Nigs: - low IQ - low productivity - no impulse control - violent - no natural propensity for law&order - can't into civilization (except on the shoulders of white people) - "Ooga booga, where da white wimmin at ???"
White women: - Every decision is made based on the current emotional state - no propensity for group loyalty, willing to drop any earlier ties in order to further percieved social status - no impulse control, very easily bored - the relevance of everything and anything in the world is based on how it affects her - no propensity for self sacrifice (sacrifice only happens if there is guarantee for social plaudits) -"omg someone just totally liked my pic on instagram, what a creep!!! Do you think I look pretty? Wow, Becky's such a bitch , ew."
It's okay, you can talk to jungle women I imagine they're cool
Nicholas Morgan
i need to buy a cow or a goat to make a deal with her dad
Jaxon Wright
>actually expects deep and meaningful "philosophical discussion" when the start is "Are white women the niggers of gender" >expecting meaningful discussion on Sup Forums regardless
Gavin Nelson
depends on the individual but a shitload of women are really like that and it's just sad.
>MANY SUCH CASES. SAD! >t. Trumpoline
Ian Hughes
I fucking hate white women. They could all be crucified for all I care
Robert Brooks
>What is sarcasm >Complaining that low effort threads aren't deep enough >Commenting on a thing you don't find worthy Okie Dokie
Christian Wilson
>low effort threads aren't deep enough They aren't, obviously
Cameron Howard
How many silver pennies do you need to buy a native argentinian niggerlady?
Landon Flores
Then why become outraged and offended and complain about it when there's 500 other threads ?
And if you want to go deep, why don't you contribute yourself?
Kevin Torres
Penis balls. Ooga booga, where da white wimmin at ??? Earth is a cubicle.
Austin Long
Andrew James
I'll have to think about that
Aiden Reyes
Nathan Taylor
>I see what you did there (OP)
Isaac Lopez
You can only pick 1
I dindu nuffin
Nicholas Anderson
Man, I can't believe how absolutely childish people have gotten. You're no better than a feminist when you spout this garbage.
Women do have the ability to be productive, they've just been pulled out of their natural element and are now expected in the working world instead of at home.
There needs to be duality of feeling and logic in each human, this requires both a man and a woman to help raise children.
They were supposed to stay at home, cook, clean, take care of the kids, so that when the man came home from a hard day at work he could take some time to relax and do what he likes to do in order to destress and improve his morale for the next day of the daily grind.
Women didn't used to be this pathetic and worthless. They would garden and cook and weave clothing. They would sew and do small maintenence tasks on the house. They would can and preserve foods for the winter.
These seem like small tasks that require little back breaking effort, which is true to an extent. But you faggots forget how physically weak they are on average.
Look to the Jewish infiltration of feminism to find the issue. There needs to be a social revolution if anything where men only seek out women of a good caliber. This includes for sex too, because any worthless slut can get a pound and suddenly she feels like she's the most attractive person in the world.
There are still women who know their place. There are still white women who know their place is to serve a man.
Caleb Nelson
>Are white women the niggers of gender or are niggers the white women of race?
The long answer: Yes.
Jose Hall
Hunter Bennett
I think this is pretty accurate.
Jeremiah Garcia
this feminism crap has nothing to do with what woman do or how woman are, and you know it
Robert Sanders
No, white women are great.
Asher Gutierrez
To be a nigger you also have to physically riot and destroy property like a flock of chimps. Women generally are just self-obsessed.
Grayson Taylor
you're talking about women in general, if anything white women are the best of all women in comparison
Jason Perry
>white women are the best of all women in comparison
You must be an abo
Nicholas Reed
black white i think Oriental women are best if you dont put them in white category
John Price
Other way around. Serum estrogen, but not testosterone, levels differ between black and white men in a nationally representative sample of Americans. CONCLUSIONS:Contrary to the postulated racial difference, testosterone concentrations did not differ notably between black and white men. However, blacks had higher estradiol levels.
Connor Gomez
Married 50-year-old/white knight and/or cuckerino spotted
Nothing wrong with being realistic, I'm not a r9k neet I know there's still hope
Pick one and only one, fegets
Bish you what now?? >Date korean exchange student >Never shit tests >Learns to deepthroat when I ask her The only reason I haven't become a dedicated racemixing soldier is because I want white kids one day
Mason Evans
White women are the worst women though.
Benjamin Hughes
>Pick one and only one, fegets Catch 22 nigga, I dont play by your rules. Nothing personel *teleports away*
Chase Gomez
>finland >korean ( you can find finnish roots here) >white kids
pick one
Mason Garcia
Fuck you nigga I'll get you
I have no clue what you're saying. What are you saying ?
Camden Jenkins
A conversation about a white girl who loves rap:
They kill and rape her fellow whites by the thousands in America - a place where there are racial quotas in education, the media, in governmental positions, very favourable to blacks; billions upon billions are spent to alleviate them from 'poverty'; they've made it illegal for anybody to not serve blacks in their own business; you can't talk about the facts about blacks for fear of persecution; television programmes promote blacks, the mixing with such a group, and popularise them despite their huge crime levels in America and around the world; they condemn you as 'wacist!' if you disagree with your own children mixing with them and wanting your children to have at least a much more similar colour to you...
They are given such a leg-up, such a huge artificial headstart, in order to help them compete and live meaningful existences in white society - and they still complain, behave like weak, pathetic and petty victims...
Whites are willing to destroy their culture, heritage, history in order to accommodate such a...
Daniel Reyes
Nothing wrong with rap
Rap doesn't have to equate to ethnomasochism
Xavier Martinez
>niggers crying about their eternal ducking victimhood and entitlement, as well as all manner of other degeneracy. >nothing wrong with rap
Pick one.
>white girls everywhere listening to rap and having their fucking minds negrofied and being any way inclined towards niggers or believing that they make acceptable partners. >rap doesn't have to equate to ethnomasochism.
>white girls everywhere listening to rap and having their fucking minds negrofied and being any way inclined towards niggers or believing that they make acceptable partners. I won't deny it has this effect but I listen to rap and I'm a borderline nazi
Also, nice jams
Blake Scott
Jayden Jones
lol I thought that hashtag was cuck porn but I actually saw some actual girl accounts post on there, this is pretty bad desu
Luke Fisher
>girl accounts they are 99% fake cuck accounts. click on them.
also op you are a fucking cuck and jewish demoralisation tactics have got to you, pathetic really.
Blake Brooks
look at all you fucking faggots bitching about the women that every other race would kill for, go chain yourself to a korean then you small fucking shitbird
Elijah Long
ugh, I don't know much about the signs of it being fake, it kind of looks real idk I guess the username is pretty ridiculous
Brody Rogers
tell us more about the deepthroating post pics
Matthew Rivera
>it kind of looks real idk
>"barbie blacklove" >everything on her feed is cuckold porn or about bbc
lol, it's not real.
Logan Williams
They both have a lot in common.
Noah Young
I have no idea how social media works, I've never even been of facebook desu
Zachary Hall
I agree. Too bad I think they are the best looking too.
Hoping to find a fellow stem Asian or Indian girl that doesn't want kids so we can just lavish ourselves with cool shit and enjoy each other.
Matthew Perry
>Indian women doesn't want kids Good luck
Kayden Brooks
Yes but you're a male. Music is ridiculously influential in women.
Lincoln Moore
You could have just said women are whores and ended it there
Eli Clark
That's why I date nice black women user
Adam Davis
>for all the negatives, at least you can find good looking and racist women here
I would go as far as to say that smart and good looking is also a combination that exists but let's not stretch truth too much
Nathaniel Edwards
It's not the skin color (not that much). It's the grotesque facial features. My opinion.
Dylan Ortiz
Whites really look like monkeys tho. All civilization started in Africa, black people literally had ziqqurats and pyramids while white people lived in shit huts in the snow
Andrew Davis
Were it not for 1488 we all would prefer east Asian women and you know it
Nathaniel Reed
Adrian Smith
Holy shit
Ian Rivera
op... you just blew my mind. fuck.
Caleb Baker
Godamn that white chimpanzee alpha has some thick muscle. Dat forearm
Charles Powell
Are you that ugly nigger that had a thread earlier?
Cameron Clark
Isaac Bennett
This girl looks inbred anyway
Cameron Hughes
nice green text
Parker Taylor
Egyptians aren't black
Kevin Nelson
Female IQ is comparable to male on average, just lower standard deviation
Less very stupid women, less very smart women...
Niggers are just much lower average, period.
Also, lower impulse control for women means she cries in movies and argues with her mother in law...
Lower impulse control for niggers means they set a senior citizen on fire after they rape her or they shoot their own cousin over a piece of friend chicken
Stupid comparison OP
Josiah Mitchell
Black pussy was meant for white dick. How can little black cuck bois even compete?
Brody Perez
Sorry you have shit taste user
Mason Sanchez
I'm a redpilled white women and I don't think I behave that way.
Samuel Ortiz
You're just a sexually frustrated virgin who lashes out on women instead of lifting and improving so you can get some too desu
Christopher Gomez
>It's actually blacks who had the head start and advanced more than whites >They somehow stopped advancing 100,000 years ago while white culture just appeared out of nowhere >Shitalians
Adrian Adams
No, I made about 12 comments violently shitting on him and telling him to die in finnish
She's really pretty IMHO, that's my issue I think white girls are gorgeous but they just annoy the shit out of me
Joshua Campbell
>"I'm a red pilled white women" >"I'm a white women" >"I'm a women" >"women"
>don't behave that way >tells gender to entire image board notorious for calling out ewhoring
Isaiah Nelson
Its questionable whether women actually have a soul or not. All their decisions based on biological swings of emotions, makes very little difference from a rate scurrying around guided by his instincts. Just how much individual autonomy do women have? No much I presume. They can't strike out on their own, everything must be coordinated within a group. One with the aid of government will slowly work to leech off as much as she can from men, until there is nothing left to take and the man is discarded.
Nigs on other hand do individual what white women do en mass. Steal, rob and kill.
Which one is worse? Women, because what they do is on a societal level and cannot be avoided. Just don't live in a ghetto if you want to avoid niggers.
Hudson Powell
>I think white girls are gorgeous >Keeps posting black MEN
Cuck virgin closet queer detected
Kayden Foster
Every white girl isn't gorgeous, that girl looked inbred and you have shit taste. Why do you even save and post pictures of black men kissing white girls; does anyone really give a shit? Do you have a job?
Charles Murphy
just as ugly, I can't even imagine that shit
Fucking ew
What's even wrong with you 2
Woman and/or whiteknight spotted No man would get that butthurt from simple bantz
Stop roleplaying feggit
Josiah Sullivan
> still thinking skin colour has anything to do with behaviour
It's the culture Western women are raised in. If you virgins actually dated western raised Latinas,Asians, natives etc you'd see they are all the same shit.
If you want a good girl you have to look outside the western world. It's tough to find a woman that doesn't work off emotion though, their estrogen levels are much higher. This makes them naturally more emotional.
Colton Garcia
>Why do you even save and post pictures of black men kissing white girls
hes a fag who wants to suck black dick. Isnt it obvious?
>Fucking ew
Like I said. A FAG
Thomas Morales
Interesting analysis there
yeah okay
>Every white girl isn't gorgeous Not all women of any race are gorgeous, the one posted in the thread are though
>Why do you even save and post pictures of black men kissing white girls Because it mentally conditions white nerds on Sup Forums to be disgusted by racemixing and has a change of amping them up in a masochistic racial rage that leads towards physical self-improvement
That ass literally looks like someone injected it full of silicone
>Thinking skin color us the only thing that changes between different races of humans
fuck off polak kurwa maz
Ryder Morris
>Do you have a job?
>Implying I'm not browsing Sup Forums while at work :^)
Hudson Gomez
Black women are great. Don't have to hate them because they call you a little white boy
Ryan Richardson
2 main issues with women stem from biological roots
1. Huge amounts of sympathy/"nurturing feelings" - this is ingrained so that women care about their kids and take care of them. Unfortunately, since the modern women doesn't want kids, or probably won't have them until her 30s these feelings get redirected at bullshit: animal rights/veganism, pro refugee ideals, communism (wanting to help/save everyone in some idealistic utopia).
2. Ensuring the survival of their legacy/fertilization of their eggs - This is why women have no sense of loyalty. In order for their offspring to be the strongest, and have the best chance of survival they will always gravitate towards perceived strength or to make the odds in their favour. They will always want to leave one man for a perceived better man, regardless of race, religion, personal ideals. They will always open their legs for invading forces if it means they and their progeny will survive even if it means having mongrels. This is why white men need to man up and stop falling for feminist shit tests.
Joshua Butler
Women are just retarded op
Robert Moore
>mfw these aren't issues
Samuel Cook
YOUR PIC RELATED IS A LITERAL GORILLA How could you even imagine that shit?
>1. Huge amounts of sympathy/"nurturing feelings" - this is ingrained so that women care about their kids and take care of them. >Unfortunately, since the modern women doesn't want kids, or probably won't have them until her 30s these feelings get redirected at bullshit: animal rights/veganism, pro refugee ideals, communism (wanting to help/save everyone in some idealistic utopia).
Holy shit that's actually true, hadn't thought of that yet
>2. Ensuring the survival of their legacy/fertilization of their eggs - This is why women have no sense of loyalty. In order for their offspring to be the strongest, and have the best chance of survival they will always gravitate towards perceived strength or to make the odds in their favour >They will always want to leave one man for a perceived better man, regardless of race, religion, personal ideals. They will always open their legs for invading forces if it means they and their progeny will survive even if it means having mongrels. This is why white men need to man up and stop falling for feminist shit tests.
This one I already knew years ago
Jayden Turner
i am the guy who started the famous BOYCOTT AMERICAN WOMEN blog and it could have easily been called Boycott WHITE Women
Dominic Richardson
I won't evevn read your comment after I saw your flag.
Leave Darshit, nobody gives a fuck about your opinions
Leo Wright
I think you have never met a woman. You've met your whore of a mother and some girls maybe but women aren't like that. Where does the stereotype come from? A bunch of bitter ass boys that grew up incapable of looking a girl in the eye but feeling they deserved pussy so they lash out, become redpilled (code for angry at everyone for not seing how special they think they are) and high five other boys with arrested development over how shitty anyone not like them are.
Proof? You just tried to high five over how shitty people not your color or with your tiny dick are. Congrats! You're mentally 14!
Brandon Bennett
Good God white girls have shit bodies
Jaxon Martinez
Ahahahahasah It's crazy how you can tell a woman just from the way you write. Like I can tell isn't a woman but you are.
>I think you have never met a woman. Yes I have. >You've met your whore of a mother and some girls maybe but women aren't like that. Not all women but white women certainly >Where does the stereotype come from? The collective knowledge formed from the individual experiences of all western men >A bunch of bitter ass boys that grew up incapable of looking a girl in the eye Nope >feeling they deserved pussy I deserve your pussy you goofy ho >become redpilled hell yes >Proof? You just tried to high five over how shitty people not your color or with your tiny dick are. Congrats! You're mentally 14! Emotionally loaded vapid garbage. Did you mean to have a point to any of this?
Go back to voting for the green party and dying alone with cats you butthurt doofus