it out this weekend.

Just be prepared for it. It is a Peter Jackson production, so be prepared for the usual Lord of the Rings type of stuff in this movie.

Does Anyone remember when Winston Peters said he was Asian? Like if you google "winston peters says he..." it fills it in to "is asian"/"is chinese".

Can anyone find an article with the quote in it? Or was it pre-media-internet era?

>le asians are bad meme

Fuck off. At least having the Chinese as our closest ally is better than when we were allied with America who didn't give a tiny shit about us.

Hell, Chinese support is the reason we basically didn't get affected by the financial crisis.

>Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Made by the same fella, Taika Waititi, a Maori Jew.

Imagine the victim complex he must have. He's a full on SJW too who believes in 'white privilege' etc.

>tfw working on stuff to send in to try get into the entertainment industry but worry like fuck my stuff is shit like the rest of NZ 'entertainment'.

>Taika Waititi

Everything he has ever done has been utter dogshit

>eagle vs shark
>that vampire shit

How the fucking blazes is this man so critically acclaimed?

I have a theory that critics just see a maori name and upvote whatever shit he puts out so they can appear worldly and 'cultured'

>Just because other people are more successful than you doesn't mean they broke the rules or started with more. It might mean they're better than you.
But conversely just because a person isn't successful (or doesn't reach your definition of success), doesn't mean they are a lower person or anything.

The Social Contract has, from the founding of this country, been the backbone of our culture. It is enourmously disingenuous of you to ignore that in any of your replies. New Zealand was created, with the express intention, of being a fair nation. A fair nation with the acceptance, by the populace, that in order for us to live in said fair nation, we would have to work together, as opposed to working againt one and other.

There is nothing wrong, and nothing against the Kiwi mentality of hard-work, in being successful (quite on the contrary) what is against this, however, is making money, profit, at the expense of the people/country.

New Zealand worked extremely well when we worked under a mixed-economy.


Dude, when our dairy farms were owned by Americans, they didn't create jobs or stimulate the economy.

Most of the hate against Asians seems to be fear that they are going to be superior to the cucks that were born here.

Mystery to me as well

No, the fear comes from the fact that they are flooding the country, pricing locals out of the land, and will replace the white population within the next 30 years. Who gives a rats ass about stimulating the economy when your culture is dead?

Thats why I got out when I could. Here in middle america the way of life is a lot like NZ but there are no chinks or indians. This is how the white man was meant to live.

Breeding us out is a valid fear.

>Most of the hate against Asians seems to be fear that they are going to be superior to the cucks that were born here.
If only you could open your eyes to see how wrong you are.

You just confirmed what I said:
>pricing locals out of the land

Work harder and yoiu'll be able to afford it, otherwise move aside for those who can earn it. You obviously couldn't. Don't worry, you're not missed.


Howcome China doesn't allow the very same thing to happen in it's own country then?

Not valid. Chinese people usually have one or two kids because they value education and attentive parenting.

We have a huge skills shortage from retarded fucking cunts who leave on an "OE" the second they finish university.

Yea, when 18-30 year olds trying to buy their first home have to compete with 40-60 year old immigrants who form the top 0.1% of chinese wealth they can can totally give themselves the edge by 'working harder'

you're living in a dream world my friend.


>We have a huge skills shortage from retarded fucking cunts who leave on an "OE" the second they finish university.
This isn't 1989 anymore.

I know less than a handful of people who have gone on OE's and the mjaority have done so after working for a bit and in some cases while still working for the companies they got jobs with straight out of uni.

>If someone leaves a script on the background cracking my trip I'll be impressed

meh, not even worth the wasted processor cycles

Have you not heard how competitive China is? It is literally exactly the same thing that happens there. Snooze you lose.

Then work smarter and move somewhere where you're not competing (i.e. out of Auckland). Build up capital then you can afford to move back to Auckland. Regardless, I have known people that have moved here from India or China with NOTHING and they built themselves up without asking for any fucking help. That's the kiwi way.

>It is literally exactly
It (((literally))) is not.

Foreigners cannot own property/land in China. This completely decimates your 'argument'.

>Jump through all of these hoops so you can scrape together enough to own a postage stamp sized property, or go live in the middle of bumbfuck nowhere
>but dont suggest that we solve the problem by limiting immigration, that would be too easy, plus then how would me and my chink family flood the country and expand the Chinese empire to the south seas

Any country has the right to determine its own culture and future. If that doesnt sit with you then you should fuck off somewhere else.


Nothing wrong with countries having laws. We don't have those laws, hence there's no problem with people taking advantage of that.

Then if it isn't that, then obviously we need to git gud at STEM. In my compsci classes, it's 60% Chinese, 30% Indian and 10% White. That should tell you that white kiwis just don't value the right things.

Exactly and the vast majority of the country has no problem with Chinese immigration so it is determining its future.

Chinese are fucking based anyway. They always vote hard right wing and are basically exactly like Sup Forums. My girlfriend's family are always complaining about freeloaders and people who don't work hard/value their education.

Except they bring their rely's in great numbers which negates that

Their relatives are old and not having kids.

>We don't have those laws, hence there's no problem with people taking advantage of that.
That in no way counters my argument against your assertion of it being literally the same.

>That should tell you that white kiwis just don't value the right things.
Prove that that is a consequence of 'white Kiwi's not valuing the right things'. with sources.

>Exactly and the vast majority of the country has no problem with Chinese immigration so it is determining its future.

Two questions:
1. can british people integrate to the point they can get away with calling themselves kiwis without people raising an eyebrow about the fact they were born abroad, or are you all snobby like the australians?
2. what's with the continued impetus to lolbertarian things up when you're running a surplus (or tiny deficit, i know it varies) at a time where borrowing costs are hilariously low?

Mum and dad are not the only ones taking advantage. You would be naive to think it were only elderly parents coming

>can british people integrate to the point they can get away with calling themselves kiwis
Yes, easily, because Kiwis are British (being called a British New Zealander has been replaced with 'Pakeha' 'New Zealand European'. A sturdy group of us still refer to ourselves as we are, though).

>what's with the continued impetus to lolbertarian things up
The "She'll be right" mentality.

noice, post more


Takes me back





If i were to drop everything and move to NZ with ~$15,000. Would I be able to live for a few months without problems before getting a job (to get acclamated)?

Worcester st, Christchurch?


loose the accent and you are fine

Yes, especially in the smaller regions.

But how many months you thinking, really?

North Island is gay. Why shouldn't best Island be its own country?

you would have to rent a shitty place or a rural town


I eventually want to move there. But looking for 4 months to start. Getting a visa as well

>Why shouldn't best Island be its own country?
But we are?