>Be me. >Be abused by my alcoholic father, whilst protected by my dear mother. >Tfw Mother dies. >Tfw keep a portrait with her everywhere I go. >Wish to be a great Artist or famous Architect. >Not accepted in arts school. >Tfw. >Become a drifter, going to Munich, Germany. >Make water colours for money so I can live in my hostel. >War is declared. >Join Bavarian Army. >During the Great War, almost get arm blown off, get hit in the leg by shrapnel and get gassed. >Awarded a wound badge, and the Iron Cross first and second class. >Hated defeatism, beat up any soldier who said the war was over. >War ends, besides Germany still having an advantage. >The Rise of Communism is to blame. >All leaders of these communist groups are Jews. >Arrive back in Germany. >Join a nationalist group. >rise up the ranks until leader. >Gain popularity. >Win elections. >Build SA and SS. >Solve Germany's economic struggle. >Anschluss with 99.3 of Austrians voting yes. >Save the Germans in the Sudetenland. >Free the city of Danzig. >Free the Germans being oppressed by Polish border troops. >France and Britian declare war because of it. >Fight many enemy's, gain many allies. >Grow to a great empire. >Looks like we're going to win. >Shit turns around from 1942 onwards. >Millions die. >Shoot myself.
>Tfw all Germany did was save lives and it was awarded with the death of them.
Grayson Stewart
>>Free the Germans being oppressed by Polish border troops. Oh you fucking idiot.
Wyatt Walker
Isaiah Morris
Anthony Wood
That was no bait, I think he was being serious.
Luke Walker
Elijah Lopez
>Shoot myself.
isn't that debunked? he actually went to Argentina and was never heard of again because news media wasn't that present in the country and nobody cared for who he was so he could just grow old and then die.
David Sullivan
Naw Austria, they found his teeth in the Führerbunker. His body was incinerated.
Gabriel Perez
Gavin Peterson
Unlikely but possible
Brayden Thomas
Either way he got his country destroyed
Hitler was a loser
Joshua Long
Cooper Hill
>Be homeless veteran >Country gets hit hard by depression >Decide to build a whole new industry >Produce millions of lampshades and fine soups >tfw filthy communists destroy it all
Aiden Campbell
>lampshades and soups What, are you going to talk about the soap now too?
Chase Williams
>Germans given zero respect after wwi >Germans given respect after wwii
Nicholas Price
>dude I was just trying to protect the german people >*gets tens of millions of germans killed and destroys country*
good work retard
Jonathan Miller
Cause there were no Germans living in Poland, right ?
Gabriel Rivera
>Absolute dictator of superpower >Couldn't get a single dentist who'd alter his dental records to match some dead person's
Joseph Rivera
That's Marlon Brando in the Godfather
Carter Cox
>muslim breaks in your house and tries to kill you >try to defend yourself with a butter knife >he kills you >"wooow what a faggot, you shouldn't have done that, also bin that knife"
Dominic Ross
>dude I was just trying to protect the British colonies >*gets tens of thousands of Brits killed and creates America *
good work Benedict
Lucas Richardson
Ryan Peterson
Stalin was a Better Leader
David Lee
>German people living in Poland got Beat up/Tortured every day >Hitler wants to save them >offers poland everything possible >poland declines and Starts the war backed by France
Fuck off jamal
Tyler Ramirez
Charles Murphy
I didn't think it was possible to die like more of a bitch than Hitler, but Stalin managed it.
Nolan Robinson
Colton Hughes
I can admire Hitler but I can't call myself a nazi because I don't like socialism
Wish I could though. He's such a great man
Xavier Sanders
>Left a clear message that Germany will not succumb to international Jewry >Beloved by his people >Never lied, certainly not like the allies >Germany turns against him thanks to the Jewry
Alexander Wilson
National Socialism isn't socialism. Similar, but notthing like it.