What do you believe is true, that you wish was not?
What Red Pill Do You Wish Was A Lie?
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I wish conspiracies were actually just something to laugh off and everything was actually as it seemed at face value.
Women are genetically programmed to be traitorous to the group.
Anti conception pills are making men effeminate and give women hormonal cancers.
The Jewpill is disturbing when swallowed in its entirety and I kind of wish it weren't true.
This sadly.
History has shown woman will submit themselves to foreign men who have conquered their homelands and forsaken their heritage for petty survival.
that society as a whole does not value or have sympathy for men, only women
>implying they aren't
That blacks weren't so fucking stupid.
t. 90% black country
Where is the pic from? I recognize it!
The film Total Recall
Muslims really might have too many extremists to justify the moderates and it seems to just be getting worse.
The white race as we know it is going to go extinct. It will morph into a hispanic/black/muslim combination. Society is going to continue to operate by being totalitarian disguised as freedom/liberty. The right-wingers of today are the ones trying to preserve freedom/liberty/rights while the democrats embrace leftist fascism called Libertarianism. Democracy doesn't work because whoever controls the media controls the way the sheep are herded. We won't reach the bright future we once saw. Its faded away and once gone you begin to focus on your own mortality instead.
Huh... its almost like every generation goes through this process of idealistic when young and then lose hope and eventually die. really makes you think.
Oh right! The robotic cabbie! Thanks
Sandy Hook. whether the kids we're actually killed or they just faked it to try an pass gun reform its horrifying wither way
I believe the Rothschilde family is behind every single major and minor conflict on the globe.-
>I wish one single "family" didn't have that kind of power
>I wish I had taken the blue pill
>Cyrus was always right
That women on average are less capable of independent, rational thought.
Without them, socialism would have died a long time ago.
I really believe Harambe is dead. I wish he wasn't.
Can we confirm the Jewpill?
They hide it too well behind PC culture.
Used to get scared as fuck as a kid by that movie.
>decompression scene
>belly mutant
That a lot of white people genuinely want the white race to end
This is both sad and funny at the same time
>there's a difference between extremists and muslims
Watch and weep.
999 times out of a 1000, other people, whether family, "friends," or lovers, just make you weak and complacent.
Truly living life almost always demands loneliness.
I agree, unfortunately.
That cryonics probably won't work, all religions are lies, and I'm gonna get permakilled in maximim 70 years from now.
What makes it worse is humans are smart and rich enough to cure aging forever, but are too short-sighted to actually do it. I'm gonna die, and it's because people are stupid.
Mee too, friendo. Mee too. Then again I was scared shitless of the intro to The X-Files as well.
Sig heil my Anglo brother. I'll move to Perth if shit goes tits up here.
You have to rip people off to be successful.
That no matter how glorious of a utopia you build, the history has proven time and time again that the barbarians will always tear it down.
Dont ever give your love to a woman because you will get FUBAR'd
>humans are smart enough to cure aging forever
Lol, no we aren't ya nigger
too close to home for me broh enough Sup Forums tonight night everyone
It kinda reminds me of The Trueman Show.
Everything is staged to make us think everything is normal, when in fact its all a lie to keep us blind to reality.
Exept in reality it isnt just one guy who isn't in on it, but rather it is only a few (((guys))) who knows what is actually going on.
But imagine living long enough till everything you ever enjoyed bores you to *ayy* death.
Queen Boudicca wasn't a traitor. Fought the Romans and led a huge revolt against them.
The Mandela effect...
People think you're crazy.
That a woman will never love you like you love her
Sometimes both the conspiracy and the genocide are real
If it makes you feel any better somebody did the number crunching on immortality and the rate of fatal accidents. On average people would live until their 1000's before dying a horrible, horrible death
Red-pill is where low tier low-intellect losers go to get self-esteem.
actually this
>He unironically believes nigger pigeon videos
You just wew'd my lad
Close to home I guess but I genuinely wish there was some way for Aboriginals to get their shit together but all the evidence points to them being literal subhumans that can never contribute to a society who should probably have eradicated them a century ago.
white can't into extinction. Look at Hitler. Is the only thing whitie can't do; genocide.
Tell that to the Dodos
I feel bad for the Whites and Indians that actually have to put up with that.
The real red pill is that liberals are right about everything and we're just memeing ourselves. White people going extinct doesn't matter because race is skin deep.
t. shlomo
not if they are put in their place by men. The reasopn women are so slutty and out of control nowadays is because we let this happen. We gave them too much freedom
>The white race as we know it is going to go extinct. It will morph into a hispanic/black/muslim combination
yup. If you look at places like brazil it has already happened there. A nation full of dumb brown people and insane amounts of crime. that's what the future of American and Europe have to look forward to. Our nations that WE built destroyed because of mass immigration pushed on us by jews
>Traitorous to the group
I'm pretty sure they go for the strongest partner? I mean it makes sense biologically if woman choose the strongest male to mate with, I'm pretty sure you would seek out the strongest genes too if you had to put up with the life-threatening risk of holding that persons baby for 9months?
>History has shown woman will submit themselves to foreign men who have conquered their homelands
You mean they submit themselves to the stronger partner? What do you want them to do? mate with the dead corpses of their homeland males? do you even know what the fuck you're saying?
>Petty survival
wtf, our whole biology and evolution is based on the survival of our species, what do you want them to do, not get pregnant? You sound so dumb.