What the fuck is wrong with this board?

I'm sick of this shit board, so many fucking shitposters derailing every goddamn thread, Canadians whoring so much for attention, and worst part yet, is that there's a bunch of faggots who unironically reply to bait in droves,
for example, a typical Canadian:
> Fuck white people, you guys are all losers who are going to be wiped out
> fuck you leaf, your country sucks ours is better

This board is absolutely shit, filled with shills and shitposting, nothing but a pile of shit, I've been here for 2 years straight, and while it did have its moments, I'm very much pissed off on how it's been conducting itself, there's no raids whatsoever, and the board is almost completely cut off from the outside world, where the only ways it does anything is create frog memes and worship using numbers, all the while shills and attention whoring autists fill up this board with their trash and faggots respond to them hence feeding this annoying cycle of trash that this board has become.

Tell me where to go, because this ride for me has ended.

I remember when I was younger I wanted to move to Canada...

fuckoff u dirty israeli scum?

how many innocent children did u murder today?


4+Sup Forums, the Sup Forums is very active and high quality.

Your people are responsible for everything that is wrong with our society.

Wtf I am now a #cruzmissile

BREAKING NEWS: Little jewboy thought this was leejun, leaves dissapointed

the reason people respond to bait threads is cause the majority of the boards population is under the age of 23 they are dumb ass kids they cant help it

>Going to Not!Reddit central
Yep. And stay there

wtf i hate jews now

What does that even mean?
If you weren't a sperg you'd spend half an hour there and develop a real opinion.

You're full of shit, without us you wouldn't even have a slightest foothold in the middle east, not only that in the cold war we were the U.S's only ally in the region while every other shitskin country sided with the commies, and yet you have the nerve to tell me that your negro infested "society" is Israel's fault?

Just go on another of the other boards.

Who raids anymore? This isn't Sup Forums

I figured as much, Summerfags being what they are, fucking hate kids

>What the fuck is wrong with this board?

Sup Forums was good for me since every other board is either filled with autists, cucks, or is filled with degenerate porn (I'm looking at Sup Forums)

We've had bases in Turkey for 60 years. Fuck off. We don't need you. What kind of "ally" requires $3b a year in aid? We should have left your desert shithole to wither and die years ago.

It turns out that Canadians are the ultimate weapons against the Jews.

I never would have known.

We've waged war countless times and sacrificed our own bodies so you could continue your autistic pointless cold war, which you could have prevented if you took down the commie jews when you had nukes, but instead you let them live and allowed them to fuck over half of europe and to this day they are shitholes

Without america you wouldn't even exist, much less your country.



Fucking hate Jews

>the Sup Forums is very active

And that makes us their lapdogs? we're a sovereign nation.

Source on that gif?

The sheikh is right, you might have a great post, nice arguments, whatever but it's irrelevant because your flag will triggered the autists
>t. Ahmed XD

That was moot's revenge for calling him a cuck non stop. Fuckin up this board.

2500 posts per hour
>not active

A sovereign nation of lapdogs

The Cold War is over

Yep, the autist 12 year olds that plague this board think their overused memes are funny
> hey if i keep repeating it, then it might become funny!

Didn't you promise to leave?

yeah you need to fuck off then starfag. No one lives your fucking noses.

Everyone in this thread is a nigger kike slave, WHITE POWAR

Fuck off kikes, we finally let you back into civilization and you've been fucking us over for the last 150 years. We need to banish you again.

t. Shlomo Goldberg

this board is 100% devoted to the victory of emperor Trump, until the elections are over
all other threads are just noise

everything is according to plan
come back in 2 months

8ch Sup Forums is much closer to the original culture of Sup Forums before the influx of normies

It's much smaller, and the website is buggy as fuck, but that's the refuge

Auschwitz, late 1930's.

Naw man he's right though. There is a lot of shitposting

I think we get a lot of good threads in exchange though. For example just today there were many on the Catholic church, neopaganism, ancient Mediterranean empires....etc. All reaching the bump limit, all crammed full of long detailed posts by people who at least somewhat knew what they were talking about

>yes goy the 'ride is over'
>yes, yes goy exactly, stop coming to 'cuck'chan
>there are no quality posts here goy
>oh silly goy the elections are almost here? oh thats irrelevant really goy i promise...
>goy vey, im telling you 'cuck'chan is OVER goy go home and be a family man even though the elections are just weeks away goy

>believing this
Jews will even swindle themselves

The Jew meme is fun and all, but tbqh they are the most valuable posters here

Practically all influential alt-righters are at least partially Jewish. Laura Southern, Stefan Molyneux, Milo Yannopolis...etc.
Jew posts are usually pretty fun, and Jewish theology is always a hot topic

yes, Trump will secure greater israel, that's the plan right?

There are 3 sides to the jew coin; i'm sure you understood to which I was referring

About the value of jew lineage alt-righters, their value comes from their intellect not from their jewishness

Sup Forums is DEGENERATE; it can't show you anything that IS NOT DEGENERATE.

>bring awareness to how shitty this board has become
>dumb frogposters, kids who came for the epik maymays, number worshippers and shills get triggered and chimp out ITT
>still bothering

i see the same threads everyday, surfing through 2-3 pages and not seeing anything interesting but shitposts, baits and shills, there's barely anything to talk about anymore

>create non-shill/bait,shitpost thread
>archived with 0 replies

when it actually comes to serious discussion and nobody says anything, you know the board is full of edgy fags who heard about this anonymoose website and came for le hitler and dank memes

the other Sup Forums is as if it's on life support and on the other Sup Forums after that you'll see like 1 post/month

>This board is absolutely shit
Then why the fuck don't you go back to the board that you probably came from? You wanna go back to Sup Forums and scroll through droves of rate my dick and yiff threads? Nobody is forcing you to stay here, leave if you don't like it, complaining little bastard

You know that 99.99% of Israelis wouldn't even know wth you talking about if you said greater israel

most of what u read here about da jooz are pure memes
Im only 1/8 jewish and would never identify myself as one btw, so I couldnt care less

>4+Sup Forums
This, its the new honeypot m8.

That said...
>i've been here for 2 years
Hi newfag. This isn't even that bad and most of it will clear up after the election. If you haven't noticed in just the past 2-4 weeks everything political with a comments section is being flooded with shit.

Yahoo comment section has always been surprisingly conservative, but now its being flooded with "lol fuck Trump bigot!" spam to match the "Racist Trump BTFO, how will he ever recover!" headlines being constantly shilled by AP and Reuters now.

>Sophisticated bait.


>this ride for me has ended

you'll be back. There's no where like Sup Forums. There's no where taht will put up with the kind of hate that comes here and it's a vent. Sup Forums is the racist borderline alcoholic uncle no one likes to mention but secretly find hilariously entertaining. He has a conviction for statutory rape and keeps illegal weapons for when the niggers come to get him. The men all smile conspiratorily to each other behind beer bottles raised when the women start jangling about him but he makes the best rye whiskey anywhere around and every once in a while they go and have a high time with him.

Also, he believes in God.

>a bunch of faggots who unironically reply to bait in droves
you're not wrong but you're still just baiting an offtopic thread


Stop being a jew. SAGE
>Into the gas chamber you go.

This is the problem isn't it? there's so many goddamn bait threads you can't tell if someone's legit angry

leejun XD
> I've been here for 2 years straight
lel the newest of fags

Nice strawmans and literally putting words in my mouth, are you some kind of filthy Diaspora jew?
another example how cucked this board.

Woah don't insult him because he is an Israeli do it because he is a fucking filthy kike

>does it matter if they are legit angry?

the argument goes on, and the entertainment value Is stil there.

Now die jew scum! or have a good nigh -xoxo ;)

Heh, great state of Israel is bringing the Bantz.

>high quality


Look at those digits, even Kek agrees.